The BEST episodes written by Kevin Mcdonald

The Stages of Grief
72 votes

#1 - The Stages of Grief

The Kids in the Hall: Death Comes to Town - Season 1 - Episode 3

The police officially charge Crim with the murder of Mayor Bowman, despite his protests that he doesn't remember anything, while Coroner Dusty can't bring himself to do an autopsy on Mayor Bowman. Marilyn Bowman is appointed a grief counselor to help her deal with the mayor's death, to which she has been drinking heavily. The mayor's will is read, and it is revealed he has appointed his wife as interim mayor in the event of his death. Death is bored, having no souls to kill, and reflects on the reason he is stuck in Shuckton, where several years ago he spent the night partying & having drunken sex and missing a soul collection the next mourning, that of an aborted baby which instead survived. Bowman's wake is held, and when several townsfolks start a ruckus over how badly the Mayor actually treated them, Dusty has the lot clear out and proceeded to steal Bowman's corpse to keep at home. Death goes to Bowman's funeral, where it is revealed that Rampop can see Death's true form and communicate telepathically with him. Death apologizes to Rampop for Bowman's murder, to which Rampop replies that Bowman was a bad man and got what he deserved. Ricky begins his investigation into Bowman's murder, but is hampered by his fear of leaving his house. Upon looking through the funeral footage for suspects, Ricky notices Death for the first time, which cause Death to come to life on his screen and insult him, scaring Ricky and blowing out the TV.

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The Butterfly Is To Blame
72 votes

#2 - The Butterfly Is To Blame

The Kids in the Hall: Death Comes to Town - Season 1 - Episode 5

Heather is released from jail due to lack of evidence. Corrinda goes to have an abortion, but learns that this pregnancy is her last egg, which causes her to reconsider. Dusty and Bowman's Corpse's relationship starts to become more intimate. Ricky has Marnie go to the trial with a spy camera on so he can watch, noticing that Marilyn is absent, who is at her office drinking, but an encounter with Death before the trial starts causes the camera to lose its signal. The trial starts with each side's opening statements, Big City's being all excitement and no substance, while Murray is late and completely unprepared, so Crim fires him and decides to represent himself, only to announce that he remembers a drug induced "vision" where his spirit bear told him to kill the mayor. Murray manages to get this statement stricken from the record, and Crim re-hires him and makes them blood brothers. Heather tries to make herself Corrinda's permanent replacement when she goes on maternity leave. Later, Heather is killed in the courtroom, with Death and Rampop being the only witnesses.

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Death Checks In
144 votes

#3 - Death Checks In

The Kids in the Hall: Death Comes to Town - Season 1 - Episode 1

The 27,000 residents of Shuckton, Ontario are awaiting word via a letter if they have been chosen to host the 2028 Summer Olympic Games. The town's chief booster is the mayor, Larry Bowman, with his faithful wife Marilyn and doting son Rampop by his side. The life of the Bowmans behind closed doors is however a different matter. While the townsfolk eagerly listen to the Mayor announce the official decision of their Olympic bid, Death has come to town in the form of a bike riding Drifter. Following the Olympic announcement, Death takes its first victim in Shuckton.

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