The BEST episodes written by William Bickley

M is for the Many Things
7 votes

#1 - M is for the Many Things

The Partridge Family - Season 3 - Episode 2

When Shirley is named """"Mother of the Year,"""" she decides to take the whole family, by bus, to the award dinner in Sacramento. Shirley decides to drive the scenic route so that the children can see the countryside. The scenic route proves to be a road to disaster. Besides awful roads and bad diner food, the group loses all their money. While still heading for Sacramento, the bus is stopped by Deputy Haynie for speeding. Shirley refuses to pay the ticket because she believes it was a speed trap. Haynie hauls the family off to see Judge McElwreath, a man who is as crooked as the deputy! The judge keeps adding fine upon fine when he learns that Shirley is the mother of the famous Partridge Family. But the Judge finally backs down and dismisses the case when he learns that Shirley is also the Mother of the Year. His decision is not based on admiration, but the far that no woman in town will vote for him if he fines a woman who has received such an honor. The bedraggled family depart from t

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Hate Thy Neighbor
8 votes

#2 - Hate Thy Neighbor

The Partridge Family - Season 4 - Episode 1

Noise pollution is the issue as the musical Partridges face professional ruin in the fourth-season opener. Seems the new next-door neighbor doesn't dig pop music and has installed a new kind of sound barrier-the law! This episode introduces regular Ricky Segall as the neighbors' four year old son. (1/2 hour)

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Beauty Contest
81 votes

#3 - Beauty Contest

Happy Days - Season 3 - Episode 20

Richie, Potsie, and Ralph stage a beauty contest at Arnold's in order to meet girls. They plan to enter a plant into the contest who won't accept the prizes when chosen as the winner. Richie is uneasy about this but reconsiders when a cheerleader he's interested in enters.

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My Heart Belongs to a Two-Car Garage
5 votes

#4 - My Heart Belongs to a Two-Car Garage

The Partridge Family - Season 2 - Episode 19

The Partridge Family awakes one morning to find they have an unexpected visitor: Nicholas Pushkin, or, as he is otherwise known, Puskin the Magnificent. Nicholas is a jack of all trades; master chef, master carpenter, master artist, etc. Nicholas has decided to offer his services to a typical middle-class American family and two Partridges are that lucky family. The family likes Nicholas well enough but he seems to break just as many things as he fixes. In his sincere desire to be helpful, Nicholas paints the garage door while the Partridges are away on a concert date. It may sound innocent, but Pushkin the Magnificent has painted a scantily clad young lady on the garage door and although Nicholas is an accomplished artist, the location of the work is a cause for much embarrassment. As it turns out, Nicholas may not be the greatest of carpenters, but he is a recognized artist. The local museum purchases the garage door for a large sum so Shirley is able to buy a new garage door and Pus

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The Eleven-Year Itch
3 votes

#5 - The Eleven-Year Itch

The Partridge Family - Season 3 - Episode 18

When an old friend, a romantic interest of Shirley's, Richard Lawrence, comes to town he brings his 11-year-old daughter, Julie. Julie is a Partridge fan and everyone teases Keith, being sure Julie will be groveling at his feet during the visit. When the Lawrences arrive, it seems that Julie's affections are not lavished on Keith, but on Danny! Julie spends all her time following Danny, while Danny spends all his time trying to hide from her. When Shirley tries to tell Richard that Julie is a bit too aggressive and Danny is not ready for this, Richard reacts like a wounded father. Laurie and Keith ask Danny to be nice to Julie for just a few days, in order not to ruin Shirley and Richard's relationship. Danny reluctantly agrees, and when he tries it, he finds he really does like Julie. When he gives in to a sudden urge to kiss her, Julie reacts by giving him a black eye! This doesn't make any sense at all to Danny so he goes to the """"older folks"""" for an explanation. When Keith and Lau

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Princess and the Partridge
7 votes

#6 - Princess and the Partridge

The Partridge Family - Season 3 - Episode 3

Keith is having a hard time getting a date for the weekend until Reuben announces that a princess who is visiting the United States wants to spend a few days with him. After a diplomat warns Keith to take good care of the girl since he is acting as a representative of the United States, Keith meets Princess Genevieve, commonly known as Genny. She is beautiful and unaffected by her royalty, but unfortunately the two young people are allowed very little time together because they are constantly surrounded by security guards. The solution which Genny proposes is for Keith to kidnap her. This is achieved with relative ease, and afterwards, they go to a drive-in movie. But Keith is so hung up about Genny's being """"royalty"""" that he can't even put his arm around her. Finally, she advises him to pretend that she's just an ordinary girl. They kiss warmly until a white flash explodes in their faces. It is a photographer – and the next day, the picture of Genny in Keith's arms makes the front pa

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Ladies and Germs
43 votes

#7 - Ladies and Germs

Perfect Strangers - Season 2 - Episode 4

Larry has a date with a beauty queen but after going to the hospital to visit Mr. Twinkacetti (who has broken his leg), he catches a cold and when Balki tries to cure him with a secret Myposian cure, he ends up sleeping for three days.

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125 votes

#8 - Motorcycle

Happy Days - Season 3 - Episode 2

Fonzie finds his his bike in pieces, and the search is on to find out who did it.

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Piano Movers
21 votes

#9 - Piano Movers

Perfect Strangers - Season 4 - Episode 4

When Lydia wants her piano moved up ten flights of stairs so she can sing for a record producer she is dating, Balki volunteers himself and Larry but Larry's bad back may be a strain on this whole thing.

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Black and White Blues
11 votes

#10 - Black and White Blues

What's Happening!! - Season 2 - Episode 13

To watch a football game, the guys "borrow" the church raffle's grand prize, a new color TV set.

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211 votes

#11 - Pilot

Step by Step - Season 1 - Episode 1

During their vacations in Jamaica, contractor Frank Lambert and widowed beautician Carol Foster get married. When they return to their hometown, Port Washington, Wisconsin, they need to slowly introduce their very different children. Their plan is to make the children think they are dating but Frank accidentally tells the truth (that they are married) and there is nothing to hide so eventually the Lamberts move to the Foster's house. Later, as a sign of ""step-maternal"" love, Carol believes Al is having a pain that is hurting her (something Frank never believed) and she takes her to the hospital; the pain results to be a appendix and they remove it.

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Bye Bye Biki
21 votes

#12 - Bye Bye Biki

Perfect Strangers - Season 3 - Episode 18

Balki is excited because his 106 year old grandmother Biki is coming to America to see him but when she switched planes in New York, she died at the airport and Balki has a hard time accepting it and pretends to be happy.

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The Mama Who Came to Dinner
515 votes

#13 - The Mama Who Came to Dinner

Family Matters - Season 1 - Episode 1

Mother Winslow moves in and immediately begins to usurp Carl's authority. Eddie wants to go out with his friends, but he has a strict curfew that complicates things with Carl.

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Falling in Love is...
68 votes

#14 - Falling in Love is...

Perfect Strangers - Season 2 - Episode 7

Balki falls in love with a girl at night school and who makes a play for Larry and constantly breaks dates with him. Balki refuses to believe that she is just using him to get good grades.

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Richie's Cup Runneth Over
245 votes

#15 - Richie's Cup Runneth Over

Happy Days - Season 1 - Episode 3

Richie and Potsie are invited to Potsie's cousin's stag party. In an attempt to lessen the effects of the alcohol they will consume, they each drink several cartons of milk and a sip of olive oil.

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Breaking up is Hard to Do
122 votes

#16 - Breaking up is Hard to Do

Happy Days - Season 1 - Episode 9

Richie and his girlfriend, Arlene, break up after two weeks of dating. Neither of them have dates for the prom, so they end up going together as friends.

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Car Wars
14 votes

#17 - Car Wars

Perfect Strangers - Season 4 - Episode 18

Balki finally has enough money to buy a car and thinks it will be fun. But Larry insists on using his father's ""used car rating system"" to buy him one and ends up buying him a lemon.

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The Strike-Out King
7 votes

#18 - The Strike-Out King

The Partridge Family - Season 4 - Episode 4

Keith & Laurie tells Shirley that Danny has to hang out with kids his own age. So Reuben suggests little league baseball. But Danny hates the idea. Keith & Laurie later blackmail Danny into joining the team. It turns out that Danny's the ace pitcher of the Dodgers. Shirley & Reuben attended the game & don't like the other parents discouragement towrads their own kids. Shirley tells Danny that he could quit, but Danny wants to stay since the coach likes him. Shirley also gives a lesson to the coach that winning isn't everything. The team beats the Astros & wins the trophy. The epilogue has Danny thinking about joining a football team, & they discouraged that idea instantly.

The Partridge Papers
5 votes

#19 - The Partridge Papers

The Partridge Family - Season 2 - Episode 22

The school newspaper is collecting items for an auction to raise money. While Laurie is out, Danny accidentally grabs the wrong box with Laurie's items to contribute. Her personal diary is contributed. The newspaper threatens to publish it.

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Hello, Mrs. Arcola
12 votes

#20 - Hello, Mrs. Arcola

Happy Days - Season 8 - Episode 14

Because she's never been to his house or met his mother, Joanie thinks that Chachi is ashamed of her. Fonzie invites the Cunninghams over to the Arcola's for dinner on Chachi's behalf. Fonzie surmizes that Chachi is embarrassed of his mother and uncle and of the fact that they're poor.

Ain't Loveth Grand?
3 votes

#21 - Ain't Loveth Grand?

The Partridge Family - Season 3 - Episode 10

Laurie meets a former neighbor at the local tennis courts. His name is Greg Houser and he's grown up to be quite a handsome fellow. Laurie eagerly agrees to see him that evening to talk over old times and to catch up on new times. When Greg arrives to take Laurie out, the entire family is surprised to see that Greg is wearing a clerical collar. Laurie feels very uncomfortable with Greg now that she knows his occupation. Greg finally puts her at ease. He does this so successfully that later in the evening Laurie tells Shirley she is in love with Greg. Talk of marriage is in the air. Shirley has told Laurie that she should take time to be sure of her feelings for Greg. Laurie promises to do this, but she is going through all the motions or being in love. Laurie's preoccupation with Greg causes her to leave out a few words in a note she leaves her mother. From the way the note reads, it appears that Laurie has eloped with Greg. Shirley rushes to the church and discovers that Laurie is mer

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Al in the Family
3 votes

#22 - Al in the Family

The Partridge Family - Season 4 - Episode 11

Reuben Kincaid's nephew, Alan, comes to live with him to be his assistant. It's evident right from the start that Alan is eager to learn but he's always failed at everything. He suffers from shyness and a total lack of confidence. Keith and Laurie try to build him up and find out what he really would like to do. Alan confides that he wants to be a comedian but he's terrified of audiences. When he does some of his act for them, they discover he's really funny but he's too afraid to try. Alan gets a chance to show he's learned about managing when Reuben can't go with the family on a club date. Alan will manage the family all by himself for two days. Everything goes smoothly, until Alan loses his notebook with all the itinerary written in it. Then the date becomes a total disaster. Alan loses the costumes at the cleaners, fouls up their dinner reservations and then, in a grand finale, turns out the lights during the Partridges' performance. Alan confesses the loss of the notebook to the f

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Picture This
106 votes

#23 - Picture This

Perfect Strangers - Season 1 - Episode 2

Larry tries to kickstart his career and gets tipped off that Dolly Parton is in town committing adultery. So he decides to follow her until he can get a picture to sell to newspapers. Meanwhile, Balki will do a favor for anyone who will ask for it so Larry teaches him to say ""no"" once in a while but it backfires on him.

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Check This
80 votes

#24 - Check This

Perfect Strangers - Season 1 - Episode 5

Larry takes Balki to the bank to open a bank account but Balki doesn't seem to understand everything about banking when he overspends with his checks and buys Larry new furniture. Meanwhile, Twinkacetti is going to a poker game and his wife, Edwina doesn't like him gambling. So he asks Larry to tell his wife that they were at a basketball game but Larry refuses to.

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Short Story
254 votes

#25 - Short Story

Family Matters - Season 1 - Episode 3

Rachel writes a short story with characters that seem all too familiar; Carl becomes obsessed with the family's out of proportion water bill.

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Little Sister Don'tcha
35 votes

#26 - Little Sister Don'tcha

Step by Step - Season 5 - Episode 1

J.T. is excited about his double date with his pal and two girls, until he finds out who his pal's date is.

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One Flew Over Milwaukee
45 votes

#27 - One Flew Over Milwaukee

Laverne & Shirley - Season 1 - Episode 8

Shirley drives everyone she knows crazy when she loses her pet canary.

College Bound
19 votes

#28 - College Bound

Perfect Strangers - Season 4 - Episode 8

Larry prepares a surprise party for Balki who is taking his college entrance exams. While they are waiting for him to return, they talk about some things they've been through together such as when they first met, the first day at the Chronicle, when they tried to fix Jennifer and Mary Anne's shower, etc. Larry thinks that he has helped Balki come along way but it seems that Balki has been helping him more.

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Laura's First Date
210 votes

#29 - Laura's First Date

Family Matters - Season 1 - Episode 12

Laura wants to go to an upcoming dance with a good-looking boy. Carl and Eddie try to find Laura a date. Carl asks Steve Urkel to take Laura to the dance, while Eddie asks one of his friends to take her out. When Laura finds out what happened, she is humiliated.

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Fonzie Drops In
194 votes

#30 - Fonzie Drops In

Happy Days - Season 1 - Episode 7

After taking a look at a B+ Potsie got on an exam, Fonzie decides to drop back into school. He asks Richie to do his homework and cheat for him.

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Hello, Elaine
26 votes

#31 - Hello, Elaine

Perfect Strangers - Season 2 - Episode 22

When Larry's sister Elaine stops by for a visit, Larry is appalled when she tells him that she's going to New York to become a pianist instead of college.

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Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Partridge
7 votes

#32 - Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Partridge

The Partridge Family - Season 2 - Episode 7

After getting some unsolicited advice from his school coach, Keith decides to accept the responsibility of being the eldest male in the family. He feels he should take care of his younger brother and sisters. Unfortunately for the kids, Keith gives them an educational and cultural whirl that includes a classical music concert in the park and the Bolshoi Ballet. The kids have no time left for plain old fun. Fed up with the whole situation, Danny initiates a 'get back at Keith' drive. The kids start laying all their problems – reall and imaginary – at Keith's door. The pressure finally gets to Keith when Danny asks him to explain the 'facts of life.' Keith realizes that the burden is too much for him – he has no time left to do his homework. Later on, Keith overhears the children talking about the success of their plan and he feels very hurt and humiliated. Knowing they have wronged Keith, the kids apologize and all is forgiven.

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The Horn Blows at Midnight
23 votes

#33 - The Horn Blows at Midnight

Perfect Strangers - Season 3 - Episode 7

When a famous psychic visits the Chronicle, She goes into a trance and predicts that a bog storm will come and Larry will die at midnight after sitting on a sheep and eating a golden ring. Larry thinks that it is just superstition until a storm comes out of nowhere.

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Passages (2)
10 votes

#34 - Passages (2)

Happy Days - Season 11 - Episode 17

Fonzie's adoption request is reconsidered after a stern talk by Howard to the adoptions administrator. Meanwhile, Joanie and Chachi continue to prepare for their wedding.

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The Skin Game
155 votes

#35 - The Skin Game

Happy Days - Season 1 - Episode 8

Richie and Potsie obtain fake identification cards in order to attend a burlesque show where Ralph says Bubbles McCall takes it all off.

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Hello, Tough Guy
10 votes

#36 - Hello, Tough Guy

Happy Days - Season 9 - Episode 11

Dateless for an upcomming concert, Jenny is set up with Eugene Belvin by Joanie and Chachi. They, along with Fonzie, try to make Eugene appeal to Jenny by making him seem more manly.

A Woman Not Under the Influence
10 votes

#37 - A Woman Not Under the Influence

Happy Days - Season 10 - Episode 1

It's love at first sight for Fonzie when he sees a woman in a store as they pass each other on the escalator. Potsie happens to know who she is (Ashley Pfister), and Fonzie vows to find her and make her his.

Fonzie's Baptism
51 votes

#38 - Fonzie's Baptism

Happy Days - Season 4 - Episode 24

After crashing in a stock-car race, Fonzie begins to worry about what will happen when his number comes up. Al suggests Fonzie seek the guidance of his brother, Father Anthony Delvecchio.

Angels of Mercy
12 votes

#39 - Angels of Mercy

Laverne & Shirley - Season 2 - Episode 2

Laverne & Shirley become hospital volunteers.

Fonzie Loves Pinky (2)
17 votes

#40 - Fonzie Loves Pinky (2)

Happy Days - Season 4 - Episode 2

Fonzie assesses the damage to Pinky's car, and Richie asks Howard to delay the start of the demolition derby.

Chachi's Future
13 votes

#41 - Chachi's Future

Happy Days - Season 9 - Episode 20

After a day of fishing with Howard, Chachi gets to thinking about his future when he realizes that being a success in the music business is a long shot. He leaves the house determined not to come back until he finds a career that would be sufficient to support Joanie should they get married one day. He tries his luck at being a salesman.

Two for the Show
4 votes

#42 - Two for the Show

The Partridge Family - Season 4 - Episode 14

Reuben has discovered a new singing act, 14-year-old twin brothers Andy and David, and he brings them to live with the Partridges until they cut their first record. The boys have a crush on Laurie and she doesn't want to hurt their feelings and agrees to go out with them. The family thinks Laurie's double-crush is cute and kids her about it. Andy and David become serious and tell Laurie she has to choose which one of them she wants to date. They decide to help her in the decision by not dressing alike anymore and breaking up their singing act to become more individual. Now everyone realizes how serious this has become and Keith and Danny try to help Laurie but the plans backfire. The twins are more in love than ever. Finally Shirley enters the picture and explains to the boys that they will get over their crush but they shouldn't sacrifice their friendship over this. But this time even Shirley seems to fail. Laurie gets up enough courage to confront the boys but they have changed their

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A Nun's Story
50 votes

#43 - A Nun's Story

Laverne & Shirley - Season 1 - Episode 4

While Laverne & Shirley await their yearly high school reunion, they reminisce about their old crazy friend, Anne-Marie, who shows up at the reunion a nun.

Hello, Pfisters
8 votes

#44 - Hello, Pfisters

Happy Days - Season 10 - Episode 12

Ashley receives an invitation to her estranged parents' wedding anniversary party. She doesn't want to go, but Fonzie insists.

Hello, Roger
10 votes

#45 - Hello, Roger

Happy Days - Season 8 - Episode 4

Roger Phillips, Marion's nephew, comes to Milwaukee to become an English teacher and the basketball coach at Jefferson High School. He gets off on the wrong foot with Fonzie after he inadvertently empties his locker, insults him, and crashes into his motorcycle.

The Sit-In
6 votes

#46 - The Sit-In

Welcome Back, Kotter - Season 1 - Episode 15

The Sweathogs, diverged from a food-fight, hold a sit-in to protest the school cafetieria's Wednesday liver.

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Because It's There
10 votes

#47 - Because It's There

Happy Days - Season 11 - Episode 1

Fonzie finds a note he wrote as a child containing a list of things to accomplish in the next twenty years. On the list is one goal he hasn't yet accomplished: climb Suicide Hill on a motorcycle. The problem is that he's already tried it and failed.

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Good News, Bad News
8 votes

#48 - Good News, Bad News

Happy Days - Season 11 - Episode 21

After his single makes it onto the record charts, Chachi is invited to go on tour with the Beach Boys as one of their opening acts. However, he quits the tour after learning he has diabetes.

Graduation (2)
77 votes

#49 - Graduation (2)

Happy Days - Season 4 - Episode 18

After passing make-up health exams and getting permission for Fonzie to participate, the guys arrange for aspects of the graduation ceremony to be sped up in order to accomodate the inclusion of Fonzie's speech.