The BEST episodes directed by Joseph B. Wallenstein

Abby's Choice
5 votes

#1 - Abby's Choice

Knots Landing - Season 4 - Episode 11

Laura and Ciji become friends and spend time together. It's Ciji's 25th birthday and Chip calls and says he's hung up at work, so Laura gets her a cake. Kenny hears rumors that Jeff is taking over their record label, but Gary assures him it's not true. Abby refuses to donate her kidney at first, but then decides to after talking to Diana. Karen thanks her but Abby says she's doing it for Sid and Diana, NOT for her. Chip gives Diana the necklace he bought for Ciji's birthday and tells her he loves her. Surgery goes fine and both Diana and Abby are okay. Karen goes into Abby's room while she's sleeping and kisses her on the forehead.

China Dolls (a.k.a.) Obsession
4 votes

#2 - China Dolls (a.k.a.) Obsession

Knots Landing - Season 3 - Episode 21

Joe needs a date for a faculty dinner. Kenny suggests he take Ginger, so he does. Richard is ready to go home, and tells Laura he'd like to be part of the baby's birth. Laura goes to see his doctor who tells her only to go back to him if she's there to stay, but not if it's out of pity. Gary and Abby continue their affair, but he feels so guilty, he ends it. However, he keeps watching Abby from the window, and Val is extremely suspicious. Val asks Gary if they're having an affair, and he locks himself into the bathroom. Val then goes to see Abby, who tells her "I'm not saying we are having an affair, and I'm not saying we're not. I am saying that I can have him anytime I want." Val slaps Abby. Later, Gary sees Abby and kisses her.

4 votes

#3 - Daniel

Knots Landing - Season 4 - Episode 2

Joe warns Mac that Karen is using the court transcripts to try and go after Frank and Roy herself. Karen asks Wayne to negotiate a parts deal, and he goes to Frank and Roy, who set him up with their front men Marshall and Angelo. J.R. has one of his companies buy Val's publishing company. J.R. also meets with Abby, who will only give him the rest of the book if he'll tell her about Jock's will. J.R. tells her that Gary's coming into millions, and it isn't dependent on Val. Laura's water breaks. Richard rushes her to the hospital, but the car goes off the road and Laura gives birth in the car. The baby isn't breathing, but Richard saves him by giving him mouth-to-mouth. They name their new son Daniel.

6 votes

#4 - Squeezeplay

Knots Landing - Season 2 - Episode 18

Jeff doesn't return the kids and Abby's really worried. The FBI question Gary about Frank and Roy, and Gary finally admits his illegal dealings to Sid. Abby claims to be innocent, and Sid believe her. Gary and Sid agree to do a sting operation for the FBI, and Frank and Roy are arrested. Sid and Gary will have to testify, so the FBI guards them. One of the mechanics at KLMotors lets the brake fluid out of Sid's car. Abby receives a tape from Jeff telling her he took the kids because she is a bad mother. Abby totally flips out, so Karen calls Sid to come home to help Abby. Sid and an FBI agent get in his car to drive home. As they drive around the road, Sid realizes the breaks won't work. The car goes out of control crashes over the side of an embankment down to the beach below.

3 votes

#5 - Reunion

Knots Landing - Season 3 - Episode 13

Karen's college roommate, Victoria Hill, a fashion designer is in town to work with Karen on a benefit fashion show. All the neighborhood women are the models. Victoria offers Karen a job in New York and she considers it. Diana is enthralled with Victoria and wants them to move to New York. In the end, Karen decides to stay in Knots Landing. Gary tells Abby he's tired of her acting sexy to manipulate him. Laura tells Scooter she's leaving Richard, and they finally sleep together. Scooter wants her to move in with him, but she says no. Then Laura finds out that she's pregnant.

Moving In
7 votes

#6 - Moving In

Knots Landing - Season 3 - Episode 4

Abby is upset and trying to find her children. She answers the phone and it's Olivia, but the line goes dead. After that, she doesn't want to leave the house in case Olivia calls again. But this doesn't stop her from dating; she just has them sleep over. Val and Gary see a newscast about Lilimae helping to sop a thief. The news says Lilimae is homeless, so Val invites her to their house. The next day, Lilimae is arrested for shoplifting, but the jude says he'll only give her six months probation if Val and Gary assume responsibility for her. Val invites her to stay with them.

My Kinda Guy
79 votes

#7 - My Kinda Guy

7th Heaven - Season 2 - Episode 18

After Eric agrees to take in a French exchange student (Guy) as a temporary border, no one but Ruthie suspects the young man is actually a con artist. Suave and romantic, the border attracts both Mary and Lucy after he flirts with them. Simon and Ruthie get sick when they try to smoke Guy's cigarettes. Also, Guy steals Matt's date. Lastly, Eric and Annie discover e-mail and chat-rooms on Guy's laptop computer and begin a romance with each other over the internet.

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0 votes

#8 - Lifelines

Hotel - Season 1 - Episode 23

Movie producer Steve Cutler blackmails Lauren Webb with the fact that Lauren appeared in some of his soft-core pornographic films many years ago. Steve threatens to reveal Lauren's past if she doesn't find money to back his next film. After Lauren fails to obtain money from of her boss, Byron Comstock, Steve reveals the secret to Lauren's husband, Tom, who promptly leaves Lauren. Lauren confesses her past to Comstock and offers her resignation, but her boss gives her a fatherly hug and refuses to accept her resignation. Cassie Ray, a young unwed mother, prepares to give her baby up for adoption to Larry McLain and his wife Gail. When faced with signing the adoption papers, however, Cassie has a hard time following through. Mark, who has befriended Cassie, tracks down the baby's father, Eugene, a merchant seaman who is unaware of Cassie's pregnancy. After an emotional reunion, the young couple visits the McLains and convinces them to give back the baby. Peter feels useless as his delega

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Final Chapters
0 votes

#9 - Final Chapters

Hotel - Season 2 - Episode 8

Billy is distraught when his father William Sr. suddenly appears at the hotel. It is revealed that William Sr. disappeared after he and Billy's mother divorced; Billy hasn't heard from William Sr. in eight years. Billy resents his father's long absence and is unable forgive him. Two young attorneys, Gary Hanzlik and Joyce Emerson, are about to be married, but Joyce, a domineering woman, is obviously running the show. The reluctant bridegroom's friend is hosting a bachelor party for Gary that features a pornographic movie and a bikini-clad beauty who is to be his final fling before matrimony. The girl is Elayne Grayson, who substitutes for a friend because she needs the $300. Elayne successfully avoids sleeping with Gary, but they soon develop a rapport anyway. Realizing Gary has been trapped into marriage, Elayne gives Gary a taste of what love can be like, and Joyce catches them. Meanwhile, Christine volunteers to shepherd 16-year-old Kevin Walker, who is visiting his aunt, Mrs. Cabot

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