The BEST episodes written by Thomas C. Chapman

Out of Service, When I Was Big, The Greedy Investor, Seven Hours of Bad Luck & The Secret of the Coins
39 votes

#1 - Out of Service, When I Was Big, The Greedy Investor, Seven Hours of Bad Luck & The Secret of the Coins

Beyond Belief: Fact or Fiction - Season 4 - Episode 3

"Out Of Service" - A boyfriend and girlfriend (businessmen) are spending three nights of camping with each other, until the girlfriend tells the man that there was a man missing and a killer on the loose. Naturally, the man wants to leave the woods but she persuades him to stay. The next day, they wake up and take a walk in the woods trying to not remember about the killer, but then they spot a man near a lake taking the blood off of a knife. They stand there in shock long enough that the killer spots them and chases them into the woods. The man and woman outrun him and try to use there cellphones, but the phones are dead. They then spot a man in a yellow vest that leads them to a street and a police car spots the couple and pulls aside, so the killer vanishes into the woods. They tell the about the killer and the mysterious man that lead them to safety. The couple then see the mysterious man that lead them to safety, and the man points to a spot near them. The police didn't see the man, but they walked over to the spot anyway. A man in a yellow vest was lying on the ground and says "Thank God you found me." It turns out the man's spirit left his body to lead him to safety. "When I Was Big" - A little boy goes to counseling ever since he stopped talking because his sister passed away in a car accident. The boy goes to a book and says he used to be Harry Chaffee and fix books before he died. The counselor was in shock, so later he decided to go to a library and see if they had a similar book there. While walking through an isle, a book falls into his hands. On the inside, it had a note and it was signed from his Father, who wanted to give him the books as gifts. The counselor goes to a library book-fixer, and asked him if he fixed the book. The man replied he didn't, but a coworker of his that passed away fifteen years beforehand did. The counselor asked if by chance his name was Harry Chaffee, and the book-fixer replied "Yeah, how did you know?" "The Greedy Invest

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Second Sight, The Fine Line, The Wrong Turn, Who Was I & You Are Next
39 votes

#2 - Second Sight, The Fine Line, The Wrong Turn, Who Was I & You Are Next

Beyond Belief: Fact or Fiction - Season 4 - Episode 4

"Second Sight" - A woman is blind, but when another women is murdered, she gets her sight restored and a second chance to see. While eating at a restaurant in the country, she sees a man that she can't stop looking at. The man approaches her and asks demandingly why she is staring at him, and she just said that he was familiar looking and she was sorry. When she went back to her hotel to pack her bags and leave the town, he came up behind her and handcuffed her and threw her on the bed, and he asked her why she was staring at him. She was upset and said she was sorry. He pulled up a chair next to the bed and said that he would sit there all night until he got the real answer out of her. After a little bit of time passed, and he fell asleep in the chair after drinking liquor, so she opened the door and ran to the owner of the hotel. He called the police, and they came and arrested the man. The policeman told the lady that he was wanted for the murder of a women, only to found out that he murdered the person she got her eyes from, and the eyes witnessed the murder and couldn't stop watching him. "The Fine Line" - Two female twins seemingly have an amazing ability to share each others' feelings, such as one sister getting poked by a knitting needle, while the other also feels the pain. One night, one of them drives out alone and is involved in an off-road car accident. The sister at home feels strange and senses trouble. A male friend who is with her at the moment witnesses radio music somehow coming from the TV set, which is broadcasting a basketball game. The mysterious radio signals, alongside the twins' phenomenal ability leads the sister and her friend to investigate. After pinpointing the exact location of the accident with ease, the other sister is sent to the hospital and saved. "The Wrong Turn" - A man had been living in his hometown for ten years, but couldn't remember where to make his delivery. He was shocked because he couldn't find anything correctly. H

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The Devil's Autograph, Mail Order Degree, The News Stand, The Murder of Roy Hennessey & Mysterious Strangers
54 votes

#3 - The Devil's Autograph, Mail Order Degree, The News Stand, The Murder of Roy Hennessey & Mysterious Strangers

Beyond Belief: Fact or Fiction - Season 4 - Episode 1

"The Devil's Autograph" - A man lies about not murdering his wife, and was not guilt in the court of law. The man told his lawyer after the case he murdered his wife, and gave him his $1,500.00 pen. The lawyer chased the man into the elevator and told him he didn't want anything of his, and he would get the devil's autograph, but the man just laughed it off. The elevator door shut him in, and he fell to the floor and the pen went through his heart. "Mail Order Degree" - A business man made a lot of money off of cheating people and scams off of his commercials. He had so much money, that he had to hide it behind a hidden door behind his work chair. A few days later, the business man started feeling drastically sick, but one day his secretary found him dead and almost bald in his chair. It ended up that the room he hid his money in was filled with radiation, and died of radiation poisoning. "The News Stand" - One day, a poor fifteen year old teenager found a book of "Mysterious tales" under a garbage can in perfect condition, so he went to a news-stand to trade it in for $20.00 cash, and the news man's sandwich. The man hires him to work at the news-stand, and was really good to the teenager, and he started trusting the teenager so much, that he let him run the stand alone for sometimes days at a time. After not appearing for a week, the teen received his answer by a man in a cloak saying the man was diagnosed with a tumor in his head six months beforehand, and gave the boy a note. The note revealed that the news-stand man was his father that beat him, and he was sorry, so he gave him everything he earned in his life. "The Murder Of Roy Hennessey" - Two girls were doing a project in a cemetery, and see a man run out of the cemetery with a handgun. After his departure, the girls ran to see what he shot, he shot a man and the man was in critical condition - almost to the point of death. The man's last words were "Tell them that Roy Hennessey was killed by Jerry Fle

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One for the Road, The Music Box, Two to One, Damsel & The Horn
46 votes

#4 - One for the Road, The Music Box, Two to One, Damsel & The Horn

Beyond Belief: Fact or Fiction - Season 3 - Episode 2

"One For The Road" - A truck driver is in his favorite diner and meets a friend of his. Everyone in the truck stop thinks the truck driver is acting strange. Later the truck driver finds out that the friend he was talking too was killed in an accident earlier in the day. "The Music Box" - Two women were shopping and one woman discovered a special music box that reminded her of a lost love. When she found out it did not work she decided not to buy it. When having second thoughts and returns to buy it only to find out that her lost love was there and bought the item for her birthday and now the music box began to work. "Two to One" - A man pawns his grandfathers watch for extra cash. When borrowing the money from a friend he returns to get the watch back only to find out they sold it the day before. That night the guy had a dream that the pawn shop lied to him and had the watch and a robber was going to steal it. The guy turned to the store to find things happened like his dream to only this time he got his watch back. "Damsel" - A woman looking for that special an in her life goes to a fortune teller to find out that she was looking too hard and that the special man would find her. A few days later the woman spots a good looking hitchhiker and assuming this was her man which turns out to be a killer. During the attack a hikers comes from the woods and saves her and he turns out to be the man that finds her. The man also turns out to the son of the fortune teller. "The Horn" - A mortician visits his friend an antique dealer and discovers a special item called a death horn. The mortician makes a bet with the dealer that he could not sell an item associated with death. The dealer loses the bet and the mortician arrives to collect on the bet and find no one in the shop. At the last minute the mortician hears the death horn and discovers the dealer has a heart attack and saves his life.

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The Fourth Man
2 votes

#5 - The Fourth Man

Hunter - Season 4 - Episode 20

Years ago Hunter was part of a group who busted a drug ring. Now the sole survivor of the gang claims that some money, four million dollars was missing from what they turned in. Now internal affairs, more or less deduced that three members of the group were involved but, they believed that because four million was missing that there was a fourth member, who took part in it. Initially Hunter was under suspicion but no sufficient evidence was found. Now that the man who claimed that there was four million dollars missing is out on parole, and the three cops who were under suspicion are turning up dead. It's now being assumed that the gang member is taking them out and taking the money that they got, or the fourth man is. And again Hunter is the prime suspect.

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The Apparition, The Electric Chair, On the Road, Number One With a Bullet & Dream House
97 votes

#6 - The Apparition, The Electric Chair, On the Road, Number One With a Bullet & Dream House

Beyond Belief: Fact or Fiction - Season 1 - Episode 1

"The Apparition" - A lady who has a history of mental problems sees images in her upstairs mirror. "The Electric Chair" - A man on his way to the electric chair only to have the chair malfunction. The next day another man that resembled him was caught and confessed to the crime. "On The Road" - Vicky calls her husband & daughter to come to their old night club hangout after she is killed in a plane crash. "Number One With A Bullet" - A bullet logged in a tree was shot out by a chain saw and kills the man years after his wife's friend tried to shot him. "Dream House" - A woman dreaming of the perfect house ends up finding the one she saw in her dreams, however the home owner arrives and she believes the woman was the one haunting the house.

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Cement Hi-Tops
4 votes

#7 - Cement Hi-Tops

Head of the Class - Season 4 - Episode 25

Aristotle videotapes a mob family wedding.

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Be My Baby...Sitter
6 votes

#8 - Be My Baby...Sitter

Head of the Class - Season 5 - Episode 11

Jasper's overprotective parents hire a babysitter for him -- and to his mortification, it turns out to be Sarah.

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