The BEST episodes written by John R. Morey

Long Time No See
34 votes

#1 - Long Time No See

George Lopez - Season 2 - Episode 24

After George's estranged father gives him a huge loan to save the family from financial ruin, George vows to visit him in Phoenix. But George's difficult personal journey becomes a family vacation when Angie insists on joining him with Benny and Max. Along the way, George reminisces about his upbringing. Meanwhile, Ernie might finally have some success with women.

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George Finds Therapy Benny-ficial
28 votes

#2 - George Finds Therapy Benny-ficial

George Lopez - Season 5 - Episode 7

A traumatic event at Max's school has George taking him to see a counselor, played by guest star Richard Lewis.

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George vs. George
33 votes

#3 - George vs. George

George Lopez - Season 2 - Episode 16

George and Angie want a loan for Carmen's schooling, but they find out they have bad credit when they go to the bank. He says that can't be right, but he finds out that it actually is another George Lopez, who owns a skateboard shop. When he finds him, he is shocked to find they have the same birthday, social security number and father. It is George's half brother. He says he came from a poor family and has no money, and dropped out of high school. But the bank calls and syas Arizona State University needs him to pay back his student loan. When he confronts the other George, he finds that his father was actually rich, and that he just needed money. He understands when George makes him leave. In the end, Angie answers the phone and says it is George's father, and that the other George gave him their number. George gets up, picks the phone up, and hangs it up.

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Guess Who's Coming to Dinner, Honey
53 votes

#4 - Guess Who's Coming to Dinner, Honey

George Lopez - Season 2 - Episode 9

After learning Benny had a one-night fling with a co-worker 35 years ago, George believes he has finally found his father. He meets Lalo - whose picture bears a striking resemblance to George -- and invites him over for Thanksgiving dinner. But George's bond is tested when he learns the truth.

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Love Bites
48 votes

#5 - Love Bites

George Lopez - Season 2 - Episode 8

After George's warning about the evils of boys, Carmen comes home with a hickey; Ernie uses Max to meet single moms.

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George Searches For A Needle In A Haight-Stack
38 votes

#6 - George Searches For A Needle In A Haight-Stack

George Lopez - Season 4 - Episode 1

With Carmen still gone, George goes on a hunt for her and eventually finds her in San Francisco with rapper Chingy. He finally gets her to return home, but the problems aren't over yet...

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Fishing Cubans
37 votes

#7 - Fishing Cubans

George Lopez - Season 3 - Episode 9

This year, Angie decides that her and George should just get something cheap and from the heart for their anniversary. This gives Vic an opening to convince George to help him smuggle his brother Ontovio out of Cuba. Meanwhile, Max has a fake birthday party to get free presents.

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George Rocks to the Max and Gets Diss-Band-ed
25 votes

#8 - George Rocks to the Max and Gets Diss-Band-ed

George Lopez - Season 6 - Episode 13

George tries to relive his high-school days by teaching Max to play the guitar. But George wishes he could take it all back when Max moves on without him and joins a rock band.

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The Cuban Missus Crisis
44 votes

#9 - The Cuban Missus Crisis

George Lopez - Season 3 - Episode 3

Angie discovers that her parents are getting divorced, and George becomes nervous about his marriage when Angie's social life improves.

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George Keeps Truant to Himself
18 votes

#10 - George Keeps Truant to Himself

George Lopez - Season 5 - Episode 13

When things get tough for George, he drops out of school. He tries to keep it a secret from his wife and kids but his professor drops by for an uninvited visit.

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Sunday! Sunday! Sunday!
49 votes

#11 - Sunday! Sunday! Sunday!

Titus - Season 2 - Episode 10

Trouble's brewing when Titus' success at a custom-car show goes to his head, threatening his friendship with Tommy and Dave.

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Landlord Almighty
47 votes

#12 - Landlord Almighty

George Lopez - Season 4 - Episode 2

When Carmen crazily redecorates her room, George snaps. When Carmen claims she should be able to do to her room what she wants, since she is an adult, George concocts a plan to get her to give up that thought. If Carmen wants to be an adult, she will act like one. She'll pay rent, bills and get her own food. But his plan soon backfires when Carmen doesn't relent and even resorts to getting a roommate who is a little over the edge.

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Dance Fever
29 votes

#13 - Dance Fever

George Lopez - Season 3 - Episode 22

After receiving an award for excellence in business management, George humiliates himself dancing at a congratulatory party in front of his entire staff in order to gain approval from his mom. Meanwhile, Carmen tries to protect the baked goods she's prepared for the Great American Bake Sale from Max, but neglects to protect them from George.

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Hot Streak
65 votes

#14 - Hot Streak

Titus - Season 3 - Episode 14

Titus attempts to win his father's love and respect by taking him to the Bahamas, but things go terribly wrong when Ken has another heart attack while winning at the blackjack tables.

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Amy's Birthday
71 votes

#15 - Amy's Birthday

Titus - Season 3 - Episode 2

Erin throws a surprise birthday party to cheer up her troubled niece Amy but her plans backfire. When Erin finds Amy's mom passed out drunk, she quickly realizes that her niece's home environment is not suitable and decides to do something about it—much to Titus' dismay.

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Peternormal Activity
2275 votes

#16 - Peternormal Activity

Family Guy - Season 14 - Episode 4

The guys go to an abandoned asylum seeking inspiration for a new horror movie idea, but end up accidentally killing a man they think is keeping them hostage. Wracked with guilt, they each try to pin the murder on someone else. Meanwhile, Stewie is on a mission to destroy Brian's glasses because he's annoyed by how pretentious Brian's been acting when he wears them.

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The Wedding
43 votes

#17 - The Wedding

Titus - Season 2 - Episode 24

What would a wedding be without family? Peaceful, say Erin and Titus in this second-season finale. While making plans with their priest, they decide to marry right then and there, thus averting what they see as definite disaster. A wise decision, but unfortunately undone by Tommy's big mouth. Nightmare by nightmare, people start showing up. Soon, the church ""is full of people we love,"" says Erin. ""How could this go so horribly wrong?"" replies her fiancé. Most notable on the nonguest list: Titus' mom and her latest spouse , whom Titus catches in an act that puts a hitch in the hitching.

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