The BEST episodes written by Billy Brown

More Monster Blood (2)
62 votes

#1 - More Monster Blood (2)

Goosebumps - Season 2 - Episode 16

Evan is flying to Atlanta to meet his parents, as the family is moving due to his father's job. On the plane, Evan meets three kids. But as each of them get to know Evan more, Evan tells them about the monster blood. And all the trouble it caused. However, none of them believe him. Though, that's going to change soon. Very soon. Because the monster blood has followed Evan. And now it's going to cause a very frightening flight...

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One Day at HorrorLand (1)
106 votes

#2 - One Day at HorrorLand (1)

Goosebumps - Season 3 - Episode 8

Out on a fun-filled trip to Zoo Gardens, the Morris family's amusement soon turns to amazement when bright lights flash across the sky. They suddenly find themselves in Horrorland-where admission is free, but the fun never starts. After a narrow escape from the house of mirrors and a chilling whitewater coffin cruise, Luke and Lizzy rejoin their parents at the front gate, but it's locked! Now their only hope is to compete in a gruesome game show that proves what the world has feared all along: monsters really do exist...and they have their own cable channel.

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Attack of the Jack-O'-Lanterns
74 votes

#3 - Attack of the Jack-O'-Lanterns

Goosebumps - Season 2 - Episode 10

Nothing beats Halloween. And this year will be awesome. Much better than last year. Or the year Lee and Tabby played that joke. A nasty practical joke on Drew and her best friend, Walker. Yes, this year Drew and Walker have a plan. A plan for revenge. It involves two scary pumpkin heads. But something's gone wrong. Because the pumpkin heads are a little too scary. A little too real. With strange hissing voices. And flames shooting out of their faces...

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Darkness at Noon (2)
18 votes

#4 - Darkness at Noon (2)

Extreme Ghostbusters - Season 1 - Episode 2

Egon builds new and improved ghost busting equipment for the new team. While they search for Achira, Eduardo again sees Kylie, who has been possessed by Achira.

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A Night in Terror Tower (2)
74 votes

#5 - A Night in Terror Tower (2)

Goosebumps - Season 1 - Episode 17

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My Name Is Jake (2)
2 votes

#6 - My Name Is Jake (2)

Animorphs - Season 1 - Episode 2

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Chillogy (1): Squeal of Fortune
23 votes

#7 - Chillogy (1): Squeal of Fortune

Goosebumps - Season 3 - Episode 19

Matthew and Todd's family is holding a garage sale in their front yard, when Jessica Walters, a rich girl, comes to the sale. She weasels a rare baseball card out of a reluctant Matthew for one dollar. After going home, she checks her ""Financial Empire"", and her brother comes in asking her for spare money to get their mother an anniversary gift. When Jessica gets too technical about it, their mother tells Jessica it's her job to sweep the attic. Inside, Jessica finds a strange toy town. Now, she's transported into Karlsville, a strange town where one man rules all. And Jessica's greed just may get the best of her. As during her stay, many of the townspeople are talking about what happens to greedy little pigs...

The Haunted Mask II (2)
30 votes

#8 - The Haunted Mask II (2)

Goosebumps - Season 2 - Episode 12

After last year's terrifying Halloween, Carly Beth buried her old haunted mask. No this year her friend Steve wants to find a mask just as scary, but Carly Beth refuses to tell him where she bought hers. At the last minute though, Steve encounters a stranger wearing Carly Beth's old mask, a mysterious man who leads him to a boarded-up novelty shop. Steve slips in through the back door and steals a creepy mask he finds in the basement. What he doesn't realize is that Carly Beth's old mask is alive-and using both Steve and the shopkeeper to get her back!

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Stay Out of the Basement (1)
71 votes

#9 - Stay Out of the Basement (1)

Goosebumps - Season 1 - Episode 12

When Margaret's dad gets fired from his job as a botanist, he begins acting weird and spending all his time down in the basement. But no one seems to notice his odd behavior or hear the strange noises coming from below-except Margaret. She's really scared. Has her father turned into a mad scientist? Her brother, Casey, thinks she's nuts-that is until he finds out that dad has been eating plant food! What is going on? Together Margaret and Casey venture down into the dark, creepy basement to unearth their father's spooky secret...

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Stay Out of the Basement (2)
55 votes

#10 - Stay Out of the Basement (2)

Goosebumps - Season 1 - Episode 13

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A Night in Terror Tower (1)
93 votes

#11 - A Night in Terror Tower (1)

Goosebumps - Season 1 - Episode 16

While visiting London, Sue and her brother, Eddie, are out on their own for the day while their parents attend a buisness conference. At first bored, they are delighted when their bus makes a stop at Terror Tower. But the fun turns to fright when the kids see the wax statues in the Tower's torture chamber moving as if they are real... and ghostly images start calling out warnings to them. Suddenly, Sue and Eddie are running for their lives as they travel back in time to the Middle Ages to escape the dark fate of Terror Tower.

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Werewolf Skin (1)
26 votes

#12 - Werewolf Skin (1)

Goosebumps - Season 3 - Episode 13

While visiting his aunt and uncle in rural Wolf Creek, big-city camera bug Alex Blackwell is hoping to photograph something really scary in order to win Chiller Magazine's amateur ""shudder shot"" contest. Fortunately (or unfortunately), he doesn't have to look far, because when the moon is full, the woods are full of werewolves! Aided by his mysterious school-girl pal, Hannah, Alex has a plan-which includes a visit to the creepy house across the street-to break the curse of the wolf-skins in order to save his family...and himself!

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Chillogy (3): Escape From Karlsville
22 votes

#13 - Chillogy (3): Escape From Karlsville

Goosebumps - Season 3 - Episode 21

After Matthew narrowly escaped from Karlsville, Todd walked to Matthew's room, obsessed with winning some kind of contest. With him, he carried an envelope that said he was the grand prize winner. And that he should come to Karlsville to claim his prize. So, while wondering what Karlsville was, Todd was accidently sucked into the town himself, and the population sign went from ""100"" to ""101"". Todd was greeted by Karl, and the town. They celebrated, and Matthew and Jessica came into the town themselves. While they were looking for Todd, Todd himself was brought to claim his prize. However, Todd's prize is pretty scary. Scary enough to make him a citizen of Karlsville. Permanantly...

A Shocker on Shock Street
48 votes

#14 - A Shocker on Shock Street

Goosebumps - Season 3 - Episode 1

Erin Wright and her best friend, Marty, love horror movies. Especially Shocker on Shock Street movies. All kinds of scary creatures live on Shock Street. The Toadinator. Ape Face. The Mad Mangler. But when Erin and Marty visit the new Shocker Studio Theme Park, they get the scare of their lives. First their tram gets stuck in The Cave of the Living Creeps. Then they're attacked by a group of enormous praying mantises! Real life is a whole lot scarier than the movies. But Shock Street isn't really real. Is it?

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One Day at HorrorLand (2)
102 votes

#15 - One Day at HorrorLand (2)

Goosebumps - Season 3 - Episode 9

Out on a fun-filled road trip to Zoo Gardens, the Morris family's amusement soon turns to amazement when bright lights flash across the sky. They suddenly find themselves in Horrorland-where admission is free, but the fun never starts. After a narrow escape from the house of mirrors and a chilling whitewater coffin cruise, Luke and Lizzy rejoin their parents at the front gate, but it's locked! Now their only hope is to compete in a gruesome game show that proves what the world has feared all along: monsters really do exist...and they have their own cable channel.

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Chillogy (2): Strike Three... You're Doomed
21 votes

#16 - Chillogy (2): Strike Three... You're Doomed

Goosebumps - Season 3 - Episode 20

After Jessica's scary adventure in Karlsville, she and her brother throw it out on an agreement that she will give him fifty dollars for an anniversary present. However, Todd and Matthew find it when they are coming home from their friend's house one night. They carry it home, and the next day Matthew goes to his baseball game. Matthew finally gets a chance to play-and strikes out horribly. Sad, he sits in his room while the rest of his family watches a movie. Tossing his baseball up and down, the ball suddenly floats into Karlsville. Following it, Matthew is transported into the town just as Jessica was, only he's in a baseball game. And in Karlsville baseball games, it's not whether you win or lose. It's how you save your life...

Darkness at Noon (1)
31 votes

#17 - Darkness at Noon (1)

Extreme Ghostbusters - Season 1 - Episode 1

Construction workers have inadvertantly released Achira, a ghost that can spread disease. The only ones who could stop this ghost are the Ghostbusters, but they have long since disbanded. In fact, only Egon is still in New York City. He is now teaching a college class, but his four students may prove very helpful against this nasty ghost.

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The Haunted Mask II (1)
45 votes

#18 - The Haunted Mask II (1)

Goosebumps - Season 2 - Episode 11

After last year's terrifying Halloween, Carly Beth buried her old haunted mask. Now this year her friend Steve wants to find a mask just as scary, but Carly Beth refuses to tell him where she bought hers. At the last minute though, Steve encounters a stranger wearing Carly Beth's old mask, a mysterious man who leads him to a boarded-up novelty shop. Steve elips in through the back door and steals a creepy mask he finds in the basement. What he doesn't realize is that Carly Beth's old mask is alive-and using both Steve and the shopkeeper to get her back!

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The Headless Ghost
47 votes

#19 - The Headless Ghost

Goosebumps - Season 2 - Episode 5

Everyone knows about Hill House. It's the biggest tourist attraction in town. That's because it's haunted. Haunted by the ghost of a thirteen-year-old boy. A boy with no head! Duane and Stephanie love Hill House. It's dark. And creepy. And totally scary. Still, they've never actually seen the ghost. Until the night they decide to go on a search. A search for his head...

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Welcome to Dead House (1)
29 votes

#20 - Welcome to Dead House (1)

Goosebumps - Season 2 - Episode 20

For Josh and Amanda, having to move to the remote, desolate town of Dark Falls was bad enough. But as soon as they moved into Dead house, things began to happen, things their parents couldn't see -- a ghostly shape at the window, a shadow on the wall, the way their dog kept growling at strangers, the quiet, death-pale neighbor kids. Was it the chemical spill that made the people of Dark Falls so strange, or something far more sinister?

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Welcome to Dead House (2)
30 votes

#21 - Welcome to Dead House (2)

Goosebumps - Season 2 - Episode 21

Amanda and Josh HATE their new house. Its just so spooky. And the town of Dark Falls too. But their parents don't listen to them. But they should have... Because the neighors want them to stay. Forever....

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Werewolf Skin (2)
21 votes

#22 - Werewolf Skin (2)

Goosebumps - Season 3 - Episode 14

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The Cuckoo Clock of Doom
263 votes

#23 - The Cuckoo Clock of Doom

Goosebumps - Season 1 - Episode 3

An eerie old cuckoo clock in Michael's and Tara's house has mysterious powers and it's about to set back the hands of time ... forever!

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Attack of the Mutant (1)
52 votes

#24 - Attack of the Mutant (1)

Goosebumps - Season 2 - Episode 2

Skipper Matthews has an awesome comic book collection. His favorite one is called The Masked Mutant. It's about an evil supervillian who's out to rule the universe! Skipper can't get enough of The Mutant. Until one day he gets lost in a strange part of town. And finds a building that looks exactly like The Mutant's headquarters. A building that appears and disappears. Has Skipper read one too many comic books? Or does The Masked Mutant really live in Riverview Falls?

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Say Cheese and Die-Again!
32 votes

#25 - Say Cheese and Die-Again!

Goosebumps - Season 3 - Episode 18

Sourball. That's what Greg calls his English teacher, Mr. Saur. He's a real grouch. And now he just gave Greg a big fat ""F"" on his oral report. He didn't believe Greg's story. About the camera Greg found last summer. About the pictures it took. About the evil things that happened. Poor Greg. He just wanted to prove old Sourball wrong. But now that he's dug up the camera, bad things are happening. Really bad things. Just like the first time...

Calling All Creeps!
33 votes

#26 - Calling All Creeps!

Goosebumps - Season 2 - Episode 19

When Ricky gets kicked off the paper, he decides to play a prank on the editor. He sticks a message in the paper. If you're a real creep, call Tasha after midnight. But Ricky's message gets messed up. And now he's getting strange calls from kids who say they are creeps...

11 votes

#27 - Scarecrow

R.L. Stine's The Haunting Hour: The Series - Season 2 - Episode 11

A farmer named Jenny has trouble ridding her crops of an infestation of crows, so she buys a scarecrow from a mysterious salesman -- and soon discovers that the scarecrow has the power to scare more than crows.

Attack of the Mutant (2)
43 votes

#28 - Attack of the Mutant (2)

Goosebumps - Season 2 - Episode 3

Skipper Matthews has an awesome comic book collection. His favorite one is called The Masked Mutant. It's about an evil supervillain who's out to rule the universe! Skipper can't get enough of The Mutant. Until one day he gets lost in a strange part of town. And finds a building that looks exactly like The Mutant's secret headquarters. A building that appears and disappers. Has Skipper read one too many comic books? Or does The Masked Mutant really live in Riverview Falls?

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