The BEST episodes directed by Arthur H. Nadel

Hall of Mirrors
28 votes

#1 - Hall of Mirrors

The Streets of San Francisco - Season 1 - Episode 7

Stone sets out to discover why a young detective seems to be absolutely convinced of a murder suspect's guilt for no apparent reason.

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The Takers
20 votes

#2 - The Takers

The Streets of San Francisco - Season 1 - Episode 10

The murders of a flight attendant and a nurse who were rooming together lead Stone and Keller to suspect a jewelry salesman and his wife.

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The Year of the Locusts
23 votes

#3 - The Year of the Locusts

The Streets of San Francisco - Season 1 - Episode 11

In their attempt to bring down a family of con artists who victimize entire neighborhoods, Stone and Keller are aided by dissension among the gang members.

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The Boss
18 votes

#4 - The Boss

Bonanza - Season 4 - Episode 33

Ben regrets that he helped Tom Slayden start a freight hauling business when Slayden sets out to ruin all the competition, and Joe is shot in the process.

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End of the Hunt
10 votes

#5 - End of the Hunt

The Rifleman - Season 5 - Episode 20

Lucas is thrown into jail to stop him from murdering an old enemy.

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4 votes

#6 - Beaumarchais

Daniel Boone - Season 4 - Episode 5

Boone guides a French ally, masquerading as an actor, who is traveling to Roanoke to buy guns for the Continental Army.

Requiem at Mission Springs
10 votes

#7 - Requiem at Mission Springs

The Rifleman - Season 5 - Episode 22

Lucas begins a trek to find a cure for Mark, who is paralyzed after a bad fall.

Hostages to Fortune
9 votes

#8 - Hostages to Fortune

The Rifleman - Season 5 - Episode 18

At Halloween, rustlers take advantage of the seasonal disguises to raid a cattle ranch.

Gun Shy
38 votes

#9 - Gun Shy

The Rifleman - Season 5 - Episode 11

Mark blames himself for a friend's accidental death.

The Assailants
37 votes

#10 - The Assailants

The Rifleman - Season 5 - Episode 7

An assassination plot unfolds as four gunmen disguised as cavalrymen enter North Fork. Their target: Sen. Jim Borden. Their weapon: a Gatling gun.

The Most Amazing Man
40 votes

#11 - The Most Amazing Man

The Rifleman - Season 5 - Episode 9

Fast-draw artist Wade Randall is less than anxious to display his prowess.

11 votes

#12 - Warbonnet

Bonanza - Season 13 - Episode 14

Joe is stranded in the desert when his mare falls and breaks her leg. He falls unconscious from exhaustion and lack of water, and is found near death by a Paiute named Swift Eagle. But instead of saving Joe, Swift Eagle steals his gun and goes back to the reservation. His grandfather, Chief Red Cloud, finds the gun and insists they return it and help the owner. Red Cloud cares for Joe until he gets his strength back and then orders Swift Eagle to take Joe into town. In town, Joe meets the most powerful man there, Frank Ryan, who showers Joe with hospitality. Joe feels indebted to both Red Cloud for saving his life, and to Frank Ryan for extending hospitality in an unfamiliar town. So when Red Cloud challenges Frank to a fight to the death, Joe tries desperately to keep the peace. The reason for the fight? Fifteen years ago, Frank took Red Cloud's warbonnet, and has been proudly displaying it ever since, on the wall in his saloon. Red Cloud, now an old man, must regain his honor before he dies.

Old Man Running (aka The Wanted Man)
8 votes

#13 - Old Man Running (aka The Wanted Man)

The Rifleman - Season 5 - Episode 24

Lucas, who blames his wife's death on his father-in-law, refuses to help the old man elude gunmen.

The Sixteenth Cousin
38 votes

#14 - The Sixteenth Cousin

The Rifleman - Season 5 - Episode 17

A Japanese nobleman seeks revenge when his servant is insulted.

No Drums, No Trumpets
4 votes

#15 - No Drums, No Trumpets

The Virginian - Season 4 - Episode 28

Starr with Trampas agrees to go to Mexico to check the security of a town where A US Senator and a Mexican Governor plan to sign a treat. All looks okay so Trampas leaves but Starr soon finds he is in the middle of an assassination plot.

Thou Shalt Not Kill
3 votes

#16 - Thou Shalt Not Kill

Shazam! - Season 1 - Episode 3

When a woman dies leaving instructions in her will to destroy her horse, Beckett, her niece tries to stop it. Captain Marvel and Mentor must help her save the horse while working within the law. Moral: Today you saw how someone tried to solve their problem by breaking the law, instead of working within the law. It's important for us to remember that laws are made to help us, and that when they stop helping us, they can be changed, legally.

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Pain, Pain, Go Away
0 votes

#17 - Pain, Pain, Go Away

Fat Albert and the Cosby Kids - Season 6 - Episode 1

The gang's friend, Darrell, has been feeling tired and sickly, but doesn't think he needs to see the school nurse or a doctor. A concerned Fat Albert speaks to Darrell's parents, who make him go to the hospital. It's discovered he has Hodgkin's disease, a form of cancer of the lymph nodes. But because it's in a localized area and it was detected early, it can be treated easily. Afterward, he and his parents express their gratitude to Fat Albert.

The New Father
0 votes

#18 - The New Father

Fat Albert and the Cosby Kids - Season 7 - Episode 5

After her father passed away, Buffy's mother recently started dating again and Mr. Haney is becoming more involved in their lives, much to Buffy's reluctance. She becomes further resistant when they announce they'll be getting married. Buffy runs away from home and hides out at the amusement park, even though it's closed. She winds up in danger as the gang track her down. Fortunately, Mr. Haney is able to save her in time and Buffy is willing to accept him as part of the family.

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Heads or Trails
0 votes

#19 - Heads or Trails

Fat Albert and the Cosby Kids - Season 6 - Episode 6

Weird Harold develops a gambling habit and tries to convince the gang to bet in a horse race. When they initially decline to contribute, Harold becomes an errand boy for Sheldon, a hustler, who promises to pay him. He's able to convince the others to join him, but Fat Albert refuses as he tries to talk sense into the gang. When the gang's sure bet loses, Weird Harold has to face the consequences for his actions as Sheldon has already since he was thrown in jail for his scams.

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The Badge
0 votes

#20 - The Badge

The High Chaparral - Season 4 - Episode 13

In a flashback sequence, John Cannon and brother Buck retrace their lives of years ago when lawman John captures Buck, who is wanted for bank robbery and murder. En route to town for trial, the brothers are followed by Buck's former partners, who are determined to see that the true story never is known.

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The Braggart
0 votes

#21 - The Braggart

Shazam! - Season 1 - Episode 13

After Alan tells a story about beating up a big guy using karate, his friends start to doubt that anything he's been telling them is true. Alan makes a big mistake and says that he's been inside the rhino exhibit at the zoo, and now he has to prove it, otherwise he has to find some new friends. Moral: Honesty is the best policy.

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