The BEST episodes written by Jeff F. King

Conclusions (2)
2 votes

#1 - Conclusions (2)

Strange Days at Blake Holsey High - Season 4 - Episode 2

Josie2 rescues Josie from the alternate dimension to repair the timeline to its proper order. Meanwhile, Avenir may finally see his plans to obtain total control of Victor's time jumping technology come to fruition.

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Conclusions (3)
2 votes

#2 - Conclusions (3)

Strange Days at Blake Holsey High - Season 4 - Episode 3

Josie returns to her rightful timeline and prepares to fulfill her destiny by preventing Avenir from securing his ultimate victory, and in the process, makes a shocking discovery as she unearths the truth about the identity of her father.

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3 votes

#3 - Friction

Strange Days at Blake Holsey High - Season 3 - Episode 11

Vaughn tells Corinne that he saw her on the Pearadyne security tapes- talking to his mother. He becomes angry at her when she denies ever seeing his mother. Z explains to the science club about friction- how it can cause things to fuse together. He demonstrates with two blocks of metal. When the lesson is over, Corrine leaves quickly, followed by Vaughn who doesn't believe Corrine is telling the truth about his mother. As the remaining science club members are leaving, they notice that the metal blocks have fused together, despite being set apart. Something clicks and they go to warn Vaughn and Corrine, but it is too late. Vaughn grabs Corrine's wrist to stop her, and suddenly they are fused together and can't separate. Now in order to come unstuck, Vaughn and Corrine must cooperate to find out what really happened when Corrine went through the wormhole.

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3 votes

#4 - Transference

Strange Days at Blake Holsey High - Season 3 - Episode 1

Just as Vaughn's intelligence seems to be increasing, Josie's intelligence seems to be dropping. Coincidence? Not at Black Hole High...

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Conclusions (1)
4 votes

#5 - Conclusions (1)

Strange Days at Blake Holsey High - Season 4 - Episode 1

Josie finds herself seemingly trapped within an alternate dimension which she inadvertently created by taking Victor's power source, the floating chi ball, to prevent a future she believed to be her fault and not the destined timeline.

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3 votes

#6 - Echolocation

Strange Days at Blake Holsey High - Season 2 - Episode 12

Josie gains the ability of echolocation after listening to her music too loudly. She overhears Victor talking from inside Pearadyne2, it is underground beneath her. She and Vaughn investigate what Victor is up to, venturing back into the heart of Victor's invention. The partners in crime appear like they're going to get away with it, but when the alarm goes off and the noise hurts Josie too badly to move, could Victor find out who interrupted his experiment? Wait a minute...what was Victor doing with Josie's missing Chi Gong ball?

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In Models We Trust
1 votes

#7 - In Models We Trust

Models Inc. - Season 1 - Episode 13

Linda accepts a marriage proposal from Chris. Eric shows up at the house and serenades Linda in the hopes of changing her mind. Chris becomes furious and threatens Eric. He gets into a scuffle with Linda and falls down the stairs. Linda fears that Chris is dead, and Eric tries to help her cover up the incident. Adam agrees to move on with his life and date Monique. Julie bets her charming neighbor, Craig Bodi, that she can claim Adam for herself. Carrie impersonates Hillary and sleeps with potential new clients. Cynthia receives threatening phone calls and letters. Sarah is shocked to discover that Mark is a priest.

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Out of Control
1 votes

#8 - Out of Control

Models Inc. - Season 1 - Episode 21

Adam realizes that Grayson faked her suicide attempt to win his sympathy; she purposely took a far less than lethal dose. Adam files for divorce, but Grayson refuses to surrender her shares in Stage 99. Julie ruins a romantic Hawaiian vacation with Craig when she ignores him to make business connections. He dumps her. Cynthia insists that she is no longer tormented by the rape, and decides to drop group therapy. She becomes obsessed with her physical appearance and secretly begins binging and purging. Sarah, no longer a sweet farm girl, turns into an egomaniac and gets on everybody's nerves.

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46 votes

#9 - Allure

Total Recall 2070 - Season 1 - Episode 5

After failing to stop a young woman's suicide, Hume is puzzled when he sees someone looking just like her. Things get weirder still when the suicide victim turns into a withered old corpse.

3 votes

#10 - Probability

Strange Days at Blake Holsey High - Season 3 - Episode 9

Marshall is busy working on promotions for his band, Magnet 360. He is supposed to write a 1500 word essay for the school paper for his community service, however he runs out of time and ends up filling the space with predictions, thanks to Z's inspiring lesson on horoscopes and The Bell Curve. Unfortunately, he forgets to check his work, and the prediction that 'a member of the science club will diet' becomes 'a member of the science club will die.' It doesn't seem to be a problem until the other predictions start to come true. Now each member of the science club has to work out how to cheat death...

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I Coulda Been A Defendant
16 votes

#11 - I Coulda Been A Defendant

Due South - Season 3 - Episode 3

Fraser and Kowalski try to reward a reluctant hero but blow his protected-witness cover.

The Wild Bunch
82 votes

#12 - The Wild Bunch

Due South - Season 1 - Episode 15

Diefenbaker, straying from the apartment, is impounded.

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Letting Go
101 votes

#13 - Letting Go

Due South - Season 1 - Episode 22

Hospitalized Fraser takes interest in an apparent crime. In the aftermath of 'Victoria's Secret', Fraser finds himself hospitalized, recovering from Ray's bullet. The two friends try to get past this bump in their friendship. Meanwhile, Fraser and his physical therapist, Jill Kennedy get drawn into a blackmail and murder case, partially witnessed through Fraser's hospital window.

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An Eye for an Eye
52 votes

#14 - An Eye for an Eye

Due South - Season 1 - Episode 13

A mugging victim turns vigilante after Fraser and Ray teach self-defense to senior citizens.

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Neighborhood Watch
2645 votes

#15 - Neighborhood Watch

White Collar - Season 3 - Episode 13

When Elizabeth overhears one of her neighbors in a suspicious conversation, her curiosity leads Peter and Neal to uncover a robbery plot against a posh Manhattan Hotel.

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Virtual Justice
15 votes

#16 - Virtual Justice

Total Recall 2070 - Season 1 - Episode 21

After seeing a fellow cop killing a cornered prison escapee, Hume looks into the dead mans case and finds that the cop may have been taking the law into his own hands.

Tin Man
2291 votes

#17 - Tin Man

Stargate SG-1 - Season 1 - Episode 19

The members of SG-1 arrive on P3X-989 and are knocked unconscious. They wake up and return to Earth only to find that they are not quite themselves.

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15 votes

#18 - Assessment

Total Recall 2070 - Season 1 - Episode 18

On their way to investigate a report about berserk androids, Farve and Hume are ambushed and captured by a rouge section of the assessor's office. They seek Hume's help in discovering Farve's part in what they see as a plot by machines to eradicate humans.

Chicago Holiday (2)
81 votes

#19 - Chicago Holiday (2)

Due South - Season 1 - Episode 8

While trying to protect Christina Nichols from not only the killers after her but also herself, Fraser spends some time in a bondage club, and even gets to have a wild ride down an escalator while he tries to teach Christina the value of growing up.

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Wormhole2 (2)
3 votes

#20 - Wormhole2 (2)

Strange Days at Blake Holsey High - Season 2 - Episode 1

Welcome to Blake Holsey's first annual pizza party! Attendance by all is required, but Josie, Corrine, Marshall, Lucas, Vaughn, and Professor Z suspect Durst wants to keep them occupied while Victor Pearson initiates a devious plan. Their suspicions are confirmed when they discover a team of scientists outside the school. Josie is amazed when she sees that one of them is her Mom, Kelly Trent. Then, Kelly conducts tests which send Josie into the Wormhole, taking her back in time to three hours earlier! She must inform her Mom about the potential dangers of a fatal discharge of electricity! And she must race against time...

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Juliet is Bleeding
74 votes

#21 - Juliet is Bleeding

Due South - Season 2 - Episode 7

Ray is convinced that he's found Guardino's killer in mafia boss Frank Zuko, but is torn when he realises he's the brother of his childhood sweetheart, Irene Zuko.

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60 votes

#22 - Antianeiral

Relic Hunter - Season 3 - Episode 15

Event: ASIA MINOR 1200 B.C. A professor/mentor of Sydney's is killed and a staff piece stolen from him. Sydney and Nigel head off to Istanbul to investigate where they run up against Natasha Tripova, the head of a militant group of Goddess worshippers looking for the Belt of Hippolyte. Nigel is grabbed by Natasha and her women gang, and forced to lead them to the belt. Sydney frees him and the two pursue Natasha to her ship. In a final fight Sydney defeats Natasha and proves herself worthy to the other women, who give up.

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Cold Lazarus
2469 votes

#23 - Cold Lazarus

Stargate SG-1 - Season 1 - Episode 7

During an off-world assignment, Jack is struck down by energy from a blue crystal... which creates a duplicate of him that returns to Earth in Jack's place.

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2144 votes

#24 - Bloodlines

Stargate SG-1 - Season 1 - Episode 12

Teal'c returns to Chulak to stop his people from implanting his son with a larval Goa'uld.

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Burning Desire
17 votes

#25 - Burning Desire

Total Recall 2070 - Season 1 - Episode 13

The CPB investigates the death of a man who was fried in his sublimator, and Hume becomes worried that the same might happen to Olivia.

God Is a Comedian Playing to an Audience Afraid to Laugh
144 votes

#26 - God Is a Comedian Playing to an Audience Afraid to Laugh

The Black Donnellys - Season 1 - Episode 3

Tommy is visiting Jimmy in Jail but the visit turns quickly in a fight between both of them when Jimmy starts to think that Tommy doesn't want to help him. Meanwhile, Kevin goes after the witness who saw Jimmy stealing the truck full of shirts.

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103 votes

#27 - Mask

Due South - Season 2 - Episode 6

When valuable aboriginal masks are stolen from a museum, Fraser and Ray have to find the culprits.

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The Grell
63 votes

#28 - The Grell

The Outer Limits (1995) - Season 5 - Episode 4

The Grells were rescued from their dry and dying planet by humans, only to be turned into slaves on earth. Now the aliens are rebelling against their masters, fighting a guerilla war against a government lead by men like High Secretary Paul Kohler (Ted Shackleford). When a jet carrying Paul, his wife Olivia (Marina Sirtis) and their children is shot down by a missile, his Grell slaves Jesha (Maurice Dean Wint) and Ep (Gerry Currie) have the opportunity to escape. Ep breaks for freedom and is killed when Paul activates the electronic slave collar all Grells must wear. Jesha, driven by his love for Paul's children Sara and Ken, stays and rescues his master's family from the jet's twisted wreckage. Despite his horror at Ep's death and Paul's brutal treatment of him, Jesha remains loyal to the humans. He rescues Sara when the rebel slave leader Shak-El (David McNally) captures her. Then he uses Grell alchemy to heal Paul, who has been mortally wounded in a fire fi

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57 votes

#29 - Deadline

Relic Hunter - Season 2 - Episode 22

Event: JERUSALEM 1099 A.D. THE FIRST CRUSADE Allan has been blackmailed by a collector into finding the world's first Christian cross. It is believed to grant its possessor eternal salvation. The collector has also infected Allan with a deadly virus using the antidote as an extra incentive. Sydney and Nigel must help Allan find and deliver the Cross of Tau and get him the antidote in twelve hours.

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Wages of Sydney
59 votes

#30 - Wages of Sydney

Relic Hunter - Season 3 - Episode 1

Event: QUAN SHU FORTRESS, MANCHURIA 1359 A.D. Sydney and Nigel are hot on the trail of a Chinese ""dragon's egg"" concerning an early contact-explosive like nitroglycerine. Rival relic hunter Kane has the map, but has been captured by a local warlord, Shandar. The duo have to break Kane out, and then get the map from him and go for the egg. They manage to get hold of it, but Kane and Shandar pursue them, and Sydney uses the explosive to blow up their opponents. Meanwhile, Claudia is off on a ""fashion emergency"" and temp Karen Petrusky is forced to deal with a budget review of Sydney's Ancient Studies department.

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Chicago Holiday (1)
112 votes

#31 - Chicago Holiday (1)

Due South - Season 1 - Episode 7

Fraser is hired to protect Christina Nichols, the daughter of a visiting Canadian diplomat. Christina is determined to get rid of the latest in a long line of chaperones, but she runs into Janice DeLuca in a bathroom, and ends up with something that Eddie Beets wants desperately...and will kill to get.

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The Put Back
67 votes

#32 - The Put Back

Relic Hunter - Season 2 - Episode 1

Event: KUBA, AFRICA 100 AD Sydney and Nigel go to Africa, after answering the call of fellow Relic Hunter Ross Crawford. They must return a treasure to its original place, instead of hunting down one. Ross began degenerating at an alarming clip, after he liberated an idol from the Temple of Woot, an African god of regeneration. Sydney and Nigel will have to locate the Temple and put back the idol before the Winter Solstice or risk unleashing a curse.

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Run Sydney Run
86 votes

#33 - Run Sydney Run

Relic Hunter - Season 2 - Episode 15

Event: URAL STEPPES, RUSSIA 339 B.C. Sydney, Nigel and their Army escorts are ambushed by rebel forces, while in Russia recovering an ancient blade, known as the Sword of Ateas, lost over 2000 years ago. When Sydney regains consciousness two weeks later, she's being held against her will at a hunting lodge in the woods. Unbeknownst to Sydney, her captor has given up hunting animals and now stalks only the most dangerous game - humans.

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Three Rivers to Cross
36 votes

#34 - Three Rivers to Cross

Relic Hunter - Season 2 - Episode 7

Event: THREE RIVERS, CHINA 1245 AD Randal Fox, Sydney's father and a hydrodam-building engineer, beckons his daughter to China so that he can keep his word to monks. The holy men refuse to abandon Three Rivers for the dam's opening, believing their long-lost statue, the Jade Empress, is hidden in the valley. Sydney, Nigel, Randall and his young fiancée Jenny follow a trail over 700-years-old, knowing that failure means a watery death.

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71 votes

#35 - Triangle

American Gothic - Season 1 - Episode 20

Upon Gail's announcement, she faints in Lucas' office and is taken to the hospital where she is told that she is pregnant. Gail threatens to have an abortion and even attempts to kill herself because she knows that she is carrying the evil offspring of Lucas Buck.

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So Shall it Be
53 votes

#36 - So Shall it Be

Relic Hunter - Season 3 - Episode 22

Event: STONEHENGE, ENGLAND 121 A.D. Sydney is plagued by dreams of De Viega as they meet with a druidic expert in England to get hold of a map leading to Druid astronomicon - the ""keys to Stonehenge"". But it's a fake Watson, as Karen discovers. He wants them to steal the map to the astronomicon from the secret society De Viega worked for, the Gar'al Na'tash (sic). ""Watson"" is actually Fabrice's son Andres, who reveals his father is alive but facially scarred. They find a coded blade but need the scabbard to solve the code. Andres leads them to his father, who offers to help them against the Gar'al Na'Tash to save his son. Andres is captured, and Fabrice bargains with the scabbard for his son's life after they use it to solve the code. While Sydney and Nigel go for the hidden site, Fabrice is captured by his society and tries to reconcile with his son. He then trades his life for his son's. Sydney and Nigel avoid the goons and recover the keys to the astronomicon. At the end someone lea

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At Destiny's End
35 votes

#37 - At Destiny's End

Mutant X - Season 2 - Episode 12

Emma must go undercover to join a group of eco-terrorists run by another empath.

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2 votes

#38 - Nocturnal

Strange Days at Blake Holsey High - Season 3 - Episode 2

Josie is having a hard time sleeping at night, but not in class. She has gone cathemaral - she has lost her sleep routine. More worrying, however, are the hallucinations she encounters whilst sleeping...

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