The BEST episodes written by Sally Webb

Episode 450
2 votes

#1 - Episode 450

Prisoner: Cell Block H - Season 6 - Episode 34

Rick confronts Meg about her behaviour and Erica Davidson heads the strike negotiations. Edmonds hypnotises Cass to kill Bobbie.

Episode 455
2 votes

#2 - Episode 455

Prisoner: Cell Block H - Season 6 - Episode 39

Cass, still under post-hypnotic suggestion, is determined to finish off Bobbie. Colleen has to decide how to spend the money from the sale of her house. Hannah receives some shattering news about her application for residency.

Episode 461
2 votes

#3 - Episode 461

Prisoner: Cell Block H - Season 6 - Episode 45

Joan finds Phyllis and insists that Cass must be responsible. Lou gives Reb an alibi for the crime. Judy tries to clear Cass' name. On the outside, Myra and Alan look for Kay with little success. Hare-brained new inmate Marlene Warren arrives and new officer Heather Rogers starts work. The women learn Phyllis has permanent brain damage. Marlene realises she knows Heather from school, plays a string of practical jokes on her and gets told off by Judy. Marie Winter arrives back in Wentworth, with a stash of cocaine in her luggage. She wastes no time in taking over as Top Dog. Myra finds Kay and takes her to Wally's place in the country. Marie tries to recruit Reb to deal for her. Judy smears a statue with red paint and hides it in Reb's bed. Joan arrives home to find her house has been broken into.

Episode 468
2 votes

#4 - Episode 468

Prisoner: Cell Block H - Season 6 - Episode 52

Joan is appointed Ann's replacement, to everyone's dismay. Judy lets Myra know her feelings about the thankless task of looking after things while she was away. Joan takes Shane to Luna Park for his birthday. The women hold a fashion parade, compered by Leigh, but Marie interferes and rips Marlene's skirt. The inmates stage a sit-in in the dining room in support of Ann, but she persuades them it won't help. Myra takes over as Top Dog again, despite Marie's protests. Bobbie stabs Dennis in the arm with a pair of scissors. Reb arrives back and tells Ann that Bobbie didn't attack her, but won't say who did. Ann allows the prisoners to have a barbecue in the garden and Edna doctors Marlene's steak. Reb finally meets with her dying father. Edna is released after her appeal is upheld. Marlene collapses with stomach pains.

Episode 474
2 votes

#5 - Episode 474

Prisoner: Cell Block H - Season 6 - Episode 58

Dennis and Heather spot Bobbie in the street while out for a meal; they pursue her and bring her back to Wentworth. Bev tells Myra she's taking over as Top Dog. Dot has chest pains, but everyone thinks she's just faking again. The charges against Joan are dropped but the department demands her resignation. Reb inherits all her father's money. Shane is beaten black and blue again by his father. Dot collapses with a suspected ulcer. Marlene's mum and dad assist her in arranging the dance marathon. Joan learns she won't get custody of Shane without a job. Everyone else is overjoyed Joan has been sacked until Joyce tells the officers the union has ordered they strike in support of her.

Episode 477
2 votes

#6 - Episode 477

Prisoner: Cell Block H - Season 6 - Episode 61

Judy, Dot and one of the social workers find the body under Dot's bed. The hunt is on for Bev, but when she is caught she injects herself with an empty hypodermic and dies in Dennis' arms. Joyce resigns as union rep. Phil tries to ask Meg out. The union agrees to the officers returning to work. The seemingly naive Angela Adams arrives on a six week sentence on forgery charges, claiming to have been set up by her boyfriend. Diedre knocks out the policewoman on duty at the hospital and whisks Reb out in a wheelchair. The dance practice is interrupted by Joan's unexpected return to work.

Episode 485
2 votes

#7 - Episode 485

Prisoner: Cell Block H - Season 6 - Episode 69

Joan gloats following Heather's sacking. Meg identifies Peter Wright in a police line-up. She realises Angel knows something about the rape. Reb gets a friend to smuggle some dope plants in. Bobbie fights with her father when he comes to visit. Joan warns Lou to leave Stan alone, but she wants Joan to help get rid of him. Kerryn Davies arrives on a two year sentence for fraud. Joan won't let her phone her husband. Angel tells the women about Meg's rape. Myra makes her confess she arranged it. Stan pulls up Reb's dope plants as weeds, but Bobbie recovers some. Angel wrecks Dot's cell and ruins her crochet. Ann gets another threatening letter. Joan tries to push Reb off the solitary stairwell again but she fights back. She knocks Joan off the catwalk and runs off, leaving her dangling from the bannisters.

Episode 502
2 votes

#8 - Episode 502

Prisoner: Cell Block H - Season 6 - Episode 86

The cockroach races are on, with Aussie winning first place. Reb gets herself out with the aid of a plastic comb almost in the shape of a key type tool. The news of the men in Wentworth is leaked accidentally by Joyce, who faces a tought call from Coleby. Blaming Lou for leaking the info, Joyce is attacked by Lou and hauled off to solitary. The men are put to work in the garden, alongside Len, who is discoverred to have killed a Woodridge prisoner. Frank throws his weight around by teasing and taunting Matt, a seemingly quiet, shy type. Pixie finds her father is dating another woman, feeling upset she statses the relationship is like 'adultery'. As the women discover they will be mixing with the men soon, yra warns Bobbie to cool off with the letters to the men, and meets Geoff as she takes garbage out, bitterness erupting between them. feeling her influence on the women is failing, Myra names Reb as top dog.

Episode 81
2 votes

#9 - Episode 81

Heartbreak High - Season 4 - Episode 16

After Danielle discovers the body of her deceased neighbour, Danielle and Allie decide to volunteer their time to an organisation that provides companions for senior citizens. The arrival of Katerina's internet friend Charlie Byrd proves that two can lie about their appearance. Charlie attempts to win over a now disinterested Katerina by promising he has the contacts necessary to acquire tickets to a sold out Take That concert. In return for Bolton's help, Charlie agrees to help him keep in contact with Linda who he's been out of touch with since being banned from the school's computer lab for running up a $200 internet bill. Declan contemplates dropping out of school when his mother is diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis.

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Episode 124
1 votes

#10 - Episode 124

Heartbreak High - Season 5 - Episode 33

The council issues Charlie with an ultimatum — either he moves his car from the Scheppers footpath or they will tow it away. Charlie's problem is that the car doesn't work and he can't afford to fix it. Salvation comes from an unlikely source when Drazic offers to fix the car free of charge. Of course, Drazic has an ulterior motive — fixing the car gives him the perfect excuse to spend time close to Anita - will this be his way back into her heart? When Ronnie gets violently mugged on her way to school, she decides it's high time the girls of Hartley High were offered self defence training. The girls are excited about the idea ... until they meet their instructor. At Hartley High, Les and Ryan find themselves unlikely allies in the struggle to have a pedestrian crossing put out the front of the school. After trying the legal method to no avail, Les decides to take the law into his own hands. Ryan joins the one man protest and soon student and Principal are languishing in the lock-up of

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Episode 105
2 votes

#11 - Episode 105

Heartbreak High - Season 5 - Episode 14

Principal Bailey had entered Hartley in an inter-school volleyball competition. For Charlie, it is a dream come true: a chance to develop his skills and represent his school. Les has other plans however, he wants to win and manoeuvres Charlie and Bazza off the team. Volleyball makes strange bedfellows and soon Hartley is represented by the oddest of odd couples: Drazic and Ryan. The two rivals don't last long together and Bailey is soon asking Charlie to rejoin the team when Ryan quits. When Mai discovers that Anita has a passion for animal rights, she sees a golden opportunity to indulge in her favourite hobby, stirring. She encourages Anita to join her in a picket outside a human rights conference whose organiser attends wearing an expensive fur coat. Anita believes the protest will just involve them waving banners and shouting slogans, but when Mai sprays the woman with paint, it is Anita who gets left behind to answer to the police. Over at the warehouse, Katerina and Charlie are desperate. They are down to their last tin of baked beans and will be lucky to afford next week's rent. Unfortunately, the hunt for a new flatmate conflicts with Charlie's volleyball commitments leaving Katerina to find the ideal flatmate on her own.

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Episode 36
3 votes

#12 - Episode 36

Heartbreak High - Season 1 - Episode 36

Sam and Rivers continue their affair despite warnings from Yola and must eventually pay the price when their romance is made public. Nick agrees to let Leo Fine manage him as a professional boxer but he loses Jody when she calls an end to their relationship. Sam is forced to leave her job at Hartley.

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Episode 74
3 votes

#13 - Episode 74

Heartbreak High - Season 4 - Episode 9

Ronnie has set her English class a Friday the 13th assignment; they are to watch tonight's horror movie - Frankenstein - and write an essay on confronting fear. The kids get in the mood for the spooky night by scaring the cleaner, a simple man by the name of Damien. However, when he is consoled by Danielle, he takes a liking to her that is threatening. Danielle is left at home alone to watch the movie while Allie and Matt head off to a party. Strange occurrences start - phones ringing with no one on the other end, doors banging, blackouts, etc. Could this be Bolton's idea of a joke, or is someone really out to get Danielle? Meanwhile, at the party, Matt is finds himself in a precarious situation when, driven by spontaneous lust, he kisses Stassy.

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Episode 133
1 votes

#14 - Episode 133

Heartbreak High - Season 6 - Episode 3

The newest addition to the teaching staff at Hartley Heights High School, Gerard Albers , is an eccentric and flamboyant bohemian from Spain, who is as at home on the touch football field as he is in the classroom. Albers makes himself unpopular in his very first class when it looks like he will be favouring students from a non-English speaking background. When he becomes aware of the resentment in the yard, Albers decides to teach the kids a lesson about prejudice. Hilary has finally graduated with her postgraduate Psychology degree. However, the moment is bittersweet as she is faced with a life-altering decision: should she move to Melbourne to pursue a job offer, or should she stay with her children? WIth the prospect of having the house to themselves, Anita and Ryan offer their mother all the encouragement they can. Ryan encourages Nikki to enter a talent quest at a local pub. Everything goes well and Nikki wins her heat, but the evening is marred when Ryan is brought home by the police after geting in a scuffle with another patron. Ryan is unable to attend the finals the next evening so Kurt steps in to support Nikki. Has Ryan lost his chance?

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Episode 145
1 votes

#15 - Episode 145

Heartbreak High - Season 6 - Episode 15

When Ryan is late for class again, and hasn't done his major assignment, Barnett hauls him over the coals. Ryan refuses to be helped by her or anyone and walks out before he can be suspended from school. When he complains to his dealer that he is lacking in funds, Mario offers him a way out — he can deal drugs. Can Ryan possibly stoop so low or will he realise where his life is heading? Kurt and Mai convince Nikki to enter a radio competition singing on Jumpin Jack Jet's amateur hour. Later, Nikki is contacted by an A&R person for an up and coming record company — they want to sign her up. Mai finds out that Nikki is being conned but Nikki, blinded by the stars in her eyes, refuses to believe her. Can Mai convince Nikki before she is hurt? Against Kath's wishes, Sarah agrees to stand in for Mai at the Shark Pool. Draz has a field day — giving her all the menial tasks. In a quiet moment, Draz leaves Sarah to cope on her own. However, the Shark Pool is never quiet for very long and it soon appears that Sarah is in above her head.

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Episode 155
1 votes

#16 - Episode 155

Heartbreak High - Season 6 - Episode 25

When Drazic throws himself into trying to design a new type of skate, Di suggests he consider a career in industrial design. Draz takes an immediate interest but Di tells him if he wants to go on and get a university degree in design he will have to focus on his studies and take extra courses. When the class is given a confidential IQ test, Nikki objects to the very notion anticipating a cultural bias while Drazic blows of the apparently meaningless test in typical fashion. Lee, tormented by Drazic, takes a look at the results at home and revels in telling everyone at school that Draz finished bottom of the class. In light of the test results, Di suggests Draz reconsider his career path and accept his limitations. Kurt becomes Anita's fitness trainer, but he soon realises he has a rival. Anita prefers Paul's training methods over Kurt's leading to a jealousy-fueled fitness challenge and a new friendship that leaves Anita sitting on the sidelines. While helping Sarah move in to the Delaine's house, Ryan accidentally breaks a picture frame. Sarah has a replacement made hoping it won't be noticed but is unaware of the frame's great sentimental value.

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Episode 163
1 votes

#17 - Episode 163

Heartbreak High - Season 6 - Episode 33

After Anita spends the night with Kurt at the shed, Drazic doesn't appreciate Kurt rubbing his nose in their relationship and asks Ryan to move out. However, Kurt has no intention of leaving and suggests if Drazic's not happy, HE should be the one to move out. Hartley's basketball team has made the playoffs for the first time and Anita has volunteered to film the game. Drazic has no desire of working with Kurt and little interest in playing basketball. He provokes a brawl with the other team and the Hartley squad is disqualified. When a rival student is injured and assault charges become a possibility, Anita's video becomes an important piece of evidence — for Kurt. When Kurt threatens to take the video to the police, Drazic, who is still on a court ordered behaviour bond, asks Anita to intervene. Nikki's new-found love of astrology convinces her that she, an Aquarius, need to go into business with Sarah, a Virgo. Convinced the "stars" will look out for them, Nikki ignores her school work to concentrate on their business, but the intensity of her commitment overwhelms Sarah. Nat's class discussion on gender roles prompts the guys into joining D'espo's Skirmish retreat. After convincing Di of the benefits of learning to develop leadership skills — real leadership skills — Nat leads the boys into battle.

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When Sparks Fly
118 votes

#18 - When Sparks Fly

McLeod's Daughters - Season 4 - Episode 7

Tess and Nick try to put their faltering relationship back on track, but there is an explosion that neither sees coming.

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62 votes

#19 - Wildfire

McLeod's Daughters - Season 2 - Episode 11

Mark Howard returns to the district, determined to drag brother Sean into his life of illegality. Meanwhile, Meg finds that she has competition for Terry's affections and Terry finds himself under scrutiny by the law.

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Episode 26
6 votes

#20 - Episode 26

Heartbreak High - Season 1 - Episode 26

Hurt by his parents' divorce and their apparent disregard for him, Steve decides to move out and get an apartment with Rivers and Jodie. Christina makes a decision about Mack's invitation to join him in working overseas.

Game of Chance
91 votes

#21 - Game of Chance

McLeod's Daughters - Season 4 - Episode 6

When Tess's fantasy world collides with reality, she finds herself pulled in two different directions, and must decide between the two men who love her.

Taking Care of Business
89 votes

#22 - Taking Care of Business

McLeod's Daughters - Season 5 - Episode 7

With Kate and Jodi both gone, Tess and Stevie are doing it tough. But Kate has her own problems, asserting her authority over the farmhands at Kinsellas.

Episode 34
5 votes

#23 - Episode 34

Heartbreak High - Season 1 - Episode 34

Steve discovers that the person who has been following him is his birth mother. Rocco offers Con a job at the pool hall but then hires Jodie. Rivers' pursuit of Sam continues as he takes it upon himself to fix her motorcycle.

Episode 8
6 votes

#24 - Episode 8

Heartbreak High - Season 1 - Episode 8

George, Nick, and Effie are devastated by Ireni's sudden and tragic death. Steve's disclosure to Nick of information regarding his mother's car accident leads Nick down a path that ends with him assaulting a police officer.

Episode 13
7 votes

#25 - Episode 13

Heartbreak High - Season 1 - Episode 13

After learning about Phil's past relationship with a student, Christina decides they can have no future together and Phil makes the decision to resign. Jodie rallies her fellow students to save the school's music programme. Nick's father invites Jodie to stay at the Poulos home while her rowdy sister is in town.

Episode 25
5 votes

#26 - Episode 25

Heartbreak High - Season 1 - Episode 25

Danielle's first foray into modelling goes awry when the photographer manipulates her into posing nude. Con's relationship with Greta comes to an end.

Episode 97
2 votes

#27 - Episode 97

Heartbreak High - Season 5 - Episode 6

It's HSC results day and the gang await their arrival with trepidation and excitement. Matt, confident, makes plans for his and Stassy's future together. But Stassy fails and her father turns up to ensure she abide by the family agreement and move back home. For Stassy this is the end of her life as she knows it. Katerina, intent on going to business college suddenly changes course and puts all effort into a dancing career. She becomes annoyed with the depressed Charlie when he decides to go back to school to get a better score. When Declan confronts Eric about ripping off the Education Department he offers him a deal and Declan, attracted by the money, finds he has been bought off. Melanie has a go at Declan about it and Declan finally confronts Eric.

Episode 52
6 votes

#28 - Episode 52

Heartbreak High - Season 2 - Episode 14

Yola fears she may lose her baby. Southgate announces that he is moving on to become the new headmaster at a rural school. He then convinces Yola, who has mentioned a desire to start a new life for herself and her baby, to come with him. Deloraine takes an interest in Matt's love life. Steve and Danielle recruit their friends to help make a horror movie.

Episode 41
5 votes

#29 - Episode 41

Heartbreak High - Season 2 - Episode 3

Vic tries to teach the boys a lesson in teamwork by having them play the girls team but after an embarrassing loss, the guys decide it may be time to quit basketball altogether. Con's grandmother comes to live with the Bordino family but she soon finds a new home she likes better. Steve and Lucy consummate their relationship.

Episode 61
2 votes

#30 - Episode 61

Heartbreak High - Season 3 - Episode 9

Jodie's infatuation with singer/songerwriter Tim Beckett is shaken when the self-confessed alcoholic starts drinking again. Katerina convinces Deloraine to let her sell healthier food to the students but her upstart effort is challenged by competition from Con's hot dog stand. Andrew confronts Sam about her past affair with Peter and confesses his own jealousy. Allie feels like she's being shut out by her friends because of her involvement with Matt.

Episode 3663
0 votes

#31 - Episode 3663

Home and Away - Season 17 - Episode 13

Will Max and Colleen ever be friends again? Seb is hurt that Jade might be using him. Dani confronts Brodie and Alex.

Episode 3664
0 votes

#32 - Episode 3664

Home and Away - Season 17 - Episode 14

Noah nurses deep regret over Hayley. Flynn is shocked to discover Kane and Kirsty's plans. Matilda ruins Beth and Rhys' exciting evening.

Episode 3734
0 votes

#33 - Episode 3734

Home and Away - Season 17 - Episode 84

Leah's life is falling apart; will she lose Jesse forever? Hyde has a bombshell for Kim! The Hunter kids are haunted by their father's past. Max gets a kiss from Matilda!

Episode 3735
0 votes

#34 - Episode 3735

Home and Away - Season 17 - Episode 85

Tragedy shatters the Bay! Will Kirsty have to choose between her life and the baby's? Sally catches Flynn and Leah alone in an intimate encounter! Morag makes a terrible stuff-up with Kim.

Episode 3756
0 votes

#35 - Episode 3756

Home and Away - Season 17 - Episode 106

Kirsty and Leah mourn together over the loss of their babies, Sally has a very special name for her new baby, the birth has brought Jesse and Flynn back and why is Tasha giving Duncan so much money?

Episode 3757
0 votes

#36 - Episode 3757

Home and Away - Season 17 - Episode 107

Duncan pulls a gun on Robbie and Kim, while Rhys continues to find himself drawn to Shelley. Is Duncan blackmailing Tasha?

Episode 3801
0 votes

#37 - Episode 3801

Home and Away - Season 17 - Episode 151

Tasha pushes Robbie to the edge. Irene makes a startling discovery. Has Max run away for ever?

Episode 3802
0 votes

#38 - Episode 3802

Home and Away - Season 17 - Episode 152

Irene gets a shock visitor. What is Robbie and Tasha's big secret? Max's decision breaks Beth's heart. Are Dani and Scott cracking under pressure?

Episode 3830
0 votes

#39 - Episode 3830

Home and Away - Season 17 - Episode 180

Kane's worst fears are coming true. Meanwhile, Leah gets some shocking news.

Episode 3831
0 votes

#40 - Episode 3831

Home and Away - Season 17 - Episode 181

Will Kirsty fall for Kane's lies? Meanwhile, Kim makes a deal with the devil, and Alf's news shocks Beth. Has Dalby beaten Henry?

Episode 3857
0 votes

#41 - Episode 3857

Home and Away - Season 17 - Episode 207

A mysterious death rocks Summer Bay. Meanwhile, Alf gets some shocking news. What is Dalby's secret? And how will Jesse cope with his heartbreak?

Episode 3876
0 votes

#42 - Episode 3876

Home and Away - Season 18 - Episode 6

Flynn's mistake puts Leah's life in danger - and leads him to a life changing decision. Robbie's behaviour gets out of control. Kirsty risks her marriage to help Kane's father. Hayley struggles to come to terms with the news the fire was deliberately lit.

Episode 3912
0 votes

#43 - Episode 3912

Home and Away - Season 18 - Episode 42

Jesse's a man on the edge, as Josie's world crumbles around her. Sally and Flynn's marriage is on the brink. Ric and Henry clash. Beth's past comes back to haunt her.