The BEST episodes written by Adrian Hodges

Episode Two
29 votes

#1 - Episode Two

Charles II: The Power and the Passion - Season 1 - Episode 2

With no sign of a Royal pregnancy, the succession is a thorny issue. Charles's impetuous brother and heir to the Throne, James, Duke of York, complicates matters with his conversion to Catholicism.With the prospect of a Catholic King an anathema to the Protestant English, Barbara is busy priming Charles's eldest son, Monmouth, for greatness: he might be a bastard, but he's a Protestant bastard, When Catharine becomes pregnant, Barbara's scheming seems to have been for nothing but, tragically, the Queen miscarries. With the lack of a viable Protestant heir to the Throne, Charles is under pressure to divorce Catharine and remarry. The beautiful Lady Frances Stewart is groomed by Barbara as a potential future Queen but, just when Charles seems tempted to propose, she elopes and flees the Court.

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Episode Four
29 votes

#2 - Episode Four

Charles II: The Power and the Passion - Season 1 - Episode 4

The trail leads to the squalid but charismatic Titus Oates, whose accusations take in every eminent Catholic, including James and Queen Catharine herself. In the atmosphere of panic, a witch-hunt ensues and Charles is powerless to save the many innocent people whose lives are blighted by Oates's lies. Charles's position is further weakened when Parliament obtains letters alluding to the treaties with France. As Shaftesbury pushes for the exclusion of James as Charles's heir, Charles responds by sending Monmouth, the Protestant candidate, abroad. Charles dissolves Parliament to rule as an absolute Monarch and asserts James's right to the Throne, exiling Monmouth permanently. Charles lives out the final years of his reign in relative peace, yet he is profoundly conscious of the chaos that will ensue after his death. In a prescient moment, he advises William of Orange to prepare himself; both Monmouth and James will try and fail to rule England. In a final, ironic gesture, Charles rep

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Episode One
30 votes

#3 - Episode One

Charles II: The Power and the Passion - Season 1 - Episode 1

Penniless and powerless, after nearly a decade in exile from Republican England, Charles II's oldest and dearest friend, the Duke of Buckingham, abandons him and returns home to make his peace with Cromwell. But when loyal minister Sir Edward Hyde brings news of Cromwell's sudden death, the prospect of Charles regaining the Crown seems within his grasp. General Monck picks up on the nation's growing discontent and persuades Parliament to invite Charles Stuart back to take up his Throne. Charles makes his triumphant ride into London on his 30th birthday, following another victory with the longanticipated seduction of the beautiful and tantalising Barbara Villiers. With the virile Charles spawning illegitimate children, the need for a Queen and an heir becomes paramount. Barbara is confident enough of her charms not to be threatened by the arrival of the devout and mousy Catharine from Portugal, and she insists on being chief among the ladies-inwaiting. Barbara has her own agenda and

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The Prodigal Father
651 votes

#4 - The Prodigal Father

The Musketeers - Season 2 - Episode 8

Porthos uncovers the truth about his parentage and demands answers from his new found father. As he learns more about his past, Porthos questions his place in the Musketeers regiment. However the Musketeers have suspicions about Porthos’ new family, wondering whether he should trust them. Can they save Porthos from the dangers that lie ahead and where do his true loyalties lie?

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Episode Three
30 votes

#5 - Episode Three

Charles II: The Power and the Passion - Season 1 - Episode 3

As fire blazes through London, destroying whole swathes of the city, Charles and James fight valiantly to contain it. Many see the fire as God's judgement on Charles and his licentious Court and, as awareness of Barbara's depravity grows, the Monarch's popularity wanes. But Barbara is about to be eclipsed in Charles's heart as he falls under the spell of sparky, streetwise actress Nell Gwynn. Minette, Charles's beloved little sister, is sent from France as Louis XIV's envoy.The endless wrangling with Parliament makes Charles desperate to appropriate money from another source, and France is prepared to grant him a subsidy in return for support against the Dutch. Charles also negotiates a second, covert treaty, whereby the French King will provide unlimited funds, should he convert to Catholicism. Minette, having concealed a debilitating sickness from her cherished brother, dies on return to France. Charles is devastated by her death. Comfort comes from Louise de Kéroualle, Minette's

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Part 2
29 votes

#6 - Part 2

David Copperfield (1999) - Season 1 - Episode 2

David sees Agnes at a party in London. David is less happy to see Uriah Heep, Mr Wickfield's clerk, there as well. David tells Agnes of his love for Dora before running into his old friend, Steerforth. Later Uriah discloses to David his determination to marry Agnes and warns David not to tell Agnes or Mr. Wickfield of his intentions. Soon after, David enjoys an unplanned visit with the Micawbers before visiting Steerforth at his mother's home. David and Steerforth travel to Yarmouth where David visits Peggotty and Mr. Barkis, who has taken ill, before he and Steerforth visit the Peggotty family. Dan, Ham, Emily and Mrs. Gummidge are still living in the boat house. David learns that Ham and Emily will soon be married. Emily confides in David that she does not believe herself to be good enough for Ham, and ignores David's reassurances that Ham loves her more than anyone could. David makes one final stop to visit Peggotty and informs her that he plans on becoming engaged to Dora. At David's lodgings in London, the Micawbers come for dinner and Mr. Micawber reveals that he is now working for Uriah Heep. David reveals to Dora his love for her, and she reciprocates. On returning home that evening, he finds Aunt Trotwood on his doorstop declaring that she is ruined. David and Dora agree to a secret engagement due to his financial situation since he is now without his great aunt's support. David returns to Canterbury to see the Wickfields and discuss his great aunt's situation, but nothing can be done. David reveals to Mr. Micawber that he suspects Mr. Heep of trying to take control of Mr. Wickfield and his business. David informs Agnes of his engagement to Dora. Mr. Heep declares his intention to marry Agnes to Mr. Wickfield who responds with rage. The next day, Agnes tells David that her father has apologized to Mr. Heep since he is now too dependent on him. She appears to be reluctantly accepting her potential marriage. Upon David's next visit to Mr. Spenlow, he finds

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Concrete Menagerie
707 votes

#7 - Concrete Menagerie

Primeval - Season 2 - Episode 7

The team have to deal with the return of the future predator along with other creatures.

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2037 votes

#8 - Triumph

Rome - Season 1 - Episode 10

Unanimously proclaimed Dictator by the Senate, Caesar pronounces the war over, and prepares for five days of feasting and games honoring his "triumph." No longer an enlisted soldier, Pullo eyes a pastoral future with Eirene, while Vorenus runs for municipal magistrate, with Posca's help. Meanwhile, Octavian retrieves Octavia from her self-imposed exile. And Servilia invites a revenge-minded Quintus Pompey into her home, to Brutus' dismay.

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Musketeers Don't Die Easily
849 votes

#9 - Musketeers Don't Die Easily

The Musketeers - Season 1 - Episode 10

Athos takes a woman hostage in the square and the Musketeers are amazed to discover he is threatening none other than Milady. Athos is furious when he finds out that D’Artagnan knows her, testing their friendship to its limits. The Cardinal, fearful the Musketeers will prove he masterminded the attempt on the Queen’s life, compels Milady to kill them by any means. Milady has no choice but to revisit her dark past and in doing so puts Constance into danger. The Musketeers must use all their wits and courage to outsmart her and save Constance.

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An Ordinary Man
659 votes

#10 - An Ordinary Man

The Musketeers - Season 2 - Episode 2

D'Artagnan must protect King Louis when a notorious criminal kidnaps them both.

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663 votes

#11 - Emilie

The Musketeers - Season 2 - Episode 4

A woman claims to have visions from God which instruct her to start a war with Spain.

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The Return
649 votes

#12 - The Return

The Musketeers - Season 2 - Episode 5

Athos must confront his past to protect the people he left behind.

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Future Foe
680 votes

#13 - Future Foe

Primeval - Season 1 - Episode 6

Helen returns and claims that a predator from the future is behind a number of disappearances, so Helen and her estranged husband join together on a desperate race through time to prevent further attacks.

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Episode 6
439 votes

#14 - Episode 6

Survivors (2008) - Season 2 - Episode 6

The post-apocalyptic drama reaches its thrilling conclusion as the fates of the Family, the Lab and the rest of the world come crashing together in a deadly showdown.

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The Good Traitor
574 votes

#15 - The Good Traitor

The Musketeers - Season 2 - Episode 3

The Musketeers help rescue an enemy's daughter in exchange for a deadly gunpowder formula.

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Keep Your Friends Close
704 votes

#16 - Keep Your Friends Close

The Musketeers - Season 2 - Episode 1

The Musketeers must rescue a French general from an impenetrable Spanish prison.

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Through a Glass Darkly
625 votes

#17 - Through a Glass Darkly

The Musketeers - Season 2 - Episode 6

An astronomer gathers the royal party to see an eclipse, but events take a dramatic turn.

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The Good Soldier
1051 votes

#18 - The Good Soldier

The Musketeers - Season 1 - Episode 4

When Aramis's old friend and former musketeer, Marsac, unexpectedly returns to Paris, the musketeers are thrown into turmoil, fully aware that they should report him for desertion. His appearance coincides with the royal visit of the King's beloved sister and her husband, the Duke of Savoy, whom the musketeers must protect. Marsac believes he finally knows the truth behind the infamous massacre which killed his troop, and wants Aramis's help to prove it.

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The Chase Continues
644 votes

#19 - The Chase Continues

Primeval - Season 3 - Episode 10

The team split up to face two threats. Danny, Abby and Connor travel back to the future determined to stop Helen before she can hurt anyone else. Meanwhile Sarah and Becker must head to Christine Johnson’s headquarters where an anomaly has re-opened. In the future, Danny, Abby and Connor find Helen, but she manages to escape through an anomaly. Connor works out a way to follow her and they endure a harrowing journey back through time via several anomalies, encountering future predators, raptors and pterasaurs along the way. At Johnson’s office, Sarah and Becker come under attack by three vicious megopterans. At first they try to fight these dangerous insects, but when Becker loses his weapon in the battle, they have no choice but to run. During Danny, Abby and Connor's prehistoric travels one of them comes face to face with the earliest humans, hominids, in an encounter that will change their life forever.

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Sleight of Hand
1239 votes

#20 - Sleight of Hand

The Musketeers - Season 1 - Episode 2

Notorious criminal Vadim seeks to make life unbearable for the authorities that have imprisoned him. When he engineers a full-scale riot, it falls to the Musketeers to protect those whom he seeks to destroy.

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Part 2
186 votes

#21 - Part 2

Labyrinth - Season 1 - Episode 2

Parallel storylines from the past and present unfold in the southwest of France as ancient and modern-day conspiracies are unearthed, revolving around three hidden books that hold the secret of the true Grail. Alais and those closest to her must battle to protect the secret, while in the present day Alice faces a race against time to piece together her long-buried history.

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Friends and Enemies
1527 votes

#22 - Friends and Enemies

The Musketeers - Season 1 - Episode 1

The brightest and best musketeers of the King's Regiment - Athos, Porthos and Aramis - are dispatched by Captain Treville to find a missing musketeer carrying important letters on behalf of King Louis. Meanwhile, d'Artagnan travels from his family farm in Gascony to Paris to petition the king, but his peaceful plans are turned upside down.

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Jurassic Mall
784 votes

#23 - Jurassic Mall

Primeval - Season 2 - Episode 1

While Cutter tries to make sense of Claudia's disappearance, another anomaly appears. Raptors are running wild through a shopping centre, and the team are called in to sort out the problem.

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Mealworms, Indeed
759 votes

#24 - Mealworms, Indeed

Primeval - Season 2 - Episode 2

Bizarre shaped giant worms, some of which are large enough to consume a human are moving around in a strange fog.

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Episode 1
524 votes

#25 - Episode 1

Survivors (2008) - Season 2 - Episode 1

Greg has been wounded by a gunshot, Anya, Al and Tom frantically search a nearby hospital to find vital medical supplies. With the building on fire, it suddenly collapses, leaving Anya and All trapped. Whilst Greg is now perilously close to death. Abby still remains kidnapped at the Lab as the Scientists seek to find a vaccine using her immune system.

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Episode 1
663 votes

#26 - Episode 1

Survivors (2008) - Season 1 - Episode 1

Britain is in the grip of a deadly flu virus, which is now spreading throughout the world. When people start dying in their millions, a handful of survivors are left struggling to stay alive as society crumbles around them. Abby Grant is a housewife and mother who begins the desperate search for her son. On her journey she meets a variety of people whom fate has spared. The new world could be a dangerous place, and their only hope is to stick together.

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Crocodile Fears
773 votes

#27 - Crocodile Fears

Primeval - Season 3 - Episode 1

Cutter and the rest of the team are still trying to come to terms with Stephen's death. A creature that looks like an Egyptian god comes through an anomaly that opens in the British Museum. Egyptologist Sarah Page and new head of Security Captain Becker attempt to find where the creature has gone.

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Part 1
233 votes

#28 - Part 1

Labyrinth - Season 1 - Episode 1

Separated by time, but united in a common destiny, modern-day PhD graduate Dr Alice Tanner inherits a house in the South of France and is haunted by dreams of 17-year-old Alais Pelletier from 13th century Carcassonne. Compelled to find out more, Alice stumbles upon an archaeological find connected to an ancient genocide which will lead her to the secrets of the Holy Grail.

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Underground Infestation
851 votes

#29 - Underground Infestation

Primeval - Season 1 - Episode 2

In the London Underground, a cleaner is fatally bitten by a gigantic spider, and Nick Cutter's team investigate. In their search, they come across a maze of unused tunnels, leading to an even scarier event.

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Helen Makes Contact
801 votes

#30 - Helen Makes Contact

Primeval - Season 1 - Episode 3

Swimming pools, inner-city reservoirs, and flooded cellars in suburban homes are being overtaken with prehistoric reptiles, which have all come through the space-time anomalies. The gang go to investigate, but Nick is more concerned with finding his wife.

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Leapin' Lizards
999 votes

#31 - Leapin' Lizards

Primeval - Season 1 - Episode 1

Professor Nick Cutter is investigating the sighting of a dinosaur, apparently. A species which has been extinct for 200 million years. With his team, they travel to the region where it was sighted to explain how it appeared. However, as they investigate the dinosaur, a weird creature seemed to be killing anything on its path.

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Episode 6
529 votes

#32 - Episode 6

Survivors (2008) - Season 1 - Episode 6

Abby and her group are now being pursued. Time is running out as they try to avoid being found while searching for a missing Naj.

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Episode 2
517 votes

#33 - Episode 2

Survivors (2008) - Season 1 - Episode 2

Abby and her new friends discover that supplies won't be shared equally in the new world. A gang of armed thugs have laid claim to all the shops in the area leaving them short of food and water. Greg receives an attractive offer which could give him a comfortable life, but taking it would mean turning his back on the others.

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Episode 5
583 votes

#34 - Episode 5

Survivors (2008) - Season 1 - Episode 5

The arrival of a spiritual leader by the name of John raises suspicions for some members of the group. One of his followers is pregnant, so they are allowed to stay - a decision that ultimately puts the group in danger.

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Part 1
31 votes

#35 - Part 1

David Copperfield (1999) - Season 1 - Episode 1

David's early life is idyllic but then his mother marries brutal Murdstone.

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The Ruby In The Smoke
0 votes

#36 - The Ruby In The Smoke

The Sally Lockhart Mysteries - Season 1 - Episode 1

The Ruby In The Smoke is the first book in a quartet and charts the adventures of Sally Lockhart (Billie Piper), a feisty young Victorian heroine. Armed with a pistol, a thorough grounding in the principles of military tactics and a working knowledge of Hindustani she embarks on a journey to discover the truth behind her father's death, and unravel why his colleague dies of fear after she utters the three little words: "The Seven Blessings".

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The Shadow in the North
0 votes

#37 - The Shadow in the North

The Sally Lockhart Mysteries - Season 1 - Episode 2

The Shadow in the North is the second book in a quartet and charts the adventures of Sally Lockhart (Billie Piper), a feisty young Victorian heroine. Once again Pullman's much-loved and fearless heroine Sally Lockhart embarks on a mission - this time to find out why her elderly client's investment crashed and what links the clairvoyant's murderous vision to the rich industrialist, Bellmann. As Sally closes in on the truth, it becomes devastatingly clear that her life will never be the same again.

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