The BEST episodes written by Hadrien Soulez Larivière

30 votes

#1 - Virus

Code Lyoko: Evolution - Season 1 - Episode 8

Jeremy tries to create a virus to destroy the Cortex, however it doesn't work and the group discusses what to do. They decide to bring Laura to the factory and Odd steals her tablet and runs, with Laura chasing after him. When she gets there the gang explains about XANA and the Cortex and that they need her help, which she accepts to give. She easily fixes the problem and they launch the virus and a return to the past. Laura forgets everything, but thanks to a few hidden commands in the virus, the code for the return to the past was altered to exclude Laura, causing Laura to start having memory flashbacks of her time in the lab. She follows the memories to the sewers. William (who was left on Earth) tries to stall her, but fails, and Laura ends up back at the lab. Meanwhile, Ulrich and Yumi encounter Ninjas in the Cortex for the first time, but are unable to defeat the new monsters and are sent back to Earth in no time. Laura agrees to keep the factory a secret and to help them out with programming to destroy XANA once and for all when they need her. With little choice, they welcome her into the group as the seventh member of Team Lyoko, which she gladly accepts.

XANA 2.0
32 votes

#2 - XANA 2.0

Code Lyoko: Evolution - Season 1 - Episode 1

Enjoying their normal lives, Jeremy Belpois, Ulrich Stern, Odd Della Robbia, Yumi Ishiyama and Aelita Schaeffer soon discover that there is trouble still brewing at Kadic Academy. Even worse, the five best friends discover that their old and greatest virtual enemy - the evil, sentient and autonomous artificial intelligence/multi-agent system XANA - is somehow back and even stronger and more dangerous than ever before, as a highly evolved and modified version of itself. XANA now wants to take back its power - source codes that were implanted in the electromagnetic parts of the bodies of Aelita, Odd, Ulrich, and Yumi during the time of its supposed "destruction" in order to gain control over the world network once again. The war against XANA is far from over, and the five Lyoko Warriors are back in action.

Roco's Treasure
1 votes

#3 - Roco's Treasure

Oscar's Oasis - Season 1 - Episode 72

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#4 - Spectromania

Code Lyoko: Evolution - Season 1 - Episode 3

When a kid goes up to hug Aelita, he leaves and comes back and does the same to Yumi. Jeremy immediately realizes that XANA has sent a specter to retrieve the codes it implanted into four of its greatest enemies to regain its full strength and power. So they go to Lyoko and attempt to deactivate the tower in the Desert sector while Odd stays at the school to hold it off, but the situation escalates when Aelita gets hit and is devirtualized. She guides Yumi from Earth, supposing that XANA's source codes can allow the others to deactivate towers. Her theory is correct and Yumi deactivates the tower, only to reveal another one masked by the first's signal; another spectre is somewhere on Earth.