The BEST episodes written by Terry Mcgurrin

Sweden Sour
0 votes

#1 - Sweden Sour

Total Drama - Season 3 - Episode 17

The two teams land in Sweden to compete in a "Viking" capture the flag game. Courtney still tries to flirt with Alejandro, while Cody misses Gwen. Owen becomes aware of Alejandro's true nature thanks to Noah and warns Duncan, much to his surprise. Alejandro starts to reveal his true feelings for Heather. In the end, Chris reveals that there will be no elimination again, sparing Courtney, while leaving the rest of her team upset and disappointed.

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Greece's Pieces
0 votes

#2 - Greece's Pieces

Total Drama - Season 3 - Episode 14

The final nine go to Greece to compete in an Olympics challenge. Duncan and Gwen are nervous about their kiss last episode. Tyler reveals the secret, thanks to Alejandro, and a fight breaks out and tension between Gwen and Courtney grows. After Team Amazon wins, Chris decides not to eliminate anybody just because of the growing drama.

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Duck Duck Juice
12 votes

#3 - Duck Duck Juice

Total DramaRama - Season 1 - Episode 2

After daring each other to drink Chef's Pegasus Rainbow Latte, Izzy and Jude are jacked up like crazy and Duncan and Courtney take a road trip to try and replace the drink before Chef finds out it's gone.

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26 votes

#4 - Venthalla

Total DramaRama - Season 1 - Episode 1

Owen has his super ball confiscated and locked up in Chef's office. Duncan, seeing an opportunity to get help escaping the daycare, leads an away team into the vents to recover Owen's ball.

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Zeek and Ye Shall Find
0 votes

#5 - Zeek and Ye Shall Find

Total Drama - Season 5 - Episode 9

The 100th episode celebrations are cut short when Ezekiel kidnaps Chris and the All-Stars head out in search of their host.

The Am-AH-Zon Race
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#6 - The Am-AH-Zon Race

Total Drama - Season 3 - Episode 8

The three teams are taken to the Amazon, where their eighteen-hour challenge awaits. One team ends up in deep trouble due to a teammate's poor judgment, giving them their first loss and giving another team their first win. Meanwhile, one contestant begins to realize someone might not return their friendship, but brushes it off after being rescued. After the host reveals the votes, causing someone's heartbreak, he then reveals that the episode was actually a reward challenge, sparing a contestant from elimination.

Evil Dread
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#7 - Evil Dread

Total Drama - Season 5 - Episode 2

The players gather on the beach to dig up 3D puzzle pieces and use them to assemble an international landmark.

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Anything Yukon Do, I Can Do Better
0 votes

#8 - Anything Yukon Do, I Can Do Better

Total Drama - Season 3 - Episode 4

The episode opens up with Team Amazon relaxing in the first-class area of the plane. Cody's relaxation is interrupted when Sierra starts rubbing his foot and ends up paralyzing him. In the loser area, LeShawna is playing with the num-yos Harold gave her. Chris walks in, and the contestants begin to complain about Japan. The plane begins to land, terrifying Owen. The plane lands in Yukon. Chris explains that the contestants won't be getting coats, causing them to huddle together for warmth. The first challenge involves team crossing the cassum by jumping from shard to shard. Once at the sleds, the first one there must climb up the mountain while carrying their team on the sled. Team Victory won the first challenge thanks to DJ mysteriously getting there. During the challenge, DJ accidentally got his eyes frozen by crying too much and ended up getting his team lost and hitting a baby seal. Alejandro continues to manipulate the contestants on Team Victory to his pleasure and their elimination, as he starts to flirt with Bridgette, causing her to get distracted. Bridgette starts to kiss Alejandro, but gets tricked and stuck to a pole. Team Chris is Really Really Really Really Hot won thanks to Owen's weight causing a rapid speed which accelerated the sled. In the end, Bridgette got eliminated for kissing a pole and not crossing the finish line with her team. Before being eliminated, she tries to warn her teammates about Alejandro being evil, but gets pushed off the plane.

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A Million Ways to Lose a Million Dollars
19 votes

#9 - A Million Ways to Lose a Million Dollars

Total Drama: The Ridonculous Race - Season 1 - Episode 26

The final 3 teams compete in New York for the chance to win the $1,000,000.

Lord of the Ring Toss
15 votes

#10 - Lord of the Ring Toss

Total Drama: The Ridonculous Race - Season 1 - Episode 17

The eight remaining teams travel to the Arctic Circle where they must play ring toss on narwhal horns and then build an igloo. The surfer dudes outsmart the ice dancers and win again. The haters lose after using a Boomerang on themselves, but it was a non elimination leg.

Bjorken Telephone
17 votes

#11 - Bjorken Telephone

Total Drama: The Ridonculous Race - Season 1 - Episode 5

Teams must speak in Icelandic to a native while crossing a geyser field to receive the tip to the next location, where they must either eat an Icelandic feast or find a frozen fossil to win.

A Tisket, a Casket, I'm Gonna Blow a Gasket
18 votes

#12 - A Tisket, a Casket, I'm Gonna Blow a Gasket

Total Drama: The Ridonculous Race - Season 1 - Episode 7

Teams must go to Dracula's Castle in Transylvania for their first tip. One teammate stays inside a coffin while the other drags it to a graveyard and into a plot. Once there, the gravedigger gives the next tip to ride horseback to the train center, where the teammate who didn't do the ant challenge must show off their gymnastic skills to get to the chill zone.

Lies, Cries and One Big Prize
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#13 - Lies, Cries and One Big Prize

Total Drama - Season 5 - Episode 26

The final two competitors must run a dangerous race throughout the island. To help out, each of them get to random pick a former competitor for a partner to help them win the million dollars.However, their partners may not be as much help as the final two wanted.

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How Deep Is Your Love
14 votes

#14 - How Deep Is Your Love

Total Drama: The Ridonculous Race - Season 1 - Episode 22

The final 5 teams all travel to Russia and must bungee jump in the deepest hole in the world. Meanwhile, Carrie and Devin finally feel their love for each other while the ice dancers cheat for the lead, and even with a major penalty, they still win. There is no elimination in this leg.

Shawshank Ridonc-tion
14 votes

#15 - Shawshank Ridonc-tion

Total Drama: The Ridonculous Race - Season 1 - Episode 13

The still standing eleven teams all go to prison and must escape. The ice dancers and police cadets each get a U-Turn and use it on themselves to lose. Carrie and Devin wins but Devin breaks up with his girfriend. The stepbrothers start to get along and there is no elimination.

No Eggspects The Spanish Opposition
0 votes

#16 - No Eggspects The Spanish Opposition

Total Drama - Season 5 - Episode 6

The teams travel to Boney Island for an egg hunt inside The Fun Zone, which is anything but fun!

None Down, Eighteen to Go: Part 2
18 votes

#17 - None Down, Eighteen to Go: Part 2

Total Drama: The Ridonculous Race - Season 1 - Episode 2

The teams make it to Morocco, where they need to pick out 5 spices and use them in a Moroccan dish, where one member must eat it in order to get to the chill zone.

The Bold and the Booty-ful
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#18 - The Bold and the Booty-ful

Total Drama - Season 5 - Episode 12

The Final Four hunt for Pirate Booty and a spot in the Grand Finale in a challenge that becomes truly life-threatening.

So, Uh This Is My Team?
0 votes

#19 - So, Uh This Is My Team?

Total Drama - Season 5 - Episode 14

The 14 new contestants fall out of a plane to the new island they will compete on. Then, Chris goes over the rules and the teams. Team Kinosewak: Mean Cheerleader Twin Amy, Outback Survivalist Sweetheart Jasmine, Evil Wannabe Max, Hopeless Romantic Rodney, Nice Cheerleader Twin Samey, Smart and silent Scarlett, and Chris FanaticTopher. Team Maskwak: Sound Effects Master Beardo, Germophobe Pessimist Dave, Singing and Dancing Princess Ella, LARPER Leonard, Paranoid Doomsdayer Shawn, Paegent Queen Sugar, and Gymnast Supreme Sky. The challenge begins with them building a house or a fort. They have to grab items to build the fort but have to dodge tennis balls getting thrown or shot at them. Team Kinosewak won the challenge because There Cabin Survived The Mooses. Team Maskwak Lost Because of Bad Teamwork and There Wizard castle Couldn't Survive the Mooses and at elimination the team votes off Beardo because he didn't talk just made sounds and isn't that helpful and he then takes The Cannon Of Shame from the island.

Hurl and Go Seek
0 votes

#20 - Hurl and Go Seek

Total Drama - Season 5 - Episode 22

Chris merges the teams and feeds them expired meat before the first nighttime challenge. Dave finally hears what Sky's saying to him while Jasmine finally sees how Shawn's feeling. While exploring, Scarlett learns the truth about Pahkitew Island.