The BEST episodes written by Shōgo Yasukawa

111 votes

#1 - Durandal

Aria the Scarlet Ammo - Season 1 - Episode 8

As Aria makes an entrance claiming that she will arrest Durandal, the culprit retreats and chains Hotogi to a post as the room starts filling up with water. Kinji urges Aria to go ahead and pursuit Durandal since she can’t swim, who does so. As the water level rapidly increases, Kinji tries his best to pick the locks and free Hotogi as she asks him to leave her behind so he wouldn’t be killed. When a wave fills up the room, Kinji uses his last resort and kisses Hotogi in order to ‘summon’ his badass side. Aftering freeing her, they get swept off separating the two. Kinji returns to the surface where he finds Hotogi, who however is actually Durandal who had successfully tricked Aria, putting her at risk. The real Hotogi shows up and confronts Durandal where as she demands that she will fight herself and use a forbidden technique.

Special Training
115 votes

#2 - Special Training

Aria the Scarlet Ammo - Season 1 - Episode 10

Riko explains the plan of how they will infiltrate the mansion and claims that they will go in undercover as a butler and maid. With the agreement done, they undergo one more ‘training session’ where as Riko helps train Aria to say some lines and get time stuck in her head, and aims to practice triggering Kinji’s Hysteria Mode. At the same time, Kinji learns a bit about Riko’s past thanks to Jeanne who is now a student at the school.

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Butei Killer
144 votes

#3 - Butei Killer

Aria the Scarlet Ammo - Season 1 - Episode 4

After having nightmares concerning the events surrounding his older brother's death, Kinji ends up following Aria who goes to the police station to talk with her mother, Kanae, who is currently incarcerated as a suspect of the Butei killings. She mentions that Aria needs to find a partner to use her ability, as well as someone known as 'E.U.' The next day, Kinji hears word that Aria will be flying back to London. Later, Kinji goes to meet Riko, who reveals information concerning the Butei Killer, which also mentions his brother who died during a 'sea-jacking', before pulling some moves which sends Kinji into his Hysteria Mode. With his heightened senses, Kinji deduces that Aria's plane is being targeted by the Butei Killer, managing to get on it before it takes off. During the flight, Kinji learns that Aria has a fear of lightning before the Butei Killer announces his hijacking. They soon discover the culprit is Riko herself, who reveals herself to be the great granddaughter of Arsene Lupin, who organised the bike and bus jackings to target Aria, the great granddaughter of Sherlock Holmes, so she can surpass her great grandfather. She also reveals herself to be the one who killed Kinji's brother, who was also her lover. Riko and Aria enter an intense duel, but Riko gains the upper hand by using the true nature of the Quadra, which allows her to manipulate her hair, managing to shoot Aria in a critical area.

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Aria the Quadra
152 votes

#4 - Aria the Quadra

Aria the Scarlet Ammo - Season 1 - Episode 2

Aria demands that Kinji join her Butei party, intruding in his living space when he refuses. This puts Kinji in an awkward situation when his childhood friend, Shirayuki Hotogi, pops over whilst Aria is taking a bath. The next day, Aria follows Kinji around as he takes on a quest to search for a missing cat. After managing to lose Aria, Kinji trades some eroges with his friend, Riko Mine, to obtain information on Aria. Meanwhile, Aria calls Kinji's bluff on his Butei abilities and coerces him to agree to join her on a single Assault case, so she can witness his Hysteria Mode.

Fianna Knights and Sisters
109 votes

#5 - Fianna Knights and Sisters

Trinity Seven - Season 1 - Episode 11

Lugh attacks the school while Arata and Mira are being held far away. Yui evacuates everyone in the school into her dream to protect them, and Levi sets out to fight alone. But Lugh is a demon lord candidate who has obtained a demon lord element.

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Bible Battle and Sweet Memory
112 votes

#6 - Bible Battle and Sweet Memory

Trinity Seven - Season 1 - Episode 9

Arata and the others appear in a world floating in a rift in the sea of parallel dimensions. Monsters attack. The legendary grimoire, "Fragments of the Iliad" challenges them to a fight. An evil power awakes in Arata due to his anger when the Astil Codex are sealed...

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Maiden of Hotogi Shrine
174 votes

#7 - Maiden of Hotogi Shrine

Aria the Scarlet Ammo - Season 1 - Episode 6

Shirayuki is revealed to be a Chōtei, a special type of Butei with esper abilities, as she conflicts with Aria, not helped by dubious misunderstandings. The next day, Aria decides to start a new training regime to try to get Kinji to control his Hysteria Mode. Later, Aria drags Kinji to eavesdrop on Shirayuki as she is taken to the teacher's office, hearing about a Chōtei kidnapper named Durandal who may be targeting her. Believing Durandal to be one of the culprits who framed her mother, Aria offers to be Shirayuki's bodyguard, which she agrees to on the condition that Kinji does so as well, moving into his house in the process.

Dark Mage and Big Event
119 votes

#8 - Dark Mage and Big Event

Trinity Seven - Season 1 - Episode 6

Liese, the last Trinity Seven, appears in the Eternal Library bearing a demon lord seal, making her a demon lord candidate, as well. She tries to entice Arata to join the evil mage side to help save Hijiri, and kisses Arata while he's unsure what to do. Arata has his magic stolen from him, and Liese decides to attack the school.

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"Bastet" Mariah, Part 1
124 votes

#9 - "Bastet" Mariah, Part 1

JoJo's Bizarre Adventure (2012) - Season 2 - Episode 30

Jotaro and the others arrive in Luxor.

Ritual at 4:44
18 votes

#10 - Ritual at 4:44

The Girl in Twilight - Season 1 - Episode 1

The promise of another world drives Asuka and her friends to perform the 4:44 Ceremony. What’s the worse that could happen?

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