The BEST episodes written by Ben Richards

Episode 5
74 votes

#1 - Episode 5

The Fixer - Season 2 - Episode 5

The team find themselves involved in the world of cage fighting when they try and deal with a gang plotting a major heist.

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Episode 4
73 votes

#2 - Episode 4

The Fixer - Season 2 - Episode 4

Rose is stalked by the man who got her thrown off the police force. Innocent bystanders may end up drawn into a cat and mouse scenario as the crew attempts to deal with a rapist & murderer before he escape justice again.

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Episode 2
77 votes

#3 - Episode 2

The Fixer - Season 2 - Episode 2

The team continues to work on breaking up a paedophile ring. Assistance offered by an MI6 operative seems to involve ulterior motives.

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Episode 10
203 votes

#4 - Episode 10

Spooks - Season 6 - Episode 10

Hardliners opposed to the peace between Iran and the West have targeted a London school. Jo is captured by Redbacks, the mercenaries who abducted Zaf.

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Episode 10
594 votes

#5 - Episode 10

The Tunnel - Season 1 - Episode 10

The tense crime drama comes to an unmissable climax as Karl falls apart when the Truth Terrorist's change of direction becomes too much to bear.

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Episode 1
102 votes

#6 - Episode 1

The Fixer - Season 2 - Episode 1

The first of a two-part story, the second season opener finds the team battling a ruthless street gang that traffics in more than just drugs. Lenny is concerned about the future of his underground crime-fighting crew and faces a threat to his authority from within MI6.

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Episode 2
310 votes

#7 - Episode 2

Spooks - Season 5 - Episode 2

MI5 has foiled an attempt to murder the Home Secretary, but the plotters use the new emergency powers to imprison Harry. The team must try to frustrate the coup before Harry is executed.

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Episode 1
326 votes

#8 - Episode 1

Spooks - Season 5 - Episode 1

The government introduces Draconian emergency measures in response to a series of terrorist attacks. MI5 fears that influential establishment figures are behind the attacks and may be planning a coup.

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Episode 8
838 votes

#9 - Episode 8

Outcasts - Season 1 - Episode 8

A new virus - C24 - hits Forthaven. Berger seizes his opportunity, blaming the virus on the ACs, and exposing Fleur's true origins in an attempt to undermine confidence in President Tate.

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Episode 6
328 votes

#10 - Episode 6

Spooks - Season 3 - Episode 6

Zoe is tried for manslaughter when an MI5 operation results in the murder of an undercover police officer.

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Episode 1
323 votes

#11 - Episode 1

Spooks - Season 7 - Episode 1

The team steps in when a British soldier is kidnapped by Al-Qaeda. Meanwhile, an old protégé of Harry's returns to the fold after eight years in a Russian prison - but whose side is he really on?

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Episode 5
699 votes

#12 - Episode 5

Outcasts - Season 1 - Episode 5

A man arrives at a bar in Forthaven with a load of diamonds and stories of "bodies" outside the compound. He claims that he lives by Carpathia's ocean which seems to be impossible as it's known as a radiation hotspot. After a fight breaks out and Cass and Fleur are called in and they end up following the man.

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Episode Six
164 votes

#13 - Episode Six

The Fixer - Season 1 - Episode 6

Lenny is delicately closing the net on the powerful jury-fixer, Richard Blakeney. But when Mercer discovers just how deeply Rose is involved in the operation, and how much Lenny has been holding back, he vows revenge. As Blakeney tempts the disaffected Mercer into working for him - and getting rid of Lenny - Mercer is left to make a decision that could cost the lives of all he holds dear.

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Episode 8
429 votes

#14 - Episode 8

The Tunnel - Season 2 - Episode 8

A lethal attack is launched and Elise and Karl's lives are thrown into jeopardy as the second series of the gripping crime drama ends in a nail-biting showdown.

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Episode 8
661 votes

#15 - Episode 8

The Tunnel - Season 1 - Episode 8

When Karl searches Danny's flat things start falling into place. Whilst the French police capture the prime suspect before losing him. Elise goes missing.

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Episode 1
299 votes

#16 - Episode 1

Spooks - Season 8 - Episode 1

Harry is still missing, and there is one question on everyone's mind: is he dead, or alive? Section D discovers that Harry thwarted a clandestine operation to smuggle weapons-grade uranium into Iraq to justify the war. Now the rogue officers who masterminded the operation want their uranium back, and they are prepared to go to any lengths to get it. If Harry isn't dead already, is it too late to save him?

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Episode Five
78 votes

#17 - Episode Five

The Fixer - Season 1 - Episode 5

John Mercer’s predecessor, Patrick Finch, has gone on a vigilante-style rampage, meting out his particular brand of justice against drug-dealers and prostitutes. He is working on his own and he’s making newspaper headlines. It’s time to put the brakes on Finch. Meanwhile, Hugh Berry, the man who sorts out the paperwork to cover Lenny’s illicit activities, asks him to take out a hit on his behalf. A hit-and-run driver Trevor Bowyer rendered Hugh’s grandson mentally disabled. But the driver only served two years for the crime. Lenny is left in no doubt that if he doesn’t send his hit man to kill Bowyer, Hugh will find one of his own. Lenny visits Finch in an attempt to bring him into line. But he finds a bitter, alienated and menacing man. Finch is everything Lenny feared he might become. Leaving Finch’s tower block, Lenny is furious to find Hugh Berry waiting outside, he’s clearly tempted to hire Finch in order to take out Bowyer.

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Episode 9
367 votes

#18 - Episode 9

Spooks - Season 2 - Episode 9

Tom is undercover with Customs, but when he goes off to phone in, the rest of the crew are murdered. A Colombian drugs cartel are suspected. Zoe and Tom are sent undercover to 'turn' the girlfriend of the head of the cartel. Tonight also sees the re-appearance of Tessa and she wants revenge on Harry and MI5. Will she endanger Tom and Zoe's life? Will the mole be found before it's too late? Or will Tessa get her revenge and allow someone to die?

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Episode 3
917 votes

#19 - Episode 3

Strike - Season 1 - Episode 3

Robin gets key information from a salesgirl at the boutique Lula visited. Strike arrives just as Robin tries on a stunning green dress and he awkwardly averts his eyes as he explains his CCTV breakthrough – that a man left Lula’s wearing a Guy Somé hoodie.

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Episode 4
395 votes

#20 - Episode 4

The Tunnel - Season 2 - Episode 4

As the gripping crime drama continues, Karl and Elise receive a tip-off from a woman they believe knows Robert Fournier's whereabouts. But can she be trusted?

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Episode 10
355 votes

#21 - Episode 10

Spooks - Season 3 - Episode 10

It's Fiona's birthday, and she's not going to forget it! While inspecting a possible Islamic terrorist safe house, they are kidnapped. With the threat of his son's, his wife's and Danny's life, Adam must choose who won't live to see another day, Fiona or Danny? The prime minister's life is in danger. Will MI5 give into the kidnappers demands? But then to everybody's surprise... Danny makes the ultimate sacrifice.

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Episode Three
143 votes

#22 - Episode Three

The Fixer - Season 1 - Episode 3

Lenny is alerted to the recent arrival of a notorious Albanian gangster Tarek Sokoli. Sokoli wants to put down roots in his new homeland and that includes running drugs and prostitution rackets. Rather than have him killed, Lenny instructs Mercer, Rose and Calum to scare him away - to send the message to any others planning on setting up in London that their attempts will fail. He wants them to work as a team. Calum frees the prostitutes that Sokoli’s crew had illegally shipped in by returning their passports. However, after one of the liberated girls is killed, and a heroin importer is murdered by Sokoli’s lieutenant after Mercer convinced him against doing business with the Albanians, the unit begin to realise that simply executing Sokoli would have created far less bloodshed.

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Episode 7
387 votes

#23 - Episode 7

The Tunnel - Season 2 - Episode 7

The team are forced to strike a deal with Vanessa. Meanwhile, someone tries to warn Karl off the case and Elise crosses a line she may quickly come to regret.

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Episode One
273 votes

#24 - Episode One

The Fixer - Season 1 - Episode 1

Only five years into his life sentence for killing his aunt and uncle, a crime committed when he discovered their abuse of his sister, John Mercer is released from prison. He’s introduced to Lenny Douglas, a police officer “retired on grounds of ill health.” In fact, Lenny is an operative whose remit is to take down those members of the criminal and official establishment who think they are above the law. His task is to bring order where the law has failed. Mercer’s freedom comes at a price. He must use the skills he gained serving in the Special Forces to remove untouchable criminal Jacob Gould who was responsible for a hit on a senior police officer. Mercer is put in a south London council flat with Calum MacKenzie. Calum is an old cellmate and annoys the hell out of Mercer. He is an irrepressible bundle of deviant energy whose main interests are girls, drugs and ‘slamming tunes.’ But, to Lenny, Calum is an invaluable snitch and expert breaking-and-entering man.

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Episode 2
916 votes

#25 - Episode 2

Strike - Season 1 - Episode 2

Strike tells the police that the circumstances of Rochelle's death merit further investigation but is dismissed. He seeks out Lula’s friends, the fashion designer Guy Somé and model Ciara Porter, and learns that Lula was looking for her biological family.

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Episode 2
293 votes

#26 - Episode 2

Spooks - Season 8 - Episode 2

The country reaches crisis point when energy supplies are threatened by an explosion at a gas processing plant. With reserves on the verge of running out, Britain is forced to turn to Tazbekstan for help. But in return for energy, the Tazbek Trade and Industry Secretary, Urazov, wants carte blanche to wipe out his enemies on British soil. Is this a price worth paying or can Section D get rid of Urazov in order to secure the deal?

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Episode 2
290 votes

#27 - Episode 2

Spooks - Season 7 - Episode 2

Harry vows revenge by taking down the head of Russia's intelligence service in Britain with the help of Lucas North. Lucas's loyalties, however, are secretly no longer with MI5 and he exploits Harry's trust to help a Russian submarine destroy Britain's communications system, causing financial and social chaos.

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Episode 6
394 votes

#28 - Episode 6

The Tunnel - Season 2 - Episode 6

An anonymous package gives Karl his biggest breakthrough in the case yet. Plus, the investigating team receive a clear and violent warning.

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Episode 1
1046 votes

#29 - Episode 1

Strike - Season 1 - Episode 1

Supermodel Lula Landry falls to her death from a Mayfair balcony. The police conclude that she committed suicide.

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Episode 3
417 votes

#30 - Episode 3

The Tunnel - Season 2 - Episode 3

As the hunt for the abducted couple continues, a hunch leads Karl to another body. Plus, a man steps forward with intriguing links to their missing man.

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Episode 1
412 votes

#31 - Episode 1

The Tunnel - Season 2 - Episode 1

While Elise Wassermann and Karl Roebuck are back to investigate the case of a French couple who are abducted from the Eurotunnel, the case gets complicated by a plane crash into the Channel.

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Episode 3
705 votes

#32 - Episode 3

The Tunnel - Season 1 - Episode 3

The team are faced with a race against time as the killer strikes again and this time it's a elderly victim.

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Episode 2
364 votes

#33 - Episode 2

Spooks - Season 4 - Episode 2

Zafar and Adam race against the clock to uncover the latest bomb. As a new ultimatum is issued and Tash mysteriously disapears, the team is forced to deal with the possibility of a mole within their own organisation.

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Episode 2
451 votes

#34 - Episode 2

The Tunnel - Season 2 - Episode 2

Finding the Fourniers becomes a matter of national urgency when the crashed plane's black box reveals a terrifying possibility.

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Episode 7
903 votes

#35 - Episode 7

Fortitude - Season 1 - Episode 7

Panic sweeps through Fortitude as news of the second attack spreads. Dan and Morton must work together while Frank hopes the latest events will exonerate Liam

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Episode 3
242 votes

#36 - Episode 3

Spooks - Season 5 - Episode 3

Zaf goes deep undercover to infiltrate an Al-Qaeda cell that is planning an attack on the UK. When Adam learns that the terrorists are on a suicide mission he tries to prevent them from reaching their target, but events soon spiral out of control.

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Episode 1
370 votes

#37 - Episode 1

Spooks - Season 4 - Episode 1

When a devastating bomb explodes in central London, causing multiple deaths, a terrorist group with a hatred for human life claim responsibility. With their leader facing extradition, the bombers announce that crippling attacks will be launched at ten hour intervals until he is released.

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Episode 4
388 votes

#38 - Episode 4

Spooks - Season 3 - Episode 4

The latest round of Middle East peace talks are abruptly halted when a key delegate is killed. With the peace process derailed MI5 starts to investigate a newspaper mogul and renowned Israeli extremist, and a group he's associated with called the November Committee. Can MI5 prevent an assassination attempt on a pro-Palestinian British MP?

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Episode 1
1036 votes

#39 - Episode 1

The Tunnel - Season 1 - Episode 1

When a prominent French politician is found dead on the border between the UK and France, detectives Karl Roebuck and Elise Wassermann are sent to investigate on behalf of their respective countries. However, the case takes a surreal turn when a shocking discovery is made at the crime scene, forcing the French and British police into an uneasy partnership.

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Episode 2
898 votes

#40 - Episode 2

The Tunnel - Season 1 - Episode 2

As the killers second 'truth' comes to light, Karl and Elise cross paths with Stephen Beaumont again.

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Episode 3
281 votes

#41 - Episode 3

Spooks - Season 4 - Episode 3

Far-right political party The British Way is threatening democracy so Adam and Fiona go undercover to infiltrate and destroy its campaign.

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Episode 1
374 votes

#42 - Episode 1

COBRA (2020) - Season 1 - Episode 1

As the possibility of a solar storm affecting the UK mounts, the Prime Minister Robert Sutherland, his chief of Staff Anna Marshall, the Head of the Civil Contingencies Secretariat Fraser Walker and the Home Secretary Archie Glover-Morgan assemble the emergency committee “COBRA” in an effort to combat the situation.

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Episode 6
217 votes

#43 - Episode 6

COBRA (2020) - Season 1 - Episode 6

As anarchy explodes on the streets and the nation is rocked with night upon night of rioting, Fraser and his team reach the endgame in their mission to get the lights switched back on in the Red Zone. Meanwhile, with his personal life imploding, Sutherland is forced to fight for his political life as Archie finally fires his first shots…

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Episode 3
1009 votes

#44 - Episode 3

Outcasts - Season 1 - Episode 3

It is predicted that a super whiteout of unprecedented strength could hit Forthaven. Stella uses Tipper's mathematical ability to predict exactly when the it could happen and Tate begins to lock down Forthaven. Fleur, unaware of what could happen takes the AC baby back to Rudi. Cass ends up running into an old flame called Trix who is about to be married the following day.

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Episode 5
205 votes

#45 - Episode 5

COBRA (2020) - Season 1 - Episode 5

With the nation sliding further and further towards anarchy, Rachel faces difficult questions about Ellie. Meanwhile, Fraser says goodbye to his father and grows closer to Francine. And as the influence of “People’s Justice” grows ever-powerful, Sutherland is forced to consider more extreme measures to retain control of the country.

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Episode 3
301 votes

#46 - Episode 3

Spooks - Season 7 - Episode 3

With Lucas back within MI5 he reveals that the Russians interrogated him about Operation Sugar Horse, the most secret ongoing spy operation MI5 ever had. If the Russians know about it, then MI5 has a very high level mole. Harry seeks out his mentor, The Spycatcher, to help him find the mole. Ben is undercover with an Al-Qaeda cell; they are planning to bomb London and what looks like a dry run unexpectedly turns live.

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Episode 2
1017 votes

#47 - Episode 2

Outcasts - Season 1 - Episode 2

Cass, Fleur and Jack leave the settlement to try and find a a missing survival shuttle. Stella and Tate are confronted by their former foe Julius Berger.

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Episode 3
265 votes

#48 - Episode 3

COBRA (2020) - Season 1 - Episode 3

As the country continues to face darkness, Sutherland, Anna, Fraser and their teams pay a visit to the worst affected area in Northumberland to see the situation on the ground. But with the Prime Minister away, Archie’s incendiary comments on the dark underbelly of public mood threatens to cause more problems for everyone.

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Episode Two
175 votes

#49 - Episode Two

The Fixer - Season 1 - Episode 2

Following the death of the head of a notorious crime family, Lenny visits his successor, the police mole Jude Cassidy. Lenny wants to persuade him to come under police protection. Jude and an accomplice have recently been acquitted of the murder of a young black man whose cousin, Elviss Gilroy, is making plans to avenge his death. Reluctantly, Jude agrees to go into hiding, under the protection of an even more reluctant John Mercer. Leaving Calum to watch over Jude, Mercer goes to visit his sister Jess. Cooped up in the little council flat, it takes no time for Jude’s true nature to emerge and he starts taunting Calum about his mother. Mercer gets a call from a hysterical Calum, who has lashed out at Jude with terrible consequences.

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Episode 2
299 votes

#50 - Episode 2

COBRA (2020) - Season 1 - Episode 2

With the nation in the full grip of the crisis and experiencing the worst blackout in the history of the UK, Sutherland and his team are forced to work around the clock to restore power. Meanwhile Anna reconnects with Edin, but this dalliance with her past love becomes more dangerous than she anticipates.

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