The BEST episodes of The Biggest Loser Australia season 7

Every episode of The Biggest Loser Australia season 7, ranked from best to worst by thousands of votes from fans of the show. The best episodes of The Biggest Loser Australia season 7!

The series involves contestants who are overweight to varying degrees participating in a contest to lose the most percentage of weight, with teams and contestants voting out each other. Unlike the American version, weight loss is measured in tenths of kilograms instead of pounds. Personal trainers Michelle Bridges, Shannan Ponton, Steve Willis and Tiffiny Hall are responsible for training the contestants and helping them to lose weight.

Last Updated: 5/23/2024Network: Network 10Status: Ended
Contest Event: Holding
28 votes

#1 - Contest Event: Holding

Season 7 - Episode 6 - Aired 1/31/2012

The fallout from Monday’s elimination was fierce, with the trainers demanding to know why Margie opted to vote Selena out of the competition, sending the Red Team member storming out. The teams then proceeded to training, giving their absolute all. Afterwards Hayley revealed the first Contest, which saw Michelle, Luke, Lydia and Shane battling it out for their teams over three rounds of mental and physical strength. The final came down to Luke and Shane, with the latter taking the win and going on The Walk. Hayley explained he could now choose from one of three boxes: power over food, training or a mystery option. Shane opted for the mystery box, and though not revealing its contents looked a little unsure about how his fellow contestants would react to the game-changing development.

Weigh-In & Elimination
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#2 - Weigh-In & Elimination

Season 7 - Episode 5 - Aired 1/30/2012

After a tight battle the Black Team bested the Reds in the Ferry Pull Challenge, winning them a 2kg weigh-in advantage. Selena collapsed, exhausted from the effort. The contestants gathered themselves and entered the weigh-in room for their first competitive visit to the scales. The loses were hugely impressive, though with the lowest percentages Selena and Hamish were left facing elimination. In the elimination room Hayley revealed a twist – the teams above the Yellow Line could choose not to vote anyone out. Yet Margie, questioning Selena’s commitment, voted for her, forcing the other contestants to vote themselves and setting in motion a chain of events that resulted in Selena’s elimination.

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#3 - Train the Trainers

Season 7 - Episode 67 - Aired 4/30/2012

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It All Begins
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#4 - It All Begins

Season 7 - Episode 1 - Aired 1/23/2012

Ready for another season of action, Shannan, Michelle, The Commando and Tiffiny visited locations across Australia to inform their team members they had secured themselves coveted places on The Biggest Loser Singles. The trainers got to see their trainees in their everyday environment, including what their typical diet consisted of. Each possessing their own heartbreaking story, the contestants were unified in their desire to change their lives, and find someone to share them with. Once back at Camp Biggest Loser and into their colours, the excited teams met in a rain-drenched yard and prepared to begin their journey. Hayley then revealed it was time for their first weigh-in, with friends and family joining them for much-needed support.

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#5 - Season Finale

Season 7 - Episode 72 - Aired 5/8/2012

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#6 - Sunday Night Final Weigh In

Season 7 - Episode 71 - Aired 5/6/2012

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#7 - Wednesday

Season 7 - Episode 69 - Aired 5/2/2012

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#8 - Super Challenge

Season 7 - Episode 64 - Aired 4/25/2012

The next day the contestants arrive at Bassulp, one of the peaks in the Swiss Alps where Hayley reveals the Super Challenge rules, and somebody will be eliminated today!

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#9 - Reflection Hike

Season 7 - Episode 63 - Aired 4/24/2012

It's time for the contestants to remember who they were when they started 14 weeks ago. The reflection hike has them carrying weights through 13 gates to reach the summit, through 4km of soft snow.

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#10 - Challange: Teach a Fitness Class

Season 7 - Episode 59 - Aired 4/18/2012

Tonight two contestants are put to the test to see how much they've really learnt, as they teach a pump class to some gym patrons. Later the contestants take on a challenge in the open water at Manly.

Biggest Loser 'Iron Man'
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#11 - Biggest Loser 'Iron Man'

Season 7 - Episode 51 - Aired 4/4/2012

Shannan arrived to train his troops, delighted by the news that Lydia had secured herself a Weigh-In Pass. The others were led in a pool training session by The Commando, who raced the contestants in a special circuit, unsurprisingly coming out the winner. The final two Weigh-In Passes were up for grabs in a Biggest Loser Iron Man Challenge at Palm Beach. Brenda took the win with a determined effort, leaving Bek and Shane battling it out for the final Pass.

Five Weigh-in Passes
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#12 - Five Weigh-in Passes

Season 7 - Episode 50 - Aired 4/3/2012

Michelle Bridges led the contestants in training, trying to beat Simon and Lisa’s time on the spin bikes, with Michelle posting the best time of all. Hamish returned to his old ways in training, citing the flu, until Shannan pushed him to get involved. Hayley presented the next opportunity to win a Weigh-In Pass, a test of knowledge and endurance, with the contestants having to increase their treadmill speed for every question on nutrition they answered incorrectly. With a fantastic performance, Lydia took the win and the third coveted Pass.

The Intruders
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#13 - The Intruders

Season 7 - Episode 49 - Aired 4/2/2012

A relieved Tiffiny welcomed back Michelle, while Lydia reunited with Lisa and the others members of Shannan’s Secret Training Squad. The Bunker was finally revealed to the contestants, who saw their former teammates return on the monitors. In the Weigh-In Room, Hayley explained that over the course of the week there would be five Weigh-In passes up for grabs. Those still in the game, meanwhile, would have Immunity. The past contestants weighed in, with Selena dropping the bombshell that she didn’t want to fight for her place in the game. Both sets of contestants trained their hearts out, before being led into the Contest arena for Shannan’s squad to fight for two Weigh-In passes. For the first round, the contenders had to hold a 1.2kg weight in front of them, without lowering or bending their arms, changing their grip or breaking the tape. Lydia, Bek, Lisa and Simon made it through to the second round on the spin bikes, with Simon and Lisa taking first and second and the passes.

Challenge: Rafting
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#14 - Challenge: Rafting

Season 7 - Episode 46 - Aired 3/28/2012

The last of the contestants took to the Makeover Catwalk, with Michelle thrilling the crowds by showing off her spectacular new look and equally magnificent voice. The contestants then enjoyed a night out, with Graham’s newfound confidence a hit with the ladies. The next day in training, a homesick Michelle admitted she’d suffered from binge eating following Makeover, with Tiff helping her to talk through it. Shannan introduced his Secret Training Squad to The Bunker, before taking them to the gym to train with champion boxer Billy ‘The Kid’ Dib. Back at Camp, the contestants prepared for the Raft Challenge. Having to pick their partners at random, the pairs had to build their rafts and race down river. Alex and Michelle won and with it a 1kg advantage, while as last place finishers Lydia and Kasey were placed in room lockdown until Weigh-In, with a single spin bike for company.

Weigh-In & Elimination
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#15 - Weigh-In & Elimination

Season 7 - Episode 48 - Aired 4/1/2012

Shannan led his Secret Training Squad in Last Chance Training, while back in her dojang Tiffiny and her father led those still in the game in a gruelling session of their own. Except, of course, for Lydia and Kasey, who tried their best to train in lockdown. The Weigh-In was explosive; Margie again won Biggest Loser, but Michelle and Lydia both gained weight, putting them below the Yellow Line. In the Elimination Room the vote went against Lydia, sending her out of Camp Biggest Loser’s gates, only to find Shannan waiting for her, who took her to join his recruits for a shot at getting back into the competition.

First Training Session & Temptation
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#16 - First Training Session & Temptation

Season 7 - Episode 3 - Aired 1/25/2012

As training continued, Tiffiny left the dojang to clear the air with Bek. Ryan continued to suffer but was lifted by his teammates. In the yard, The Commando got to work on his Black Team, with Alex initially struggling but ultimately drawing on reserves of strength he never knew he had. The contestants shared their reasons for applying to be in the show, before being told their bio ages by Dr Swan and shown what their collective body fat looked like. A series of hidden cameras later showed that the Blues hadn’t been sticking to their morning training commitments, then Hayley revealed The Wheel of Temptation. With the chance to spin for immunity on the line, the teams were doing their best to resist; only James appeared as if he might just be willing to gamble.

The First Challenge - Pull a Ferry
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#17 - The First Challenge - Pull a Ferry

Season 7 - Episode 4 - Aired 1/26/2012

Despite Hayley piling on the pressure by adding further chances for immunity to the wheel, none of the contestants decided to play Temptation. Though happy at the news, Shannan then hit the roof after discovering that his team hadn’t burned off the 600 calories each he’d set them for homework. The Reds suffered a similar fate when the in-house cameras showed Michelle that Lydia was the only one up early training. The first Off-Site Challenge was revealed, each team jumping into a row boat and towing a 110 tonne ferry. As the episode came to a close, the Reds and Blacks were neck-and-neck in the battle for first place.

Challenge day: Sheep Herding
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#18 - Challenge day: Sheep Herding

Season 7 - Episode 8 - Aired 2/2/2012

James continued to mull over whether to take the money won at Temptation, much to the dismay of his team. Shannan tried to get the Blues to see James’ side of the story, then got them to focus their feelings into a training session. The Commando gave his Black Team some pointers about healthy eating, before the contestants departed for their next Offsite Challenge: sheep herding. Round by round, the teams faced off, needing to each pen seven sheep to progress. The Reds beat the Whites, while the Blacks saw off the Blues, leaving the stage set for a dramatic final.

Temptation: 12 Hour Lock-down
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#19 - Temptation: 12 Hour Lock-down

Season 7 - Episode 11 - Aired 2/8/2012

The contestants received letters from home, which spurred them on in training. Shannan inspired Hamish to push through some barriers on the spin bike, who impressed his trainer by managing to keep pace with Luke. The teams arrived back at their rooms to be greeted with sweet treats aplenty, letters explaining that a 12-Hour Temptation had begun, with team Immunity up for grabs. In a show first, the trainers watched Temptation live from The Bunker. The Blacks and Reds held strong and refused to play. The Blues, fearing they would fall beneath the Yellow Line, opted to participate, while the Whites conducted a secret ballot to gauge opinion on whether to take Temptation or not.

Challenge day: The Valley Stampede
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#20 - Challenge day: The Valley Stampede

Season 7 - Episode 12 - Aired 2/9/2012

The Blues were revealed to be the only players of Temptation, winning then team Immunity. Despite their prize Shannan let his disappointment be known, putting them through a gruelling training session in which Luke excelled. Michelle quizzed the Reds about their exercise – or lack of – during Temptation and showed them some simple routines they could have used to keep active. The teams then left for the Valley Stampede Challenge, working in pairs across a punishing obstacle course. During the Challenge Shannan continued to struggle to motivate Hamish, while the Reds against marked themselves as the team to beat by taking the win. The Whites took second, leaving the Blacks and Blues battling to avoid a last place finish.

Contest Event: Boys vs. Girls
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#21 - Contest Event: Boys vs. Girls

Season 7 - Episode 14 - Aired 2/14/2012

Brenda’s Elimination caused friction in the house, with Margie accusing Bek of breaking her pledge not to vote out any of the girls. The contestants headed to the weigh in room, to learn that they were being split into two teams for an upcoming Contest: girls vs boys. The teams trained, with Bek’s progress frustrating her new teammates. The teams then entered the Contest arena, with Hayley explaining that the winner would receive the power of The Walk. Margie bested Ryan in the strength round, before Michelle beat Luke in an epic test of speed, sending Lydia out to choose the boys’ fate.

Temptation: Iconic Australian Foods
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#22 - Temptation: Iconic Australian Foods

Season 7 - Episode 25 - Aired 2/29/2012

Margie won The Contest and with it the power of The Walk, selecting Mystery. Her power: to select one person whose weigh-in weight would not be included in their team’s total weight percentage for the week. To prevent Hamish again winning Immunity through Temptation, Margie suggested that Simon beat him to it, after which she’d give him the prize won at The Walk. After discovering Hamish hadn’t been training, Shannan pushed him to the max, the White Team bonded over a training session with Tiff out in the Bush and The Commando punished Graham during the Black Team workout. Simon played Temptation, leaving the others wondering how many calories he would have to consume before he uncovered the Immunity pass.

Eliminated Contestant Boot Camp
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#23 - Eliminated Contestant Boot Camp

Season 7 - Episode 44 - Aired 3/26/2012

The contestants and Michelle came to terms with the departure of Lisa, while Shannan welcomed his ‘Secret Training Squad’ of past contestants, all of whom would have a chance to fight for a way back into the competition. Those still in the game got down and dirty in training, before departing for what many had been waiting for: makeover. Shannan revealed that James and Luke would also be taking part. Shannan’s troops, meanwhile, got busy on their homework: 150 laps of the stairs as a team. With makeovers done, the contestants then prepared to greet the public for their turn on the catwalk.

Weigh-In & Elimination
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#24 - Weigh-In & Elimination

Season 7 - Episode 33 - Aired 3/12/2012

Selena was chosen to weigh-in immediately, with the result being a mystery until the official weigh-in. Simon admitted to finding the gameplay element wearying, after which The Commando showed him his entry video to remind him of how far he’d come. The Old Dogs beats the Young Pups in a tug of war, before the contestants entered the Weigh-In Room. Simon took Biggest Loser of the week, with the rest of his team doing enough to keep the Old Dogs above the Yellow Line. The Young Pups faced Elimination and, forced to vote a member of their own team off, Selena received the most votes and was sent home.

Contest Event: Race Yourself
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#25 - Contest Event: Race Yourself

Season 7 - Episode 34 - Aired 3/13/2012

The contestants were given a shake-up, as Hayley revealed that the teams were being broken down and contestants were now playing as singles. Lydia was revealed as the Biggest Loser in the competition so far, having lost a massive 35.3kg. The contestants all received their black uniforms, before hitting training. The contestants then arrived at the fields for their first Contest as singles, with the first leg a 400 metre race, won by Margie. Hayley revealed that for the second part of the Contest, players had to strap on weight vests carrying the weight they’d dropped so far, with the racers getting closest to their original times going through to the next stage. Michelle came closest, followed by Lisa, Simon and Graham. For the third and final round, Lisa took the overall victory by one second and won the power of The Walk.