The BEST episodes directed by Mikkel Nørgaard

False S*** Alert
67 votes

#1 - False S*** Alert

Klovn - Season 6 - Episode 10

Frank, Mia, Casper and Iben have gone on a ski holiday over the New Year, and quite by chance they meet Pivert and Bodil. During a pleasant moment, the talk falls on orgasm, and it dawns on everyone that Mia has never had an orgasm with Frank. Casper thinks Frank needs to be free for Mia so she can get really comfortable with him. The courtship is planned down to the smallest detail, but Frank gets to create a shitty situation, and that is not the best starting point for a happy ending.

I Think it's a Sign
479 votes

#2 - I Think it's a Sign

Good Behavior - Season 2 - Episode 4

Letty and Javier are looking at a lifetime in prison, but a confluence of bizarre circumstances just might provide them a window of opportunity to con their way out.

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What is Lost Inwardly Must Be Gained Outwardly (2)
357 votes

#3 - What is Lost Inwardly Must Be Gained Outwardly (2)

Borgen - Season 2 - Episode 8

The eyes of the world are on Copenhagen and Birgitte Nyborg as peace talks draw near between North and South Kharun. Everyone has been working around the clock, and although Kasper is now living with Katrine, they rarely see each other. When Birgitte realizes Denmark is only a small piece in a major international power game, her negotiation skills are put to the test. Can she end the bloody civil war?

See No Evil, Hear No Evil, Speak No Evil
310 votes

#4 - See No Evil, Hear No Evil, Speak No Evil

Borgen - Season 1 - Episode 7

The discovery of illegal surveillance of a left-wing party brings into question the prime minister's friendship with the party's spokeswoman as well as her faith in her own minister of justice.

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Beautiful Things Deserve Beautiful Things
901 votes

#5 - Beautiful Things Deserve Beautiful Things

Good Behavior - Season 1 - Episode 5

Desperate to escape the mess she inadvertently made in her hometown, Letty Raines rejoins Javier on the road. He's on the way to see his sister Ava, who has information about the mysterious phone calls Javier has been getting from his estranged family. Christian tracks Letty down to arrest her, but Letty turns the tables and pulls Christian into a scheme of her own making.

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What is Lost Inwardly Must Be Gained Outwardly (1)
330 votes

#6 - What is Lost Inwardly Must Be Gained Outwardly (1)

Borgen - Season 2 - Episode 7

Birgitte's government is losing steam -- internal differences are growing and only compromise legislation is being passed. Just as opinion polls indicate Birgitte may lose the next election, financier Joachim Crohne emerges with an idea that could save her political career. But can his motives be trusted? Meanwhile, Kasper and Katrine are growing close again, but their jobs are at odds: Katrine's role is to uncover secrets, while Kasper's is to conceal them.

The Silly Season
403 votes

#7 - The Silly Season

Borgen - Season 1 - Episode 8

While the prime minister tries to take a family vacation, the publication of a tell-all by a former politician puts spin doctor Kasper Juul on the edge.

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The Heart Attack Is the Best Way
548 votes

#8 - The Heart Attack Is the Best Way

Good Behavior - Season 2 - Episode 1

With Jacob finally in their custody, Letty and Javier settle in a quaint beach town. Only, Letty is still stealing and Javier is still killing. When a hit goes wrong for Javier, and he discovers someone is trying to kill him, Letty is forced to face the reality of being in a relationship with a hitman while trying to lead a “normal” life.

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For You I'd Go with Strawberry
786 votes

#9 - For You I'd Go with Strawberry

Good Behavior - Season 1 - Episode 9

Sean's attempt at getting custody of Jacob causes Letty to falter in a weak moment that could drive a permanent wedge between her and Javier. Christian presents Letty with a legitimate opportunity that could change her life.

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Stay Beautiful
410 votes

#10 - Stay Beautiful

Good Behavior - Season 2 - Episode 8

Javier takes on one of the strangest and most gruesome jobs he has ever done. Letty goes further down a rabbit hole until she finds herself at rock bottom.

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All That Was Lost
400 votes

#11 - All That Was Lost

Truth Be Told (2019) - Season 1 - Episode 8

Poppy enlists an unlikely ally in her hunt. The events of Halloween 1999 are revealed.

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4 votes

#12 - Trøstepagten

Langt fra Las Vegas - Season 4 - Episode 9

Casper og Liva indgår en trøstepagt, hvor de trøster hinanden ved hjælp af sex. Livas fjerne slægtning er død og trøstepagten træder i kraft. Casper bliver mere og mere desperat for at blive trøstet. Til sidst brækker han med vilje sin hånd. Kenny har problemer med sine tissemandshår. De klør. Han forsøger at klippe dem i vatter, men det hjælper ikke. Casper bliver efterhånden træt af at høre om problemet.

No Cross, No Crown
424 votes

#13 - No Cross, No Crown

Truth Be Told (2019) - Season 1 - Episode 4

Poppy and Markus trace their prime suspect's movements on the night of the murder.

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575 votes

#14 - Monster

Truth Be Told (2019) - Season 1 - Episode 1

While reviewing an old case, Poppy comes face-to-face with the man she put away.

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Last Exit...Oakland
198 votes

#15 - Last Exit...Oakland

Truth Be Told (2019) - Season 2 - Episode 10

Grappling with the aftermath of the attack, Poppy interviews Micah on her podcast and gets to the bottom of the case.

Her, Armed With Sorrow Sore
142 votes

#16 - Her, Armed With Sorrow Sore

Truth Be Told (2019) - Season 3 - Episode 2

Poppy takes the investigation into her own hands and grapples with whether she can trust Eva.

29 votes

#17 - DVD-aftener

Langt fra Las Vegas - Season 5 - Episode 2

Buckingham har besluttet af personalet på Jump Star skal have uniformer på når de arbejder. Liva og Kenny holder konkurrence om hvem der kan forstå flest fremmedord. Casper kan ikke forstå at Liva ikke kan lide "En vild pjækkedag". Kenny mener ikke at Liva forstår filmen.

Other People’s Tears Are Only Water
287 votes

#18 - Other People’s Tears Are Only Water

Truth Be Told (2019) - Season 2 - Episode 1

Poppy attends an art exhibit for her friend, successful lifestyle guru Micah Keith—but it ends in a shocking tragedy.

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Unto the Sweet Bird's Throat
160 votes

#19 - Unto the Sweet Bird's Throat

Truth Be Told (2019) - Season 3 - Episode 1

Poppy focuses her next podcast on the neglected issue of missing Black girls in Oakland as she tries to locate a friend’s teen daughter.

Hvem ka' Lie Kaas
28 votes

#20 - Hvem ka' Lie Kaas

Langt fra Las Vegas - Season 5 - Episode 4

Liva og Casper diskuterer Michael Berthelsen eller Nikolaj Lie Kaas, hvem er bedst? Kim vil skifte navn for at blive gift. Hun vil hedde Niels Buckingham for at få succes! Lisa synes det lyder som en meget dårlig ide. Robert har tappet vand direkte fra vandhanen og da han læser at en kvinde ved navn Lisa Bremer Harris er død, tror han at han er skyld i mord.

28 votes

#21 - Picaspero

Langt fra Las Vegas - Season 5 - Episode 5

Niels installerer et solarium, således at han kan følge med i kvindernes menstruationscyklus. Kenny har ikke været ved tandlægen i 21 år og får stor bøjle på tænderne. Liva er begyndt at male, men da billederne er frygtelige er det egentlig Casper der laver malerierne.

29 votes

#22 - Herretur

Langt fra Las Vegas - Season 5 - Episode 8

Casper og Liva er uenig om ferien. Casper vil på campingtur og aftaler en weekendtur med Kenny. Liva vil have at de skal låne hendes fars telt. Mogens kommer til København for at forklare Casper og Kenny hvordan teltet skal slås op. Den ender med at Mogens også skal med på turen.

28 votes

#23 - Kammeratstolen

Langt fra Las Vegas - Season 4 - Episode 10

Casper og Liva er efterhånden mere end bare gode venner. Casper synes at Liva skal tage nogle ting med over i hans lejlighed, men hun afslår. Casper beslutter at lade Kenny flytte ind i lejligheden. Kenny bliver glad og rykker snart ind med potteplante. Han indkøber også en kammeratstol. Liva trækker dog fortsat i Casper og efterhånden er Kenny i vejen. Kenny ser ingenting, så det ender med at Casper må fortælle Kenny, at han ikke mere er ønsket i lejligheden. Kenny har i mellemtiden solgt sin egen lejlighed.

28 votes

#24 - Onani

Langt fra Las Vegas - Season 5 - Episode 6

Liva overrasker Casper mens han onanerer. Liva bliver gal, mens Casper mener det er Liva der er unormal. Da Livas forældre er på besøg spørger hun dem om onani og faste parforhold. Mogens benægter, mens Vibeke mener at det er helt naturligt. Buckingham vil have en kage hos Le Glace opkaldt efter ham. Problemet er bare at man skal være død for at få opkaldt en kage efter sig.

Arrivederci Kenny
29 votes

#25 - Arrivederci Kenny

Langt fra Las Vegas - Season 4 - Episode 7

Kennys kusine fra Italien kommer på besøg. Problemet for Kenny er bare at han har sendt hende et billede af Casper og fortalt at han er en kendt komiker. Kenny får overtalt Casper til at spille Kenny overfor kusinen. Casper bliver meget glad, da han ser hvor dejlig kusinen ser ud. Sammen har de det sjovt indtil det bliver for meget for Kenny.

Kim og femidomet
29 votes

#26 - Kim og femidomet

Langt fra Las Vegas - Season 5 - Episode 9

Casper vil tage erotiske billeder af Liva. Kim og Kenny har ondt af sig selv. Det ender med at de kysser hinanden. Kenny bliver herefter helt besat af Kim. Liva skal afhente de erotiske billeder og pludselig kommer Casper i tanke om at filmen indeholder erotiske billeder af Anne. Dette får følger!

27 votes

#27 - Nestor

Langt fra Las Vegas - Season 4 - Episode 8

Liva får en ny kæreste og Casper er meget jaloux. Kæresten er osteimportør og ved alt om oste. Casper synes han lugter og er for gammel til Liva. Liva forsvarer sin nye kæreste mere end hun egentlig bryder sig om, men Casper skal ikke tro noget. Samtidig har Kenny travlt med at spille bordtennis. Det er ok for Casper, da han altid vinder. Casper kan til gengæld ikke slå Livas kæreste. Robert har glemt at aflevere et videobånd til Blockbuster og idømmes en passende straf: at spole videobånd tilbage.

Den forsølvede barnesko
27 votes

#28 - Den forsølvede barnesko

Langt fra Las Vegas - Season 5 - Episode 3

Liva har været væk en uge og Casper vil gerne have sex. Liva har travlt og inden de når at være sammen kommer Livas mor. Det ender med konflikt i hjemmet da Liva opdager Casper og sin mor i ægtesengen. Robert skal prøve en masse toiletpapir for Buckingham.

Who's your daddy
1 votes

#29 - Who's your daddy

Langt fra Las Vegas - Season 5 - Episode 7

Casper mistænkes for at være far til Jeanettes barn. Kenny virker lidt underlig, da Casper fortæller om opholdet i Nyborg. Casper skal afleverer en prøve at sit tis. Han spørger Kenny om hjælp. Robert vinder et par bryster og forsøger at sælge dem.

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Et fister øjeblik
27 votes

#30 - Et fister øjeblik

Langt fra Las Vegas - Season 5 - Episode 10

Casper har problemer med erektionen og Kenny har pludselig fået et godt sex-liv. Casper mener selvfølgelig at det er uretfærdigt. Liva beslutter at spørge Mogens om hjælp og Casper får ordineret viagra. Kenny er meget jaloux og tror Kim har en affære med både Niels og Robert. Niels er træt at alle sine medarbejdere og beslutter sig for at fyre dem alle. Men helt så let går det ikke.