The BEST episodes directed by Russ Mooney

Days of Blunder
62 votes

#1 - Days of Blunder

Darkwing Duck - Season 1 - Episode 19

Quackerjack, posing as a psychiatrist, convinces Darkwing that being a superhero isn't right for him. With Darkwing out of the picture, the criminal is free to go on a crime spree.

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Trading Faces
92 votes

#2 - Trading Faces

Darkwing Duck - Season 1 - Episode 14

Darkwing's computer goes haywire, and causes him to trade bodies with Gosalyn. Now she must pose as Darkwing to stop F.O.W.L.'s latest scheme - stopping the Earth's rotation in an attempt to blackmail the planet. Can DW defeat Steelbeak in a child's body? And how can they reverse the body swap?

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68 votes

#3 - Paraducks

Darkwing Duck - Season 1 - Episode 11

Darkwing Duck goes Back in time with Goslin and he meets himself in high school when he was known as ""Drakey"". He Then sees a record shop's register being robbed. When he does not do anything, his world gets changed. Now they have to fix the mess they made.

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Bearskin Thug
64 votes

#4 - Bearskin Thug

Darkwing Duck - Season 1 - Episode 17

Drake takes Gosalyn on a camping trip in order to teach her about the great outdoors. The national park has been evacuated due to a monstrous bear that has been attacking both campers and wildlife alike.

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A Revolution in Home Appliances
96 votes

#5 - A Revolution in Home Appliances

Darkwing Duck - Season 1 - Episode 13

Megavolt gets zapped with his new invention, which lets him turn regular Home Appliances into living things. He soon controls a barber chair, a refridgerator, a guitar, and a tv. Now Darkwing Duck has to stop them before they take over.

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Water Way to Go
106 votes

#6 - Water Way to Go

Darkwing Duck - Season 1 - Episode 10

SHUSH has given Darkwing Duck a simple case: Travel to Oilrabia and stop Steelbeak's schemes to steal their oil. Steelbeak's plan: flooding the place with his weather machine and attacking by sea. Darkwing's big problem: He picked THIS day to let Launchpad assume role as hero and be a sidekick himself.

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Dirty Money
153 votes

#7 - Dirty Money

Darkwing Duck - Season 1 - Episode 7

Someone is stealing all the money in Saint Canard by erasing all the ink on the money and leaving it nothing but worthless paper to write on. Darkwing volunteers to help solve the mystery but SHUSH Agent Grizlicoff doesn't trust him. Darkwing discovers that the thief is Amonia Pine, who used be a cleaing maid until some dangerous chemicals caused her to be obsessed with cleaning.

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Night of the Living Spud
167 votes

#8 - Night of the Living Spud

Darkwing Duck - Season 1 - Episode 5

Dr. Bushroot, trying to grow a wife for himself, accidentally creates a vampire potato. The Muddlefoot's go camping with Gosalyn hoping to capture a mysterious monster - ""Webfoot"". Darkwing and Launchpad track Bushroot into the country, where a strange truck driver named Duane tells them about the giant potato. Darkwing think's Duane is just crazy and doesn't listen, but when a bunch of hicks at a diner think DW is the vampire and try to kill him, DW has to prove he isn't one. As all this is happening, the vampire potato has turned Launchpad, Herb, Binkie, and Tank into zombies. Honker and Gosalyn finally convince DW that the vampire is real, but before he can kill it, Bushroot shows up to ""save"" his bride. Eventually, DW follows some advise Duane gave him and the potato is defeated, the zombies are returned to normal, and Bushroot threatens revenge.

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