The BEST episodes directed by Gary Graham

Dark Horizon (2)
73 votes

#1 - Dark Horizon (2)

X-Men: Evolution - Season 3 - Episode 13

As all the monsters in the tomb attack, the teammates fight to survive and find a way out.

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Day of Reckoning (2)
75 votes

#2 - Day of Reckoning (2)

X-Men: Evolution - Season 2 - Episode 17

The Brotherhood and X-Men arrive where Magneto is with his new allies.

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Cruise Control
75 votes

#3 - Cruise Control

X-Men: Evolution - Season 3 - Episode 10

The X-Men are on vacation with Storm as their guardian. Amara falls ill while on the ship.

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The Toad, the Witch, and the Wardrobe
84 votes

#4 - The Toad, the Witch, and the Wardrobe

X-Men: Evolution - Season 3 - Episode 7

Wanda receives a clue from one of Magneto's minions, Pyro, directing her to a ski resort. Meanwhile, Kurt is meeting Amanda's parents for the first time, and the Toad believes he can use Kurt's holo-inducer to disguise himself and win Wanda's love.

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Operation Rebirth
82 votes

#5 - Operation Rebirth

X-Men: Evolution - Season 2 - Episode 14

Magneto steals the remaints of the top secret "Rebirth" project, a project Wolverine helped shut down all the way back in World War II.

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Day of Recovery
90 votes

#6 - Day of Recovery

X-Men: Evolution - Season 3 - Episode 1

The X-Men and Brotherhood deal with the after math of the world finding out about mutants. Mystique, diguised as Professor X, manages to blow up the Insitute. Some of the X-Men and Brotherhood were captured, leaving the mutants that escaped to find them and the Professor.

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80 votes

#7 - Impact

X-Men: Evolution - Season 4 - Episode 1

Magneto ruthlessly hunts Apocalypse, but the X-Men aren't so eager. When nothing can be done about Mystique, the professor gives her to the Brotherhood. Much to Rogue's objection, Kurt brings it back. When the two fight, Kurt sees a tear. Jean discovers Apocalypse in Mexico, and the professor, Cyclops, Jean, Shadowcat, Beast, & Wolverine go to investigate. They try to be peaceful, but Magneto attacks. Apocalypse defeats him with ease, and appears to kill him. Back in Bayville, Kurt has Wanda contact Agatha. Rogue finds the two meeting, and Agatha tells her that she's the only one who can save her mother. Kurt begs her to do the right thing, but Rogue knocks the statue off the cliff. It shatters before Kurt can teleport down to it, and Rogue just walks away.

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African Storm
88 votes

#8 - African Storm

X-Men: Evolution - Season 2 - Episode 7

An African witch-doctor comes to the institute to steal Storm's powers while she is faced with the decision to send Evan back to his parents.

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The Beast of Bayville
141 votes

#9 - The Beast of Bayville

X-Men: Evolution - Season 2 - Episode 5

The kids get worried when the normally cool and collected teacher Hank McCoy starts having fits of animal rage.

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The HeX Factor
85 votes

#10 - The HeX Factor

X-Men: Evolution - Season 2 - Episode 15

Mystique breaks a mysterious young girl out of an asylum and brings her to the Brotherhood House.

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Power Surge
85 votes

#11 - Power Surge

X-Men: Evolution - Season 2 - Episode 3

Jean's abilities start growing in sudden bursts. At first she tries to ignore it, but with each burst she has increasing trouble regaining control. Meanwhile the school gets a new science/phys. ed. teacher.

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The Stuff of Villains
79 votes

#12 - The Stuff of Villains

X-Men: Evolution - Season 3 - Episode 4

Wanda goes searching for Pietro. Meanwhile the brotherhood's members are expelled from school, much to Lance's dismay.

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The Cauldron (1)
95 votes

#13 - The Cauldron (1)

X-Men: Evolution - Season 1 - Episode 12

As mysterious metal pods appear, picking up the mutants one at a time, Cerebro detects a new mutant in Hawaii: Alex Summers - Scott's believed to be deceased brother.

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Day of Reckoning (1)
83 votes

#14 - Day of Reckoning (1)

X-Men: Evolution - Season 2 - Episode 16

Wolverine suddenly vanishes, as the Brotherhood members team up with the X-Men to defeat Magneto.

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Survival of the Fittest
94 votes

#15 - Survival of the Fittest

X-Men: Evolution - Season 1 - Episode 9

While the X-Men are at a summer camp, learning survival training, Mystique releases Cain Marko - the unstoppable Juggernaut - in hopes of getting his help in obtaining Xavier's mutant location system.

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Sins of the Son
80 votes

#16 - Sins of the Son

X-Men: Evolution - Season 4 - Episode 4

David Haller, Xavier's son, who has lived away from his father's knowledge, contacts him seeking help. He has been kidnapped by a man called Lucas. Xavier, Jean, Scott and Storm travel to Scotland where Xavier's ex-wife lives with David and a street boy called Ian. When Ian leaves the house, Jean follows him and is kidnapped by Lucas. Scott tracks them to an old castle in ruins where teenagers throw parties and gets captured. Xavier and David's mother find Ian and with his help, they get to the castle and face the boys there while Jean, Scott and David escape. David meets his father for the first time, and he reveals he is actually Ian. Lucas, too, by turning into Ian first and later into Lucas. His multiple personalities change his appearence every time. Xavier enters in his son's mind trying to erase Ian and Lucas, but fails and Lucas is the only one left who disappears in the sky. Meanwhile, at Bayville, Kitty and Kurt are way too sick to go to school.

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Ghost of a Chance
80 votes

#17 - Ghost of a Chance

X-Men: Evolution - Season 4 - Episode 7

Kitty is saved from a rockslide by a mutant girl named Danielle Moonstar. Danielle quickly joins the institute, but immediately causes trouble during a training session when she causes the nightmares of Jean, Kurt, and Kitty to come true. That night, Logan, Professor X, and Storm also have powerful nightmares, worrying Kitty that her new friend will be expelled from the institute. When Kitty wakes up the next morning, Danielle isn't there -- and when she asks, nobody has even heard of her. Kitty is determined to find Danielle Moonstar, and follows a path of strange messages that only she is receiving to her location.

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Speed and Spyke
105 votes

#18 - Speed and Spyke

X-Men: Evolution - Season 1 - Episode 5

Ororo's nephew starts exhibiting mutant powers, but he's more interested in settling a rivalry with a fellow mutant than hearing about a ""school for freaks"".

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The X-Impulse
131 votes

#19 - The X-Impulse

X-Men: Evolution - Season 1 - Episode 2

15-year-old Kitty Pryde wakes up one day and finds herself able to walk though objects. She tries to ignore it, but finds that hard when she's approached by Jean Grey and a mutant trouble maker, who both say they know what she's going through and want to help her. Meanwhile Wolverine's old nemesis, Sabertooth, arrives in town - looking for trouble.

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