The BEST episodes directed by David Feiss

Driver's Sped
1 votes

#1 - Driver's Sped

I Am Weasel - Season 3 - Episode 9

I.R. takes a driving test and Weasel is his teacher! I.R. drives through the city ""Miami Vice""-style and wrecks it in progress therefore failing the test! But Weasel later finds out that I.R. was coming to get a poetic license since he made a lot of rhymes during the driving test! Red doesn't appear in this episode.

Rodeo Weasel
1 votes

#2 - Rodeo Weasel

I Am Weasel - Season 5 - Episode 24

Weasel is famous cowboy working in a rodeo in which Baboon is a clown. Cow and Chicken's teacher and her husband appear in this episode.

Honey I Are Home
1 votes

#3 - Honey I Are Home

I Am Weasel - Season 3 - Episode 8

I.R. is jealous of his neighbor Weasel because he has a better wife, kids job and house than him. Red's role: A woman who says that she's I.R's wife.

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Law of Gravity
3 votes

#4 - Law of Gravity

I Am Weasel - Season 1 - Episode 12

I.R. destroys the Law of Gravity (literally), which causes all lawyers to float (since they are the only ones that understand law).

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I Bee Weasel
1 votes

#5 - I Bee Weasel

I Am Weasel - Season 5 - Episode 21

Weasel and I.R. are worker bees, and our red-butt baboon wants to do a honey dance like all the other bees, but it soon results in further problems.

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I Are a Artiste
2 votes

#6 - I Are a Artiste

I Am Weasel - Season 5 - Episode 17

The Red Guy narrates the story of when Weasel and Baboon moved to Paris in 1909 to become famous artists.

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A Troo Storee
2 votes

#7 - A Troo Storee

I Am Weasel - Season 5 - Episode 23

Weasel's theory on monkeys typing Shakespeare goes wrong when almost every monkey involved walks out on him. However, he sees hope in the form of I.R. Baboon, who writes a book entitled "A Troo Storee," despite the fact that it lowers peoples' I.Q. level.

I Am Bush Pilot
3 votes

#8 - I Am Bush Pilot

I Am Weasel - Season 3 - Episode 4

Weasel is the captain of his own comercial plane, and must take a bunch of people up a river with I.R. as his co-pilot. Red's role: Stewardess... oh, all right, flight attendant.

The Legend of SailCat
38 votes

#9 - The Legend of SailCat

Cow and Chicken - Season 1 - Episode 24

Flem's Dad takes Chicken, Flem, and Earl on a camping trip in the woods. Cow shows up with Chicken's forgotten hairbrush, only to be kicked out by him, Flem and Earl. Flem's Dad then sings a ballad to the kids about a flattened cat, who can act like a frisbee, and cut things down like trees and trucks. Later that night, the kids find their cans of Sugar Frosted Weenies cut open by Sailcat.

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I Am Ambassador
3 votes

#10 - I Am Ambassador

I Am Weasel - Season 1 - Episode 10

Two dudes take a group of beavers hostage and Weasel must save them.

Squirt The Daisies
39 votes

#11 - Squirt The Daisies

Cow and Chicken - Season 1 - Episode 20

Cow and Chicken play at the arcade. The Red Guy persuades Chicken to play his new video game. Chicken is placed in a special chair, and fitted with special goggles, and he finds himself, virtually in the video games. He then finds himself the victim of a bunch of killer daises.

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The Bad News Plastic Surgeons
11 votes

#12 - The Bad News Plastic Surgeons

Cow and Chicken - Season 2 - Episode 21

Teacher is disappointed when the school's plastic surgery team has no championships, so she calls in The Red Guy, to be the new plastic surgery coach. Chicken and Cow immediately join the team, and are taken to the finals, where they must compete against real doctors, who are still in grade school.

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I. Architect
2 votes

#13 - I. Architect

I Am Weasel - Season 1 - Episode 13

An accident causes Weasel and I.R. to drop their brains.These get swapped while being unconscious.

I Am Vampire
1 votes

#14 - I Am Vampire

I Am Weasel - Season 3 - Episode 7

Weasel and Baboon are a pair of friendly vampires who drink only canned blood and are just looking for a fun little night on the town in Pantsylvania. But someone should try telling that to the vampire hunter Dr. von Smellstein, who's out to get our heroes! Red's role: Dr. Von Smellstein.

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A Tree Story
1 votes

#15 - A Tree Story

I Am Weasel - Season 3 - Episode 10

The trees decide to rebel against humans after I.R. chops one. Red doesn't appear in this episode.

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Dessert Island
2 votes

#16 - Dessert Island

I Am Weasel - Season 3 - Episode 5

Weasel and I.R. end up stranded on an island made entirely of confectionaries. Flem and Earl make cameo appearances at the end of this episode.

Take I.R. Out to the Ballgame
1 votes

#17 - Take I.R. Out to the Ballgame

I Am Weasel - Season 5 - Episode 20

IR and Weasel go to a baseball game and Weasel wants to watch all of it, but IR will make sure that that doesn't happen.

I Stand Corrected
1 votes

#18 - I Stand Corrected

I Am Weasel - Season 3 - Episode 3

Weasel and I.R. are sent to a correctional institute were everyone is forced to wear stupid corrective devices. Red's role: I.R.'s lawyer and the warden of the correctional institute.

He Said, He Said.
1 votes

#19 - He Said, He Said.

I Am Weasel - Season 3 - Episode 13

Weasel tells his story to psiquiatrist Sigmund Fraud about his mishaps with I.R., at the same time I.R. is telling his own mishaps with Weasel in the room next door. Red's role: Psiquiatrist (actually, Psicotic) Professor Sigmund Fraud.

I Are Legend
1 votes

#20 - I Are Legend

I Am Weasel - Season 5 - Episode 27

Weasel, I.R. and The Red Guy are believed to be the last beings on Earth, until they discover that everybodys been watching their show... where it turns out that Baboon is really the star!

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Fred: Last of the Idiots
1 votes

#21 - Fred: Last of the Idiots

I Am Weasel - Season 5 - Episode 18

Weasel and Baboon are on an expedition to capture a wild, dim-witted savage named Fred. When they manage to capture him, Weasel, however, cannot understand his unusual language.

I.R. Do
1 votes

#22 - I.R. Do

I Am Weasel - Season 3 - Episode 11

I.R. is getting married with a hyena, but it happens that she ran away with a German, hairless chihuahua. Red's role: A guest at I.R.'s wedding.

I Are Good Dog
1 votes

#23 - I Are Good Dog

I Am Weasel - Season 3 - Episode 12

A kid adopts Weasel and I.R. as his pet dogs.

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I Are Bellhop
1 votes

#24 - I Are Bellhop

I Am Weasel - Season 5 - Episode 19

Weasel works at a hotel as the manager, whereas I.R. is his incompetent bellhop. However, Weasel needs to rely on I.R's help when an acclaimed cannibal actor (The Red Guy) wants to eat him for dinner.

I Am Dragon Slayer
2 votes

#25 - I Am Dragon Slayer

I Am Weasel - Season 5 - Episode 26

It's the Middle Ages, and Weasel and I.R. are looking for a dragon to slay.

Cow Loves Piles
39 votes

#26 - Cow Loves Piles

Cow and Chicken - Season 1 - Episode 22

Cow buys the new Piles the Beaver Doll, and takes him to the carnival with her. When he's catapaulted into the air, she then goes on a wild goose chase all over the carnival just to catch him.

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Perpetual Energy
9 votes

#27 - Perpetual Energy

Cow and Chicken - Season 2 - Episode 24

Cow and Chicken mess with a Junior Chemistry Set, and created perpetual energy, a beam of energy that keeps on going forever. The Red Guy kidnaps Cow and Chicken to recreate the energy, so he can win a trip to up North without having to sell Military Scout Cookies. I Am Weasel: ""My Friend, the Smart Banana''

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Bad Chicken
12 votes

#28 - Bad Chicken

Cow and Chicken - Season 2 - Episode 25

Cow and Chicken are sent to the copy room to make copies of the pop quiz. They then get carried away by making copies of their butts, and themselves: causing the copier to blow up. Cow and Chicken run down to the local officer supply store, while The Red Guy brings a copy of Chicken to life. The Chicken copy then causes chaos all over school, while Cow and the real Chicken try to destroy it.

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Time Machine
46 votes

#29 - Time Machine

Cow and Chicken - Season 1 - Episode 14

Cow and Chicken go to the arcade, and play the time machine. They find themselves back in a deserted time, where The Red Guy introduces them to the primortial soup. But when Cow accidentally drops her quarter into it, everyone in the present time has quarters for heads. Cow and Chicken must go back into time again to stop her.

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Free Inside
39 votes

#30 - Free Inside

Cow and Chicken - Season 2 - Episode 15

Chicken finds a credit card as his ""free inside prize"". Dad tells him that with the credit card, he can buy all the neat stuff he wants. So Cow and Chicken run down to the weenie emporium, where he learns he can only buy products with the value of 25 cents or less. With that, he buys a stick of weenie bubblegum for 20 cents, then The Red Guy shows up to collect his 5 cent interest.

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The Hole
3 votes

#31 - The Hole

I Am Weasel - Season 3 - Episode 2

Weasel comes to investigate the world's largest hole, same hole I.R. tries to fill with cement. Red doesn't appear in this episode.

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101 Uses for Cow & Chicken
13 votes

#32 - 101 Uses for Cow & Chicken

Cow and Chicken - Season 3 - Episode 19

Chicken starts to mess with a pricing gun in the super market, and then starts getting carried away. Soon, Cow and Chicken inevidibly have price tags stuck on them. Red Guy assumes they're for sale, and buys them...but doesn't know exactly how to put them to use.

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Meet Lance Sackless
13 votes

#33 - Meet Lance Sackless

Cow and Chicken - Season 2 - Episode 19

Cow and Chicken decide to get on Canada's Funniest Home Vidiots; so they glue each other to their heads, and send the tape in. They then meet the host of the show, The Red Guy (who portrays Lance Sackless). After Cow and Chicken win the grandprize, The Red Guy trashes them with insults about how stupid they look, so Super Cow takes out The Red Guy.

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Who's Afraid of the Dark?
10 votes

#34 - Who's Afraid of the Dark?

Cow and Chicken - Season 2 - Episode 20

Mom and Dad are upset that Cow and Chicken aren't afraid of the dark, so they call in a specialist on fear: The Red Guy (who portrays Dr. Lackslacks). He tries everyway he can to make Cow and Chicken afraid, only succeeding in making himself afraid of everything.

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Lost At Sea
9 votes

#35 - Lost At Sea

Cow and Chicken - Season 3 - Episode 22

Flem and Earl find themselves lost in the middle of an ocean near the equator. They fear their lives are short, and begin reminescing about their fun lives: home coming, water boys, mentally challenged, eating cheese in Yurp, running with the bulls in Pimplelotta, singing drinking songs in Germany, and having love for Cow. I am Weasel: ""I.R. Do""

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Journey to the Center of Cow
13 votes

#36 - Journey to the Center of Cow

Cow and Chicken - Season 2 - Episode 16

Chicken turns 11, and is allowed to operate the food catapault. So he feeds Cow with pork butts, but when his sleeve gets caught in the catapault, he ends up getting swallowed by Cow. With that, Mom and Dad take her to The Red Guy, who tries to get Chicken out of Cow's cavernous abdimen.

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Child Star
11 votes

#37 - Child Star

Cow and Chicken - Season 2 - Episode 23

Amateur director Ivan Panced (The Red Guy) hold auditions for the role of ""Pretty Little Girl"" in his new movie with the same name. Cow wins the role by being the only girl who can't puddle dance. Cow's performance is charming, and well as tear-jerking: the horror is yet to come as the cameraman discovers he forgot to put the film in the camera.

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Piano Lessons
8 votes

#38 - Piano Lessons

Cow and Chicken - Season 4 - Episode 22

Red Guy shows up at Cow and Chicken's house again, this time claiming to be a piano teacher. So now Cow and Chicken are his students, and tries to make them child-prodigy piano players, so he can be rich. Cow and Chicken's concert fails.

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Stay Awake
10 votes

#39 - Stay Awake

Cow and Chicken - Season 2 - Episode 26

Chicken rushes through breakfast, and accidentally eats a box full of coffee flakes. He then goes crazy and has trouble getting to sleep. On his third night of no sleep, Chicken then runs up the Empire State Building. Super Cow shoots him with warm milk, and Chicken finally falls asleep.

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The Karate Chick
11 votes

#40 - The Karate Chick

Cow and Chicken - Season 2 - Episode 17

After Chicken's beak is bruised by Dick, his school bully, Mom and Dad send him to karate lessons. Chicken takes up butt-fu from The Red Guy, but when Chicken still is unable to beat up Dick, Chicken decides to force a refund (with help from an invisible Super Cow).

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Field Trip to Folsom Prison
204 votes

#41 - Field Trip to Folsom Prison

Cow and Chicken - Season 1 - Episode 1

Cow and Chicken's class takes a field trip to Folsom Prison. There, Chicken changes place with a prisoner, and causes riots by pantsing guards, and demands Pork Butts and Taters for lunch, while the prisoner, Rhode Island Red, pretends to be Chicken. Cow sees through this, and under Super Cow, returns Red, and rescues Chicken.

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Magic Chicken
7 votes

#42 - Magic Chicken

Cow and Chicken - Season 4 - Episode 16

Chicken hosts his own magic show, and his assitant is Cow. He amazes Flem and Earl, by makings a porkbutt float, Flem's under appear outside his pants, switching Earl's braces to Flem, bird fly from under Earl's hat, and Cow's udder dsiappear. But when he is unable to make her udder reappear, he has no choice but to place reward posters. Meanwhile, Red Guy is enjoying his newfound milk producing body part. I am Weasel: ""I Am Whale Captain""

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The Cow with Four Eyes
39 votes

#43 - The Cow with Four Eyes

Cow and Chicken - Season 1 - Episode 16

Cow has a new pair of glasses, and suddenly becomes the smartest person in school. Chicken decides that two can play at that game and gets glasses himself, but since he already has perfect vision, the glasses make everything look blurry. He soon becomes the new smartest kid in class. Because of his new intellect, he is placed in charge of tearing down the new ""dungeon"", which was really a new indoor swimming pool.

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Cow's A Beauty
8 votes

#44 - Cow's A Beauty

Cow and Chicken - Season 4 - Episode 21

Red Guy shows up at Cow and Chicken's house, claiming to be a beauty pagent scout. He then dolls up Cow, and enters her into the next beauty pagent. While Cow literally makes a mochrie up on stage, she wins anyway with her inner beauty. Cow then discovers that it was all a scam so Red Guy could wear the tiarara, and hold the roses, at least just once.

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The King and Queen of Cheese
63 votes

#45 - The King and Queen of Cheese

Cow and Chicken - Season 1 - Episode 26

Cow goes to Arkansas to meet The Red Guy, who is trying to become the King and Queen of Cheese. The problem is that his method of making cheese is sucking the cheese out of things such as buckets, water towers, weasels, haystacks, silos, grandmas, horses, dogs, lizards, hyenas, ducks, and now Cow. Chicken rescues Cow and the other animals, who then turn the cheese suckers to The Red Guy.

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10 votes

#46 - P.E.

Cow and Chicken - Season 3 - Episode 14

P.E. Chicken, Flem, and Earl are finally 6th graders, and are ready for their first day at junior high. Once in their gym class they find it difficult to put up with a strict P.E. teacher, and bully twins.

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Cow and Chicken Reclining
38 votes

#47 - Cow and Chicken Reclining

Cow and Chicken - Season 2 - Episode 14

Dad is sick of his high-tech reecliner always malfunctioning, so he decides to dump it. Before he does, Cow and Chicken decide to see what it's like to sit in ""The Chair"". They, and they get stuck, and are taken away to museums, and in stolen vans, and finally back at home, where Dad waits for his ""new chair"".

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The Day I was Born
12 votes

#48 - The Day I was Born

Cow and Chicken - Season 3 - Episode 17

Cow wonders about the day she was born. Chicken tells her she was adopted, Mom tells her that the stork delivered her, Dad said they found her in a cabbage, Teacher says she hatched from an egg, and Red Guy says he delivered her.

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The Exchange Stüdent
12 votes

#49 - The Exchange Stüdent

Cow and Chicken - Season 2 - Episode 22

The neighboring county of Montzerellaville is in the middle of a Holy Cheese War. One of their own, Slappy McCracken, is part of the exchange student program. He and Cow fall head over heals for each other. Cow then decides to stop the cheese war by proving that cheese isn't used for weapons, it's used for food.

The Laughing Puddle
40 votes

#50 - The Laughing Puddle

Cow and Chicken - Season 2 - Episode 2

Chicken, Flem, and Earl play a game of kickball. Cow's udders kick the ball into the bushes, where Chicken, Flem and Earl discover a laughing puddle. After Flem and Chicken run back out, they forget the ball, and go back to discover that Earl is in the puddle. Chicken sends Flem after him, and he is stuck too. Chicken then gets Mom and Dad, who jump into the puddle, and Chicken drops Cow in there to save everyone. Chicken is then the only one left, until he discovers the puddle is a doorway to Boneless Chicken's nightclub.

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