The BEST episodes directed by David Skynner

Dumping Ground Virus
2 votes

#1 - Dumping Ground Virus

The Story of Tracy Beaker - Season 1 - Episode 11

Tracy is ill. It soon spreads around the Dumping Ground, incapacitating everyone but Adele and Justine, the latter of whom is trying her best to get the virus so she can avoid seeing the dentist. When Maxy picks up the phone to Elaine, he lets slip that everyone is ill, and she comes along to help, inadvertently making the situation much worse. Tracy and the others try to make out that Elaine has the virus to get rid of her, but it doesn't work, so Tracy has to think of another plan. When Adele mentions to Tracy that Elaine told her that another care home is also ill, Tracy gets Maxy to tell Elaine that the other home needs her. Elaine reluctantly leaves, and when Tracy announces this to the house, everyone appears to suddenly be better...

2 votes

#2 - Sleepover

The Story of Tracy Beaker - Season 1 - Episode 14

The girls have been invited to a sleepover, but the rules of the care home don't allow them to go. The three of them unite in their determination to go anyway. Meanwhile, the boys are camping outside in the back garden.

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Where's the Work
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#3 - Where's the Work

The Story of Tracy Beaker - Season 1 - Episode 18

Tracy will not hand in her homework. She claims a dog ran off with her book, but not even Elaine the Pain will fall for that one. She insists that Tracy is lying to cover up for not doing the homework.

Helpful Tracy
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#4 - Helpful Tracy

The Story of Tracy Beaker - Season 1 - Episode 17

Tracy is worried that her behavioural problems are what's putting Cam off fostering her. She proclaims that she will become the nicest, kindest, most helpful person around. Meanwhile, it's Maxy's clothing allowance day and it nearly ends in disaster when Maxy locks Jenny's minivan keys and then Mike's car keys in the van, all over a pair of trainers that Jenny liked but Maxy didn't.

New Girl
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#5 - New Girl

The Story of Tracy Beaker - Season 1 - Episode 19

Samantha is an eleven-year-old girl whose life is dominated by her mother. When her mother is rushed to hospital, Samantha must stay at the Dumping Ground.

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Treasure Hunt
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#6 - Treasure Hunt

The Story of Tracy Beaker - Season 1 - Episode 20

Elaine has decided the best way to get everybody together will be a Treasure Hunt. They will learn all about friendship and teamwork. Naturally, it is doomed.

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#7 - Romance

The Story of Tracy Beaker - Season 1 - Episode 21

Tracy wants Elaine to hurry up Cam towards fostering. Elaine explains that fostering would be a busy step for a busy single woman. Tracy immediately sees a solution: find Cam a man and they can get married. She seems to like Mike, so he'll do. Meanwhile, in the Dumping Ground, the tables are turned on Jenny and Duke when Justine and Louise respectively fill in for their positions following a row over Louise using Justine's make-up.

Temporary Care Worker
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#8 - Temporary Care Worker

The Story of Tracy Beaker - Season 1 - Episode 22

It's clothing allowance day. Tracy has been saving up and wants Jenny to take her out to get a whole new wardrobe. What she gets is Leah, a temporary care worker who's filling in while Jenny's in hospital following an operation to remove an ingrowing toenail.

Cut the Weed
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#9 - Cut the Weed

The Story of Tracy Beaker - Season 1 - Episode 23

It's Peter's last day at the Dumping Ground before he goes to live with Terry and Jill. Everyone attends his party, except Tracy, who is secretly looking after two giant African land snails for the weekend. Later that night, it's full moon, and Zac has hung up garlic all over his and Ryan's bedroom so as to scare off vampires. And the snails escape from their cage. So, soon enough, everyone is creeping about all over the DG.

Need Armbands
2 votes

#10 - Need Armbands

The Story of Tracy Beaker - Season 1 - Episode 24

Tracy has had enough of waiting for Cam. They were supposed to go swimming, only for Cam to stand her up. Tracy visits Ben and realises his parents would be perfect for her.

Miss You
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#11 - Miss You

The Story of Tracy Beaker - Season 1 - Episode 25

The video recorder is broken. The kids decide to have a sale and buy a DVD player, but the items they want to sell don't amount too much, so it's a perfect opportunity to clean out the loft. The mood for selling is shattered however when Mike announces that he is leaving the Dumping Ground to go to another care home.

The End!
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#12 - The End!

The Story of Tracy Beaker - Season 1 - Episode 26

Cam has to buy a new flat. When Tracy finds out, she's desperate to help make sure there will be a good bedroom for her. Cam still won't agree to fostering Tracy and the two get into a huge row. Eventually the row is resolved and Cam asks Tracy to move in with her. Tracy agrees, packs straight away and has a lovely goodbye from all the staff and children.

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6 votes

#13 - Dares

The Story of Tracy Beaker - Season 1 - Episode 2

Strange noises fill the Dumping Ground in the middle of the night. Jenny investigates, but it turns out to be Tracy, who is looking through the files for her mum's (Annette Bentley) address. Jenny and social worker Elaine explain to Tracy that her mum knows where she is, but they can't give her mum's address. Soon after, Tracy and Justine compete in a game of dares to win back Tracy's room. Justine covers Jenny in flour, Tracy fills Mike's boots with cheese sauce, Justine steals Jenny's clothes while she is having a shower, and Tracy tries to climb a tree, but Mike climbs after her and pulls her down. Tracy dares Justine to put a worm down her trousers – which she does – but Justine tells Tracy to eat a worm. Tracy hates the idea, but does it, and throws it up later. Justine quits the competition and says Tracy can have her room back. However, after Justine has packed all her stuff, Tracy tells her she can keep the room as she likes her new room better, infuriating Justine.