The BEST episodes written by Tom Moore

Every Dog Has His Doogie
22 votes

#1 - Every Dog Has His Doogie

Doogie Howser, M.D. - Season 1 - Episode 12

At the hospital, the homeless are being turned away to make room for paying patients; and Doogie bucks the system by arranging surgery for a youngster's pet dog.

The Wedding Bell Blues
31 votes

#2 - The Wedding Bell Blues

Martin - Season 3 - Episode 26

As Martin and Gina are making final preparations for their wedding, a visit from Martin's wacky relatives and Gina's conservative parents results in both families constantly bickering & fighting. At the last minute, Martin and Gina decide to elope. Mama Payne becomes furious and throws a fit in the chapel. Part 1 of 2.

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Whole Lotto Trouble
89 votes

#3 - Whole Lotto Trouble

Martin - Season 3 - Episode 9

Martin wins the Michigan State lottery. He celebrates by going out and buying tons of expensive luxury items and gives money away to his friends, BEFORE picking up his lottery money. But when he does, he finds out that the winning ticket is a tie, and must be split - thousands of ways!

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Brother Can You Spare A Dime?
14 votes

#4 - Brother Can You Spare A Dime?

The Wayans Bros. - Season 5 - Episode 1

Amazing as it sounds, Marlon has an acting gig and Shawn is the one hard up for cash. With the newsstand still out of circulation, Shawn has do some major maneuvering to get a little money out of Marlon.

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Ask Dr. Doogie
19 votes

#5 - Ask Dr. Doogie

Doogie Howser, M.D. - Season 2 - Episode 3

Doogie becomes famous after doing some public service announcements.

Grandma's in the Hiz-House
24 votes

#6 - Grandma's in the Hiz-House

The Wayans Bros. - Season 3 - Episode 1

Shawn and Marlon let Grandma move in, then plot to drive her out after she cramps their bachelor lifestyle. The problem: she won't take a hint.

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The Short Goodbye
45 votes

#7 - The Short Goodbye

Doogie Howser, M.D. - Season 1 - Episode 5

Moving out of his parents' house proves to be an eye-opening experience for Doogie. Meanwhile, a rock star is admitted to the hospital for vocal-cord surgery.

Marlon's Return
17 votes

#8 - Marlon's Return

The Wayans Bros. - Season 4 - Episode 1

Marlon returns home after a successful three-month tour in a musical starring Keith Sweat. But Shawn soon has to warn his little brother of fame's fleeting nature after Marlon's ego -- and debt -- explodes.

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Shirley's Boyfriend
8 votes

#9 - Shirley's Boyfriend

What's Happening!! - Season 3 - Episode 2

The guys unknowingly fix Shirley up with a married man.

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Food Poisoning
2 votes

#10 - Food Poisoning

What's Happening!! - Season 3 - Episode 16

Rerun is hospitalized after eating at Rob's Place.

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First Class Coach
2 votes

#11 - First Class Coach

What's Happening!! - Season 3 - Episode 20

Dwayne takes Big Earl's place as coach of Little Earl's basketball team.

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