The BEST episodes directed by Ralph Senensky

The Dog Who Knew Too Much
3 votes

#1 - The Dog Who Knew Too Much

Hart to Hart - Season 5 - Episode 15

Jennifer and Jennifer are stalked by dangerous industrial spies after they are entrusted with a dog that happens to be carrying a valuable biogenetic formula.

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Highland Fling
4 votes

#2 - Highland Fling

Hart to Hart - Season 5 - Episode 9

Jonathan and Jennifer's delightful excursion to the Scottish Highland games is laced with danger when Jennifer becomes the target of a man who is her rival for leadership of a world-famous clan.

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Always, Elizabeth
3 votes

#3 - Always, Elizabeth

Hart to Hart - Season 5 - Episode 21

The Harts and Max fear for their lives when the debt-ridden brother of Max's penpal believes Max is rich and comes to steal some of his fortune.

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The Chauffeur Tells a Secret
44 votes

#4 - The Chauffeur Tells a Secret

Dynasty - Season 1 - Episode 7

Michael still tries to win back Fallon and tells Blake about Cecil and Fallon's agreement. Blake and Fallon argues about this. Steven is taunted on the job for being gay. Lindsay has a boy over to study, he tries to put the moves on her and she gets upset and runs off. Blake wants to have a child with Krystle. Matthew invites Steven to a dinner party at his house. In the end Steven and Claudia secretly start kissing.

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When the Wind Blows
3 votes

#5 - When the Wind Blows

The Fugitive - Season 3 - Episode 15

In rural Wyoming, Kimble seeks refuge from the local constable at a small hotel run by Lois Carter, a young widow whom hires him as a handyman. Kimble soon befriends Lois' son Kenny, a particularly sensitive young boy whom protects Kimble from the police when they arrive looking for him.

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Murder Once Removed
5 votes

#6 - Murder Once Removed

Barnaby Jones - Season 3 - Episode 15

When her rich father-in-law R.B. Catlin repudiates her, Melissa kills him in a boating accident. His sister Meg hires Barnaby. When the family reunites at the opening of the will, Arthur, Melissa's brother-in-law, recognizes her as party girl Melinda.

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The Train
31 votes

#7 - The Train

Mission: Impossible - Season 1 - Episode 24

Prime Minister Larya of Svardia is working to establish democracy, but is unaware that his personal protege, Deputy Premier Pavel, plans to set up a dictatorship. The team must persuade Larya of Pavel's plans. The IMF fakes a train ride for Larya, Pavel, and Pavel's aide Androv. They then fake a crash, put Androv and Pavel in a fake hospital, and tell them that Larya is dead. They immediately begin plans to eliminate anymemory of Larya and start arresting dissidents. Then the hospital wall slides away to reveal that Larya has heard the whole thing, and dismisses them both.

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Slam Dunk
4 votes

#8 - Slam Dunk

Hart to Hart - Season 5 - Episode 19

Jonathan and Jennifer pose as a professor and a student in a dangerous scheme to expose the person responsible for the drug framing of Max's nephew, a college basketball star.

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An Apple a Day
2 votes

#9 - An Apple a Day

The Fugitive - Season 3 - Episode 8

Running from the police, Kimble hides out at a farm owned by a local country doctor, named Josephus Adams, whom treats his patients with little more than a dose of honey and a reassuring word. After one elderly woman under Adams care dies from a protracted bronchial infection, an angry Kimble intervenes and tries to help the patients. But in the meantime, Adams' wife, Marianne, stumbles upon Kimble's identity and tries to use that to her own advantage. When Dr. Adams teenage niece, Sharon, falls into a coma after having an alergic reaction to bee stings, Kimble risks his freedom to take her away from Adams to a hospital for treatment.

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Printer's Devil
258 votes

#10 - Printer's Devil

The Twilight Zone - Season 4 - Episode 9

The owner of a failing paper is given help by the Devil.

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Guess Who's Coming to Drive?
5 votes

#11 - Guess Who's Coming to Drive?

The Partridge Family - Season 2 - Episode 12

Reuben brings the schedule for the Partridge Family summer tour and Shirley does not like the prospect of driving for two months. They decide to hire a driver. Most of the people who answer the ad are lousy drivers... until Johnny Burnhardt comes along. He helps them fix the bus and then is interviewed by the family. They tell him he's hired. Danny begins to notice that Johnny is doing some strange things on the road. He makes lots of phone calls, looking around to see that no one is watching. Then, he runs into a guy he knows at a gas station and takes money from him. Danny suspects that he is a floating bookie. One day, while Danny is spying... behind his glasses and false nose... he learns that Johnny is having coffee with the local parole officer. Danny tells Shirley who then confronts Johnny. Johnny admits that he is on parole for armed robbery and he must check in with the parole officer in every city. The following day, Danny picks up a newspaper and reads about a bank robbery.

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Sixth Sense
38 votes

#12 - Sixth Sense

Hart to Hart - Season 1 - Episode 18

The Harts have a deadly encounter when they enter the mysterious world of psychic phenomena. A Hart Industies employee with amazing powers of ESP, a twin sister, and a wealthy grandfather, becomes the target of a deranged killer.

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The Beguiled
21 votes

#13 - The Beguiled

The Waltons - Season 3 - Episode 17

John-Boy encounters a sassy but unprincipled girl whose selfish ways cause hard feelings and suspicion toward Danny, Jim Bob's friend.

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Cop Out
20 votes

#14 - Cop Out

Hart to Hart - Season 1 - Episode 7

An article written by Jennifer leads a prostitute to ask for her help and the Harts go under cover to bait a killer who is murdering prostitutes.

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The Chicken Thief
28 votes

#15 - The Chicken Thief

The Waltons - Season 2 - Episode 6

John-Boy accidentally sees a family friend, Yancy Tucker, stealing chickens and must decide whether to turn him in to the sheriff. Yancy has been helping poor friends but is arrested and charged with shooting the chicken's owner. All is resolved when the owner admits to falling and shooting himself.

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The Terrorist
2 votes

#16 - The Terrorist

The High Chaparral - Season 1 - Episode 15

Henry Silva guest-stars as a revolutionary who plans to assassinate Benito Juarez, exiled President of Mexico, on the Cannon Ranch. Manolito frees his old friend Santos from a Mexican jail, where he has been imprisoned by the French as a terrorist for Juarez. Santos and his sister, Pilar, are taken to the Cannon Ranch where Victoria arranges for Juarez to plan an invasion of Mexico. Manolito learns Santos has turned traitor and plans to conquer French-ruled Mexico himself. Before Manolito can warn his friends, Santos's followers take over the ranch and prepare to kill Juarez upon his arrival.

A Question of Innocence
10 votes

#17 - A Question of Innocence

Hart to Hart - Season 1 - Episode 13

The Harts suspect a college fencing champion of being behind a murderous drug ring. Jonathan fights a razor-sharp duel with the sadistic student.

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To Denise, With Love and Murder
5 votes

#18 - To Denise, With Love and Murder

Barnaby Jones - Season 1 - Episode 11

Alex Chandler kills his mistress Denise during a quarrel, because she talked to his rich wife Hazel hoping to encourage a divorce. A disappointed Hazel leaves home and as she does not return her brother hires Barnaby to find out whether Alex murdered Hazel.

This Guy Smith
1 votes

#19 - This Guy Smith

I Spy - Season 3 - Episode 18

Vacationing at a mountain retreat, they strike at an adverse communications officer, who strikes back with a frame.

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The Cradle
26 votes

#20 - The Cradle

The Waltons - Season 2 - Episode 19

Olivia finds out she is pregnant and the children set out to make her and the baby a variety of presents. Elizabeth is jealous because she thinks because she is the youngest that her Mom will not love her the same way or will never have any more time for her. In the end Olivia loses the baby

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Oil (1)
137 votes

#21 - Oil (1)

Dynasty - Season 1 - Episode 1

The big, wealthy oil tycoon Blake Carrington and his former secretary, Krystle Grant Jennings are getting married. Krystle's ex-boyfriend, Matthew Blaisdel, who's been working as a geologist on one of Blake's oil rigs in the Mideast for a year and a half TV Guide: Part 1 of 3. The premiere of the serial drama about power, passion, money and ambition, fueled by oil and set in Denver. Geologist Matthew Blaisdel returns from the Mideast to find that the girl he left behind is engaged to oil magnate Blake Carrington.

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The Warrior
17 votes

#22 - The Warrior

The Waltons - Season 6 - Episode 4

An old man, his grandson,and two Indians come to Walton's Mountain saying there are sacred burial grounds where the barn is built.

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The Fire Storm
22 votes

#23 - The Fire Storm

The Waltons - Season 5 - Episode 5

John-Boy tries to keep the community updated about the news in Europe sohe decides to print excerpts about Hitler's Mein Kampf in his paper. A great outcry ensues and the town is torn apart over the issue of publishing unfavorable items in the Blue Ridge Chronicle.

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A Partridge Up a Pear Tree
7 votes

#24 - A Partridge Up a Pear Tree

The Partridge Family - Season 1 - Episode 21

Keith has a new possession... a 1952 Hudson... which is his pride and joy. The car is a lemon, however, and Keith has borrowed money from everyone in the family to make payments and fix it. Danny decides to become his business manager and teach him how to handle money. Keith can't bring himself to tell Carol, his girlfriend, that he is broke. Instead, he takes her to a kiddie show and gives her homemade popcorn. She tries to get Keith to tell her the truth, but when he refuses she runs away hurt. As Keith tries to follow her in the car... it breaks down again. Shirley suggests that Keith get a job to make extra money. He first becomes a trainee to a plumber, but can't quite get the knack of plumbing. Then he tries to learn to become a salesman of a vegetable slicer, but ends up buying the slicer for his mother. His attempt at a newspaper route ends disastrously when he sees a beautiful girl walk by.

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Detour on a Road Going Nowhere
6 votes

#25 - Detour on a Road Going Nowhere

The Fugitive - Season 2 - Episode 12

While working as a hotel steward in Wyoming, Kimble is forced to run after learning that another hotel employee has stolen hotel funds, and Kimble becomes the suspect. Kimble escapes on a tour bus containing a bickering couple called the Langners, a visiting spinster named Louanne, a local guy named Sandy Baird, and the bus driver. But Kimble becomes trapped when the bus breaks down on a back road, and all the passengers discover his secret when his identity is revealed over the radio. Held at gunpoint, Kimble must find a way to escape by emotionally getting between his various captors before the bus driver returns with the police.

The Marathon
19 votes

#26 - The Marathon

The Waltons - Season 3 - Episode 9

In Scottsville John-Boy enters a dance marathon with Daisy Garner, a total stranger. It starts out fun but quickly becomes a drudgery until Olivia comes to the rescue.

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The Tholian Web
860 votes

#27 - The Tholian Web

Star Trek - Season 3 - Episode 9

Captain Kirk finds himself trapped between dimensions on a disintegrating starship. The Enterprise crew works against time to rescue him as the Tholians weave a destructive energy web around their ship.

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This Side of Paradise
969 votes

#28 - This Side of Paradise

Star Trek - Season 1 - Episode 24

The Enterprise crew is trapped in paradise when they come to rescue colonists who have fallen to pacifying alien spores and become infected themselves.

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The Pony Cart
17 votes

#29 - The Pony Cart

The Waltons - Season 5 - Episode 10

Auntie Martha Corrine Walton comes to Walton's Mountain to visit and soon interupts everybody's life. She and Ben make an old fashioned pony cart and she comes to the realization that she is about to die.

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To Play or Not to Play?
6 votes

#30 - To Play or Not to Play?

The Partridge Family - Season 1 - Episode 19

When the Partridges arrive at a nightclub called "The Two Hall Inn" Laurie receives a warm greeting from an old friend Marc Baldwin. Marc, who once attended Laurie's high school, is putting himself through college by working at the club. There's barely enough time for introductions when club owner Harry Marino comes out, orders Marc back to the kitchen and the family inside for rehearsals. After Shirley and the kids run through one number, they see Marc come storming out of the kitchen with Marino shouting right behind him. Laurie learns that Marc and the rest of the Marino's employees (all of whom are college students) are going to strike... for better pay and better working conditions since the kitchen is hazardously outdated. Laurie, deciding it would be morally wrong to cross their picket lines refuses to perform. Shirley realizes Laurie's sense of moral obligation, but there's also the family's legal obligation to consider.

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Forty-Year Itch
4 votes

#31 - Forty-Year Itch

The Partridge Family - Season 2 - Episode 10

Shirley's dad visits the Partridge Family at one o'clock in the morning and surprises them with the announcement that he and Grandma have split up. Grandpa plans to stay the night before leaving for Big Sur, but he is also surprised when Grandma arrives on the scene. It's a youth versus old age confrontation between them. Grandpa wants to be """"with it"""" and Grandma is content to live a more quiet life. It's up to the Partridge Family to get things patched up, and it's not easy. Not only are Grandma and Grandpa difficult to live with when they aren't speaking to each other, but the Partridges have a club date and can't leave until the folks are back together. Plans for a reconcilement backfire and Grandpa leaves to hitchhike to Big Sur. The Partridges set out to look for him on the road and on the way to their club date. Despite the fact that they pick him up in quite a disheveled state, Grandpa is determined to continue to Big Sur. He is convinced to delay his trip and stay for the clu

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The Murdering Class
8 votes

#32 - The Murdering Class

Barnaby Jones - Season 1 - Episode 4

When caught stealing exam questions Paul accidentally kills George Enright. His friend Charles Lomax makes it look like a drunken George stole money and fell to death. When Barnaby is hired to investigate, Charles drops false clues that point to Ron Fannon.

When Mother Gets Married
20 votes

#33 - When Mother Gets Married

The Partridge Family - Season 1 - Episode 5

Reuben and the kids suspect that Shirley's new love interest is not what he seems.

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The Night of the Druid's Blood
38 votes

#34 - The Night of the Druid's Blood

The Wild Wild West - Season 1 - Episode 24

West is furious: his superiors have refused him permission to investigate the murder of a close friend who was burned to death before his eyes.

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Dora, Dora, Dora
14 votes

#35 - Dora, Dora, Dora

The Partridge Family - Season 2 - Episode 1

Keith's infatuation with a pretty young singer whom Reuben has sent prevents him from realizing that she is a terrible singer.

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When the Bough Breaks
35 votes

#36 - When the Bough Breaks

The Fugitive - Season 2 - Episode 4

While hoping freight trains, Kimble meets a young woman named Carol Hollister with her baby whom she is traveling to meet her husband. But Kimble doesn't know that Carol is a mentally disturbed young woman whose newborn baby died a year earlier and she has abducted another baby. Soon, Carol becomes so far gone that she mistakes Kimble as her late husband. Kimble must find a way to get the baby away from Carol and return it to it's rightfull parents while avoiding the police looking for her.

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Another Final Exit
41 votes

#37 - Another Final Exit

Mannix - Season 1 - Episode 20

A missing million leads Mannix out of Intertect as bait for a drug ring.

868 votes

#38 - Obsession

Star Trek - Season 2 - Episode 13

The Enterprise must deal with a creature from Kirk's past that feeds on human blood.

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Return to Tomorrow
790 votes

#39 - Return to Tomorrow

Star Trek - Season 2 - Episode 20

The Enterprise discovers three discorporeal intelligences who seek their help in gaining physical bodies... but one of them has plans of his own.

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The Night of the Big Blast
42 votes

#40 - The Night of the Big Blast

The Wild Wild West - Season 2 - Episode 4

Dr. Faustina and her mute servant, Miklos, have transformed a corpse into a James West look-alike.

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Is There in Truth No Beauty?
802 votes

#41 - Is There in Truth No Beauty?

Star Trek - Season 3 - Episode 5

The Enterprise hosts an alien ambassador whose outward appearance induces madness in humanoids. When Spock is driven mad after an unfortunate oversight, only the ambassador's jealous telepathic companion can save his mind.

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Return of the Hero
2 votes

#42 - Return of the Hero

Ironside - Season 1 - Episode 29

A decorated Vietnam war hero is found guilty of murder, but the Chief, amongst others, does not believe that he is guilty. Whilst he is trying to find out the truth, somebody else is killing off the witnesses, and the Chief himself may be next on the list.

The Scavengers
14 votes

#43 - The Scavengers

How the West Was Won - Season 3 - Episode 7

The Macahans are out on a riverboat when the boat is attacked by river pirats.

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The Undergraduate
11 votes

#44 - The Undergraduate

The Partridge Family - Season 2 - Episode 4

Shirley is accepted to a class in Psychology 1A in college and she learns that Paul Bruner, a freshman in her class, has a crush on her. On the first day of school, Paul comes by the Partridge Family house to ask Shirley for a ride to a lecture given the following night in connection with their class. Paul anticipates an amorous episode to take place enroute and, quite unexpectedly, the car does run out of gas on the way home. The Family teases Shirley mercilessly for using such an old trick and Paul's parents pay a serious visit to look into the supposed romance between their son and Shirley. Their visit alerts Shirley to the fact of Paul's attachment to her. With the help of Mr. and Mrs. Bruner, Shirley decides to end the romance with a special dinner for Paul. That night, Paul rings the doorbell to find Keith Partridge greeting him.. much to his astonishment. He is then introduced to all the other members of the family and finally realizes that he is in the midst of the famous Partr

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By Fires Unseen
9 votes

#45 - By Fires Unseen

The Big Valley - Season 1 - Episode 17

Nick returns from a trip from San Francisco with a big surprise - a fiance.

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908 votes

#46 - Metamorphosis

Star Trek - Season 2 - Episode 9

When their shuttle is diverted to a planetoid, Kirk meets one of the pioneers of space flight, Zefram Cochrane.

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Girl in the Night
8 votes

#47 - Girl in the Night

Ironside - Season 1 - Episode 15

Ed falls for a woman that he meets one night in Las Vegas. She promptly disappears in mysterious circumstances, and Ed and the rest of the team try to find out what has happened. Needless to say, nothing is as it first appeared; and the truth, when it eventually unfolds, proves to be tragic.

Bread and Circuses
737 votes

#48 - Bread and Circuses

Star Trek - Season 2 - Episode 25

The Enterprise investigates the disappearance of a merchant ship crew on a planet ruled by a twentieth-century incarnation of ancient Rome.

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The Tyrant
76 votes

#49 - The Tyrant

Planet of the Apes - Season 1 - Episode 11

Aboro, a despot, is making community life a misery; Burke, Virdon, and Galen decide to rob him of his powers.

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The Ghost of Sorworth Place
0 votes

#50 - The Ghost of Sorworth Place

Night Gallery - Season 2 - Episode 49

An American drifter protects a Scottish widow from the spectre of her late husband.