The BEST episodes written by Perry Grant

Father, Dear Father (Part 1)
2 votes

#1 - Father, Dear Father (Part 1)

One Day at a Time - Season 4 - Episode 1

Ann's ex-husband tells her that he can no longer pay her child support for his daughters.

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Come Into My Parlor
3 votes

#2 - Come Into My Parlor

227 - Season 2 - Episode 7

When Brenda meets a cute boy she decides to invite him to her party Saturday night. After getting permission to actually have the party, she then hears Sandra tell a story about how when she was young and wanted to get to know a boy better, she would ""mistakenly"" tell him the wrong day of the party. Brenda tries the idea and invites Ken over for Friday night instead, hoping that when he gets there he will meet her parents and stay for dinner. But Mary and Lester decide to go out to eat and are not home when Ken arrives. Brenda decides to let him come in anyway, just to have a drink, but then Calvin shows up to drop off chairs for the party. When she tells them they need to leave, Mary and Lester arrive home and the boys hide. Mary and Lester eventually catch the boys in the house.

Mary's Brother
7 votes

#3 - Mary's Brother

227 - Season 1 - Episode 2

When Mary's brother Lewis comes to town on business, she decides to set him up on a date with Rose. The next day when Rose won't give Mary any details about the date, they get in to an argument where Rose finally admits that she thinks Mary's brother is ""self-centered"" and ""egotistical."" They stop speaking. Meanwhile, Lewis asks Sandra out on a date, and Mary fears that Sandra may be her future sister-in-law. When Mary spies on the ending of Sandra's and Lewis' date, and notices that all he talks about is himself and his job, she realizes where Rose is coming from. Sandra leaves Lewis on the stoop, dissatisfied with the date, and the next day Mary apoligizes and she and Rose make-up.

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Brenda's Last Date
2 votes

#4 - Brenda's Last Date

227 - Season 1 - Episode 15

Pearl asks Mary if Lester would have a man-to-man talk with Calvin about sex and Brenda asks her parents if she could go to the dance Friday night. They believe that she is too young to date (14). From Mary's persuading, Lester talks to Calvin and ends his talk with, ""If you mess around with my daughther, I'll rip your head off."" Scared, Calvin breaks the date anyway. But Brenda still wants to go and comes up with a plan. Brenda tells her parents that she will go to the library Friday night, while Calvin tells his grandmom that he is going to see Haley's Comet. When Mary finds out, she goes to the dance and takes Brenda home. At home she and Brenda have a heart-to-heart talk, where Mary says she and Lester will relax the rules a little.

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A Young Man's Fancy
2 votes

#5 - A Young Man's Fancy

227 - Season 1 - Episode 16

Pearl goes to Baltimore to visit her sister and the Jenkins watch Calvin for her. When he tries out for the romantic lead for a school play and doesn't get it, he becomes depressed. Sandra boosts his confidence and makes him feel better, however, he mistakes her kindness for affection and begins to fall in love with Sandra. When Brenda hears how silly Calvin is acting over Sandra, she goes and talks to him and expresses to him that she cares for him more than Sandra would ever, and she tells him that he is her best friend. Calvin gets over his crush really fast after that.

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The Other Richie Cunningham
60 votes

#6 - The Other Richie Cunningham

Happy Days - Season 3 - Episode 5

Needing to make a good impression for a prospective business deal, Howard asks Richie to take the "Prince of Porcelain's" daughter out on a date. Richie, however, already has big plans and asks Potsie to take his place and pretend to be him.

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Thelma's Scholarship
50 votes

#7 - Thelma's Scholarship

Good Times - Season 2 - Episode 23

Thelma has a chance at winning a scholarship to an exclusive boarding school in Michigan. However, even before she knows she won, a snobby girl from a fraternity comes around wanting Thelma to join and quickly discovers they just want her because she's black.

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The Big Piano Play-Off
2 votes

#8 - The Big Piano Play-Off

227 - Season 1 - Episode 12

Mary decides to buy a piano, even though Lester hates the idea and Brenda doesn't want to take lessons. When Sandra & Rose visit to take a look at the piano, Rose offers Mary piano lessons and Sandra wants lessons as well. Then, Sandra makes a sucker bet that for $20, she'll progress faster than her. After many piano lessons, Mary still struggles. Pearl tells Mary that Sandra used to take piano lessons. During a lesson, Mary offers to throw a party recital to show their progression. She shocks Sandra when she plays ""Minuet in G.""

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The Frog
38 votes

#9 - The Frog

The Odd Couple - Season 5 - Episode 3

Oscar loses Felix's son's entry in a frog-jumping contest.

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Operation Florida
56 votes

#10 - Operation Florida

Good Times - Season 3 - Episode 3

James insists on a level of care he can't afford when Florida needs a gallbladder operation.

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The Mural
57 votes

#11 - The Mural

Good Times - Season 3 - Episode 12

J.J. is commissioned by a bank to paint a mural depicting ghetto life.

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Wish Upon a Star
96 votes

#12 - Wish Upon a Star

Happy Days - Season 2 - Episode 7

Richie wins a date with a movie star, Cindy Shea, to a school dance, and Gloria breaks up with him because of circumstances surrounding it. Cindy, however, will only be able to meet up with Richie after the dance has started.

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One Jeannie Beats Four of a Kind
80 votes

#13 - One Jeannie Beats Four of a Kind

I Dream of Jeannie - Season 5 - Episode 25

After Tony and Roger win at poker, thanks to Jeannie, they are under suspicion of being card sharks. Worse still, the mobsters who are the real card sharks believe that Roger is a card shark too, and give him an ultimatum; win for them or take a swim in the river wearing cement shoes.

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Mary Nightingale
3 votes

#14 - Mary Nightingale

227 - Season 2 - Episode 2

Lester comes home from work sick, with the assumption that he has the flu. Using a bell that Sandra gives him, he drives Mary crazy with his demands for ""water"" and ""celery salt"" for his soup. She just assumes that he is being a big baby. Asking Brenda to watch Lester for a little while, Mary goes shopping and gets a pedicure and manicure (something she was not able to do earlier with Pearl and Rose). When she returns, Lester is being carried into an ambulance because he has appendicitis and needs to go to the hospital. Mary is worried to death because she can't see Lester in the operating room, so she sneaks in. The operation is OK.

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Keith and Lauriebelle
5 votes

#15 - Keith and Lauriebelle

The Partridge Family - Season 4 - Episode 19

Laurie wants to go skiing, but is committed to babysit. Her efforts to con Danny or Keith into working in her place are futile. Keith also has a problem. He met a new girl at school, Karen, and invited her to a party, only to learn that she is bringing an escort. Danny suggests that Keith get another date to make Karen jealous. He tries every number in his phone book to no avail. As a last resort, Keith makes a deal with Laurie – if she'll pose as his date, he'll babysit. Danny complicates matters by telling Karen that Keith's date is a beautiful southern belle, Lauriebelle Culpepper. At the party all is going well when """"Lauriebelle"""" slips and calls Shirley """"Mom,"""" bringing Shirley into the charade as """"Mother Culpepper."""" Keith is sure he has been successful when Karen dances with him and invites him to her house – until he learns that the invitation is to her engagement party!

Father, Dear Father (Part 2)
2 votes

#16 - Father, Dear Father (Part 2)

One Day at a Time - Season 4 - Episode 2

Ed is forced to admit the truth to Julie and Barbara.

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George's Family Tree
108 votes

#17 - George's Family Tree

The Jeffersons - Season 1 - Episode 2

The Willis' give Louise and George a piece of primitive African art, as a housewarming gift, which leads to the discussion of family roots. This leads George to discover his family roots, from an African tribe believed to be kings.

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The Lemon
307 votes

#18 - The Lemon

Happy Days - Season 1 - Episode 2

Tired of driving around in Howard's DeSoto, Richie and Potsie buy a car of their own. The car has several problems including an engine that won't run consistently. This causes problems when they try to impress two girls.

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The Nude
55 votes

#19 - The Nude

Good Times - Season 2 - Episode 16

A woman aks J.J. to paint a nude portrait of her as a birthday gift for her husband. However, Florida has a hard time understanding why a woman would pose in the nude and why she has to pose in the Evans' apartment.

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Home is Where the Heart Was
5 votes

#20 - Home is Where the Heart Was

The Partridge Family - Season 2 - Episode 15

Chris and Tracy have left the kitchen in a mess and Shirley scolds them. Chris suggests to Tracy that they ought to run away... and Shirley says they should wait till morning after a good night's sleep. After rehearsal the next day, Chris and Tracy pick up a few prize possessions and announce they are going to run away. Shirley tells them they had better pack a suitcase as they'll need a change of clothes and a jacket for the night. She is convinced that they will get only as far as half a block, stop into a neighbor's house for brownies and come back. However, the kids leave the neighbor's house and go to Reuben's apartment by taxi. There is chaos as Chris lets in a sheepdog which gives Reuben hives and Tracy overflows the bubblebath. As Reuben's luck would have it, Bonnie Kleinschmitt shows up that night with a bottle of champagne and plans to stay with Reuben. When she sees the kids, Reuben tells her to give him a hour, and they will be gone. She leaves and Reuben starts to play bla

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Another Man's Shoes
3 votes

#21 - Another Man's Shoes

One Day at a Time - Season 9 - Episode 22

Schneider decides to move to Florida to care for his niece and nephew.

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Jeannie and the Bachelor Party
86 votes

#22 - Jeannie and the Bachelor Party

I Dream of Jeannie - Season 5 - Episode 6

Against Tony's wishes, Roger and Dr. Bellows scheme to throw the future groom a bachelor party. The party must be kept secret from Amada Bellows and the other NASA wives.

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Give the Band a Hand
160 votes

#23 - Give the Band a Hand

Happy Days - Season 1 - Episode 10

To make some money, Richie, Potsie, Ralph, and Bag form a band. They secure a gig, but Richie and Potsie lose the money (including that of Ralph and Bag) playing poker.

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Aunt Bee's Cousin
15 votes

#24 - Aunt Bee's Cousin

The Andy Griffith Show - Season 8 - Episode 13

Andy learns the truth when he sees his cousin Bradford alight from a freight train but keeps quiet because Aunt Bee thinks he's a wealthy relative.

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Pity the Poor Working Girl
4 votes

#25 - Pity the Poor Working Girl

227 - Season 1 - Episode 9

When Sandra tells Mary how she can't keep a job because of jealous wives, Mary asks Lester if he knows of any job openings. He admits that his company needs a receptionist for their main office and Sandra gets the job. Howvever, Pearl and Rose worry Mary so much about Sandra working with Lester that Mary becomes suspicious and jealous. When she goes down to the office one day to take Lester to lunch, she tells Lester how she feels about ""Ms. Wiggles"" and Sandra quits. Pearl and Rose put Sandra and Mary in the room together to talk it out and Mary apoligizes. Sandra takes her job back, on the premise that Mary's jealous days are over.

Mrs. Djinn Djinn
80 votes

#26 - Mrs. Djinn Djinn

I Dream of Jeannie - Season 5 - Episode 18

Roger spreads the word to everyone that Jeannie is expecting but all the while its a misunderstanding and the only one that is expecting is Mrs. Djinn Djinn (the dog).

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Jeannie and the Curious Kid
102 votes

#27 - Jeannie and the Curious Kid

I Dream of Jeannie - Season 5 - Episode 19

The Bellows' troublesome nephew stays at the Nelson house for a couple days and figures out the truth about Jeannie when he sees her smoke into her bottle.

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Not with My Sister, You Don't
125 votes

#28 - Not with My Sister, You Don't

Happy Days - Season 2 - Episode 8

Spike, Fonzie's little cousin, takes Joanie out on her first date. Richie and his date act as Joanie and Spike's chaperones and discover them missing at the movie theater.

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Lucy and the Submarine
8 votes

#29 - Lucy and the Submarine

The Lucy Show - Season 5 - Episode 2

When Lucy accidentally gets Mr. Mooney stationed on a submarine by talking too much, she sneaks onto the submarine dressed as a sailor to get him to sign some important contracts, but the submarine takes off before Lucy can exit.

The New Owner
1 votes

#30 - The New Owner

One Day at a Time - Season 3 - Episode 17

Determined to keep his job, Schneider woos the building's new owner, who falls for him.

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Sam for Town Council
11 votes

#31 - Sam for Town Council

The Andy Griffith Show - Season 8 - Episode 27

Sam runs against Emmett for office.

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The Emergence of Vivian
9 votes

#32 - The Emergence of Vivian

Maude - Season 3 - Episode 18

Maude recruits Vivian into women's liberation, which may threaten Vivian's marriage.

Emmett's Anniversary
14 votes

#33 - Emmett's Anniversary

The Andy Griffith Show - Season 8 - Episode 25

Emmett Clark cannot decide on a suitable anniversary gift for his spouse. Helpful friend Flora Mahlerbie {Alberta Nelson} finds a way and suggests her friend Bernie the wholesale fur man as the golden answer to Emmett's problem. Flora takes Emmett to Bernie's shop one night to haggle over furs and things. Ultimately, though, Cheapskate Emmett will not cough up the change for the pricey women's wear, even at 40% off, which leaves Flora a trifle sad.

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. . . --- . . . (S.O.S.)
5 votes

#34 - . . . --- . . . (S.O.S.)

The Partridge Family - Season 4 - Episode 22

Shirley's memories of a high school romance are stirred when Navy Captain Charles Corwin arrives in town. She sees the Captain's picture in the paper and recognizes him as "Cuddles," an old flame. Laurie invites the Captain to dinner. He and Shirley are happy to see each other again, and the kids are favorably impressed - except for Danny. He is upset by the Captain's romantic reminiscences. When Shirley and Captain Corwin go out the next evening, Danny and Keith are in hot pursuit in the family bus.

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Danny Drops Out
4 votes

#35 - Danny Drops Out

The Partridge Family - Season 4 - Episode 15

Danny announces his decision to drop out of school. He tells Shirley that he's bored at school and, since he knows how to read and write, he can now pursue his chosen profession – song writing. Shirley consults the school psychologist and learns that such feelings are common in children Danny's age. The psychologist advises Shirley to let Danny believe he's dropped out; after a while he'll realize how much he misses and needs school. Shirley reluctantly agrees; Danny can stay home and write his songs. The very first day Danny spends at home alone he is bored. He finds the song writing is not so easy and he misses his friends. He's beginning to get discouraged when he meets millionaire hotel owner Claude Tubble and discovers that Tubble never got beyond sixth grade. Now Danny's all enthused again and wants to become a millionaire. Shirley feels Danny's gone far enough and gives him an ultimatum – he must either return to school or get a job. Danny soon learns that there are no budding e

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Danny Converts
4 votes

#36 - Danny Converts

The Partridge Family - Season 4 - Episode 17

Danny Partridge is so smitten with Renee, the daughter of Rabbi Stern, that he pretends to be of her faith. Somehow, however, he can never find the right moment to set the record straight. His alarm grows when Rabbi Stern and Mrs. Stern invite the entire Partridge family to dinner. The Partridge family performs """"I Heard You Singing Your Song.""""

Love in the Ghetto
59 votes

#37 - Love in the Ghetto

Good Times - Season 3 - Episode 4

Thelma's engagement plans aren't well received by James and Florida.

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Murray the Fink
50 votes

#38 - Murray the Fink

The Odd Couple - Season 2 - Episode 6

Oscar and Felix are arrested after Murray raids the poker game.

Good, Bad Boy
41 votes

#39 - Good, Bad Boy

The Odd Couple - Season 2 - Episode 20

Felix overreacts when his daughter is asked to a dance by a reform-school youth.

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A Trip to Mexico
17 votes

#40 - A Trip to Mexico

The Andy Griffith Show - Season 8 - Episode 3

Aunt Bea and her friends go to Mexico. While there, their friendships gets strained.

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The Big Brothers
64 votes

#41 - The Big Brothers

The Odd Couple - Season 1 - Episode 9

Oscar and Felix become big brothers to a fatherless boy.

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To Bowl or Not to Bowl
38 votes

#42 - To Bowl or Not to Bowl

The Odd Couple - Season 5 - Episode 2

Felix drops a bombshell when he refuses to participate in the championship bowling match.

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Myrna's Debut
64 votes

#43 - Myrna's Debut

The Odd Couple - Season 3 - Episode 17

Felix tries to turn Oscar's tap-dancing secretary Myrna pro.

The Nearness of You
1 votes

#44 - The Nearness of You

One Day at a Time - Season 9 - Episode 20

Working together fuels an attraction between Max and Barbara.

Off We Go
1 votes

#45 - Off We Go

One Day at a Time - Season 9 - Episode 21

Ann accepts a job offer in London and ponders how she will break the news.

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Double Trouble
5 votes

#46 - Double Trouble

The Partridge Family - Season 4 - Episode 6

Keith tries to land a date for the beach party with Johanna, one of the prettiest girls in school, but she turns him down for a member of the basketball team. Laurie offers to get him a date with her friends Sally, who is not exactly Keith's ideal, but he reluctantly agrees. Later, Keith finds out Johanna's date fell through and he eagerly agrees to take her out. Now he's stuck with two dates. Keith confides his problem to Reuben who advises him to take out the sexy one, not the nice one. Later, Shirley and Laurie learn Keith has made two dates for the same evening and tell him he should break his date with Johanna. He tries, but he can't do it. Keith devises a plan. He pretends he has a cold and arranges for his friend Wally to take Sally out to a play. He thinks he's free and clear to go out to the beach with Johanna when Sally sows up with hot soup to nurse his cold. After she and Laurie give Keith a hard time at the beach with Johanna. She knew about the double date all along. Laur

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Howard, the Bowler
49 votes

#47 - Howard, the Bowler

The Andy Griffith Show - Season 8 - Episode 2

Howard is on a bowling hot streak. When the lights go out during the final frame of the championship game, he gets the jitters but must still finish the game.

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Howard's New Life
45 votes

#48 - Howard's New Life

The Andy Griffith Show - Season 8 - Episode 15

Howard quits his boring job as county clerk and becomes a Caribbean island beachcomber.

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Felix the Calypso Singer
44 votes

#49 - Felix the Calypso Singer

The Odd Couple - Season 2 - Episode 13

Nancy cannot go away with Oscar on vacation, so Oscar talks Felix into joining him.

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A Grave for Felix
45 votes

#50 - A Grave for Felix

The Odd Couple - Season 2 - Episode 5

Felix plots his final resting place.

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