The BEST episodes directed by Sam Montes

Promises, Promises
15 votes

#1 - Promises, Promises

Generator Rex - Season 1 - Episode 19

It's Rex's birthday (more accurately the anniversary of when he first joined Providence) and Six has flashbacks about how Rex first joined Providence. Back when Providence was forming, captured E.V.O.s were detained only until they were disassembled on a molecular level for study. However, Dr. Holiday, an assistant at the time, believes that studying how nanites cause mutations may one day allow for an option other than kill or contain: cure. One day, Six and his partner White Knight were called to Mexico to deal with a rampaging bio-mechanical E.V.O. only for the E.V.O. to collapse after being battered enough and revealed to be fourteen-year-old Rex. Rex cures a second E.V.O. right in front of Six's eyes and he brings him back to Dr. Holiday to be studied. Despite Rex being her all and more of her wildest dreams rolled into one, Six insists that they keep him under wraps for now. However, White Knight finds Rex and brings him to the head of E.V.O. Studies, Dr. Fell, in hopes that disassembling him will reveal how his curing powers work and how to cure the entire planet all in one shot. However, Six believes that it is too big of a risk to sacrifice what they know will work for something that might work. With assistance from Bobo, a recently captured E.V.O. who was holding the Kremlin hostage for caviar before his capture, Dr. Holiday is able to save Rex. However, White Knight and Six's fight had caused the E.V.O. disassembly machine to overload and destroy all the nanites in White Knight's body, but Rex is able to save White Knight's life by turning off the machine with his powers, in the process, bleaching White Knights skin and hair. Rex's curing abilities has given Providence much needed funding and White Knight is made head of Providence for his zero nanite count. Back in the present, Six gives Rex a Tantō inscribed with the symbol of loyalty for his birthday and states that he has its twin (which was given to him for his birthday the day he found Rex) and sta

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The Swarm
11 votes

#2 - The Swarm

Generator Rex - Season 1 - Episode 16

Rex faces off against a group of mutant locusts that feed on metal, leaving a path of destruction behind them. However, defeating them is not an easy task as. When they are attacked, the locusts keep dividing through binary fission. As the locusts rage toward China (which holds the Earth's largest metal concentration, Beijing), Providence pulls out all stops to halt their advance. Dr. Holiday comes to odds with White Knight, Six, and Rex as she strongly protests against their "attack first, ask questions later" policy. Finally, the team is forced to consult her for help when the increasing numbers of locusts destroy the Great Wall of China where Providence had made its stand. Eventually, Dr. Holiday synthesizes a concentrated version of a pheromone tag used by the locusts to mark prey, which she sent Rex to gather. While trying to gather the pheromone, Rex almost ends up dead. However, the nanite that Dr. Rylander injected into Rex saved his life, and the only sample left was in his underpants (which had red motorcycles on it). After everyone had a good laugh (Dr. Holiday gave Rex his underwear in front of everyone), Providence sprays it on the locusts, causing them to go berserk and attack (and devour) each other. Finally, Bobo, as revenge for Rex destroying more locusts than him, makes it public that "Providence's Secret Weapon, Underwear, Saves the Day". Rex leaves the Providence briefing room in anger as the story runs on TV, while the other Providence agents continue to laugh at his expense.

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50 votes

#3 - Rabble

Generator Rex - Season 1 - Episode 12

While in Hong Kong with Agent Six, cracking down on three E.V.O. criminals, Rex discovers that a member of the gang named Tuck knew Rex despite Rex not being able to remember him. White Knight concludes that there is someone behind the robberies and orders Agent Six to have Rex infiltrate the three criminals. Tuck leads Rex to Tuck's friends Sqwydd and Cricket. Rex can't remember being a member of their gang because of memory blackouts which Tuck mentioned he suffered from frequently. Rex also discovers that they're being forced to work for an E.V.O. crime lord named Quarry. When Rex finally confronts Quarry he discovers that it was he who gave Tuck and the others to Quarry, who reveals the information on a Diary kept on a PDA. This causes the others to turn on Rex. Rex, suffering from a guilt trip, goes to shut down Quarry's ring, causing the others to turn on Quarry after seeing Rex standing up for them and destroying the PDA when Quarry bribed him. Quarry and his E.V.O. servants are arrested by Providence. Rex tells White Knight that Quarry had been apprehended while Tuck, Sqwydd, and Cricket had gotten away. Rex tells Tuck, Sqwydd, and Cricket that Providence won't come after them long as they don't give good reason and departs on a good note. Back at Providence, Rex informs Holiday and Six of his blackouts. Agent Six gives Rex a journal and pen for Rex to record anything that he does remember to help cope with future black outs while Dr. Holiday theorizes that the blackouts are triggered by extreme trauma.

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110 votes

#4 - Lockdown

Generator Rex - Season 1 - Episode 4

While investigating a mysterious bunker at Providence's Petting Zoo known as "The Hold," Rex and Noah stumble onto a formidable spider-like E.V.O. After White Knight locks down the Petting Zoo, Rex and Noah must make it to the exit alive. A panicky Noah lets slip that he works for White Knight, which rattles Rex so deeply that he loses the use of his powers. The two manage to make it to the exit, but while Noah apologizes for his deception the friendship seems over. However, after the spider snatches Noah from the threshold of safety, Rex's feelings of betrayal subside, and he proceeds to defeat the E.V.O. and rescue Noah. The E.V.O. is revealed to be Dr. Holiday's incurable sister. Rex threatens to deal with White Knight if he is spied upon again. Rex then resolves to leave Providence.

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Day That Everything Changed
266 votes

#5 - Day That Everything Changed

Generator Rex - Season 1 - Episode 1

Rex defeats and cures an E.V.O. rampaging through a city. Criticized by his superiors over his performance and frustrated by his lack of freedom, Rex breaks out of Providence with Bobo and goes on a road trip. In a city, he meets a group of young men. A young blond named Noah comes by and tells him that the boys are just using him. After telling the boys he doesn't want to give them anymore freebies, they call him a freak and leave. Noah stays and quickly befriends Rex. When Agent Six comes to retrieve him, the Pack, three E.V.O.s named Skalamander, Biowulf and Breach, appear and attempt to abduct Rex; during the melee he, Noah and Bobo are thrown through a portal into Abysus. There, they are met by Van Kleiss, who demonstrates his powers, introduces himself, and invites them to his stronghold, a ruined castle which was the location of the original nanite-release Event. Van Kleiss tries to win Rex's trust by hinting that he has knowledge of Rex's past, but after separating him from his friends he turns on him and attempts to drain him of nanites. Noah and Bobo manage to get away from the Pack long enough to distract Van Kleiss, which allows Rex to break away, and the three escape by air with Van Kleiss in pursuit, Agent Six comes to the rescue with a Providence task force, but in a final confrontation it is left up to Rex to defeat Van Kleiss, though his body regenerates itself afterward. And Rex gets a new room that he enjoys.

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