The BEST episodes written by Sekijima Mayori

5 votes

#1 - Sisters

Rio - Rainbow Gate! - Season 1 - Episode 4

Rio takes Rina on a tour of the resort, introducing to the other employees. Rina also notes that Rio is a Gate Holder, mentioning how Rio's mother, Risa Rollins, once owned all 13 Gates. Their date is cut short when a man named Bull Hard takes Anya hostage. He challenges Rio to a vending machine lottery game, but is easily defeated when he tries challenging her to a drinking contest with a hot drink. The next day Rina begins work as a dealer, and her aura seems to make customers weary. Howard then decides to put both Rio and Rina in a game of clay pigeon shooting where players lose items of clothing if they miss; this task made tougher by the wind created by the excited customers. When Rio is at a disadvantage due to the appearance of seagulls during her turn, Rina throws her final turn, ending the match in a draw. Later that night, Howard gets ready for an opportunity with a robotic girl named Linda while Bull is seen talking to a mysterious woman interested in Rio's powers.

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#2 - Reverse

Rio - Rainbow Gate! - Season 1 - Episode 10

Rio and Dana follow her ferret, Chip, to a casino where the mysterious Joker is holding Howard captive. She challenges Rio to a game of blackjack in order for her to escape her Roll Ruler, which forces them into a draw at every play. As Rio realizes her compassionate ways made her ignorant of Rina's true feelings, she ends up losing a hand. However, after Mint and Jack arrive, Rio manages to win a hand, to which Joker presents with a Gate and frees her from her Roll Ruler, deeming her worthy of challenging Rina again. Meanwhile, Rina becomes curious of Cartia's motives for getting all the Gates. Later, Rio learns Dana is the final Gate Holder, who challenges her to cross a trap filled bridge in order to win her gate. Using her Roll Ruler, Rio figures out the positions of the traps and how to turn them against her, allowing her to win. As Howard converses with the true identity of Joker, Rio and her friends head to Goltschmidt Kingdom in order to confront Rina again.

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Rainbow Gate
4 votes

#3 - Rainbow Gate

Rio - Rainbow Gate! - Season 1 - Episode 13

Rina gains a huge advantage over Rio, managing to lead 14-0. However, Rio soon starts to make her comeback, and as the two put their Roll Rulers to the test, the Gates start to glow. With the game tied 14–14, Rio takes Rina and Joker into her Roll Ruler world, where secrets cannot be hidden. Joker reveals her identity as Risa, revealing that she and Rina's father had to leave to protect Rio and Rina from the Casino Guild, who wanted to use them for evil, while Rina is shown her surpressed memories, and her resolve for fighting is shown. Upon returning to the real world, Rio wins due to her Royal Straight Flush and is declared the new MVCD. The Gates then activate to form the Rainbow Gate which Rio enters. However, the casino is attacked by Casino Guild radicals who try to capture Rio, but are stopped by Carlos, who reveals himself to be a member of the ICDG Police, revealing the radicals' intentions to use the MVCD for evil and convincing them to retreat. Meanwhile, Rio's ultimate Roll Ruler spreads good fortune throughout the entire world, giving everyone good luck. As life returns to normal, some mysterious figures appear on the roof of Howard Resort.

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6 votes

#4 - Antlion

Rio - Rainbow Gate! - Season 1 - Episode 7

Only two hours after the battle against Jack, Howard reveals another Gate Battle will take place against a woman named Queen despite Rio being exhausted from the last battle. The battle sees Rio and Queen flying up a wind tunnel while shooting targets. Meanwhile, the others learn that Cartia had hacked the Sky Resort's computers, preventing them from landing, with Jack revealing Cartia won't release it until Rio loses. Queen attempts to cheat to get an advantage over Rio, but another incident involving Linda's head falling off again turns it around for Rio. With Rio physically exhausted from her battle, Rina looks after her and takes her to a bathhouse, where Rio feels someone is watching her. Afterwards, Rina is taken hostage while Rio is locked in the hologram room, facing against dangerous physical holograms which cause her to faint. Rio barely has time to recover from this before Cartia arranges yet another Gate Battle against a man named King with Rina held captive.

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