The BEST Arte shows of all time

Every Arte show, ranked

We've compiled the average episode rating for every Arte show to compile this list of best shows!

126 votes

#1 - Great Greek Myths

Made from an original animation and selected iconographies throughout the history of art, this series of twenty episodes tells the Greek myths. A creation all in images, which highlights the fascinating destinies of the gods, heroes, and great figures of mythology.

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58 votes

#2 - In The Face of Crime

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88 votes

#3 - 3 X Manon

Manon is a 15-year-old girl rebelling against everything. After a confrontation with her mother she is sent to a rehabilitation facility where she has six months to turn her life around.

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43 votes

#4 - Muhammad Ali

Muhammad Ali brings to life one of the best-known and most indelible figures of the 20th century, a three-time heavyweight boxing champion who captivated millions of fans throughout the world with his mesmerizing combination of speed, grace, and power in the ring, and charm and playful boasting outside of it. Ali insisted on being himself unconditionally and became a global icon and inspiration to people everywhere.

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470 votes

#5 - A Very Secret Service

At the start of 1960. French secret services hired young André Merlaux, back from Algeria. André trains with real spy more interested by their expense reports than by their work. The road is long to become an agent like 007.

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95 votes

#6 - In Therapy (FR)

In the aftermath of the November 13 attacks, a psychoanalyst receives five patients. Through their sessions, the series probes the flaws of a society in shock.

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83 votes

#7 - The Churchmen

Political intrigue surrounding a Paris Capuchin monastery describes only one aspect of "Ainsi Soient-ils (Churchmen)". It's not overly melodramatic, and, while respecting the core humanitarianism of Christianity, it pulls no punches lambasting church hierarchy. The series follows the lives of five seminarians and the power struggle between the seminary head and his superiors in Rome, as well as the dissonance of a medieval religious institution in a modern, secular society.

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479 votes

#8 - Bad Banks

Ambitious Jana is confronted with the unscrupulous machinations of the world of finance. Her working life is determined by egotism, the pressure to succeed and machismo. She soon has to decide how far she is prepared to go for her career.

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189 votes
243 votes

#10 - Li'l Quinquin

A zany police investigation in a small village in Normandy. Twin Peaks à la Dumont: ironic and unclassifiable!

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202 votes

#11 - Transfers

Florian Bassot suffers a swimming accident and falls into a coma. With the progressions in science, five years later his mind is transferred into the body of someone else. With transfers outlawed and his family's safety on the line, Florian has to hide his identity and live as Sylvain Bernard, one of the highest-ranking officers of B.A.I.T, the anti-transfers taskforce.

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82 votes

#12 - Odysseus

The sovereign Greek island of Ithaca, 8th century B.C. The Trojan War has been over for ten years, and the Greeks have come home victorious. Only one man is missing: the king of Ithaca, Odysseus, who is lost at sea. The island’s economy is getting worse by the day as the region’s many princes have invaded the kingdom, devouring its resources, and pressuring Queen Penelope to choose a new husband. To delay her suitors, she promises to choose once she’s finished weaving King Laertes’ burial shroud. But she undoes her work every night. Odysseus’ son Telemachus doesn’t dare lay claim to his father’s throne. His only dream is to sail out to rescue Odysseus. Everything accelerates when a travelling musician awakens Penelope’s buried feelings. Who will become King? The manipulator Leocrites? The true heir Telemachus? Or the seductive traveller Eukharistos? Or will Odysseus make it back in time to seize the reins of power? Unless the two Trojan slaves Clea and Eurynome bring total chaos to Ithaca… Through the stories of these four principals – Telemachus, Penelope, Clea and Leocrites – ODYSSEUS brings a new twist to Greek mythology’s greatest story and reveals its darkest secrets.

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192 votes

#13 - No Man's Land (2020)

Dive into the depths of the Syrian civil war through the eyes of Antoine, a young French man, in search for his estranged, presumed to be dead sister. While unraveling the mystery, piece by piece, Antoine’s journey crosses paths with adventurers and anarchists, spies and innocent victims, and provides a unique look on the tragic events in Syria, and the way they affect the entire world.

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186 votes

#14 - Trepalium

The economic situation is a nightmare: only 20% of the population is employed. The Actives live inside the city. On the fringes, in the Zone, live the Jobless. Separating them is a wall.

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36 votes

#15 - Bauhaus - A New Era

1919. World War I has just ended. During this age of turmoil, Dörte Helm, a young art student in Weimar, follows Walter Gropius’ call and joins the newly-founded Bauhaus school. His innovative approach is provocative for many but exciting to Dörte and she becomes a true disciple of the new movement that challenges not only artistic conceptions, but societal structures as well. The school becomes a breeding ground for modernity, jazz – and feminism. A love story grows between Gropius and Dörte, adding fuel to the fire to the ensuing scandal threatening the very existence of the Bauhaus; the school of art that would go on to shape the 20th century like no other…

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29 votes

#16 - Cannabis

Following the theft of a large cargo of cannabis, the destinies of various characters intersect between France and Spain. A thriller that sails between realism and romance to better immerse ourselves in the of traffickers.

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175 votes

#17 - Black Butterflies

Low on inspiration for his second book, a gloomy novelist agrees to write a memoir for a dying man — and swiftly becomes part of his bloodstained past.

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270 votes

#18 - Inhuman Resources

Alain Delambre, unemployed and 57, is lured by an attractive job opening. But things get ugly when he realizes he’s a pawn in a cruel corporate game.

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143 votes

#19 - Beyond the Walls

A lonely young woman, Lisa, moves into an apartment opposite an empty house. Soon afterwards, police discover the body of a man which has been sitting in an armchair inside the empty house for 30 years. Although Lisa does not know the dead man, he left her the house in his will. She moves in. At night she hears anguished cries from behind the walls. Investigating further, she becomes trapped in an eerie realm of hallways, rooms, forests and monsters. She meets a young man, Julien, who has been wandering this realm for years, and together they attempt to escape.

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95 votes

#20 - Close to Home: Murder in the Coalfield

A mysterious murder of a girl brings Maik Briegand (Mišel Matičević), who, like his father and brother, became a police officer in GDR times, back to the place of his childhood: Lauchhammer. Together with the LKA investigator Annalena Gottknecht (Odine Johne), Briegand begins to remove the secrets of the past, layer by layer, which confront him with the trauma of his youth.

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240 votes

#21 - Ad Vitam

In a future where regeneration technology lets humans live indefinitely, a cop and a troubled young woman investigate a strange wave of youth suicides.

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78 votes

#22 - Mythomaniac

Devoted mother and wife, Elvira feels more and more invisible to her family. One day, she gives into temptation and becomes caught up in a dreadful web of lies in her quest for love and attention.

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241 votes

#23 - Superheroes: A Never-Ending Battle

This mini-series examines the dawn of the comic book genre and its powerful legacy, as well as the evolution of the characters who leapt from the pages over the last 75 years and their ongoing worldwide cultural impact.

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172 votes

#24 - Twice Upon a Time

Vincent Dauda, in his thirties, dreams of winning back his ex, the haunting Louise. He drags his sorrow until the day a deliveryman brings him a package he did not order. A strange, bottomless box, through which he experiences a temporal journey that brings him back ... to Louise's side before their separation.

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37 votes

#25 - Moloch

In an industrial, labyrinthine seaside town, strangers burst into flames for no reason. Suicides? Murders? Supernatural phenomena? To find out, Louise, a young journalist, and Gabriel, a psychiatrist, start investigating.

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55 votes

#26 - The Rope

The show follows a small group of scientists on a remote base in Norway uncovers a mysterious rope, apparently endless, skirting their observatory and disappearing into the vast expanse of surrounding forest. Some will follow it, others will remain. As the initial fascination transforms into a quest to unravel the mystery, all will be confronted with the life-changing consequences of their choices.

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