The BEST episodes directed by Mickey Jones

1 votes

#1 - 03/01/2011

EastEnders - Season 27 - Episode 2

When Kat and Alfie are asked if they want to see Tommy, Kat runs away. Back at the Vic, Mo sits with her. Alfie looks for Kat, when he gets back to the pub Billy and Julie are clearing up. Kat tries to get the pub ready to open. She’s not ready to say goodbye to Tommy, but Alfie gently persuades her they have to return to the hospital. When Kat sees the baby’s body she’s insistent ‘that’s not my baby’. Ronnie’s upset and feels horribly guilty. She can’t bring herself to breastfeed the baby. Jack’s besotted with the baby he thinks is his new son and heads to the shop to buy some formula. Ronnie throws away the moses basket and blankets James died in. Roxy tells Jack and Ronnie that Tommy died. Jack thinks they should go and pay their respects, Ronnie refuses. Ronnie attempts once more to breastfeed, but can’t face it. She gives the baby and a bottle to Jack – she can’t do this. Ronnie cries. Jack calls the midwives, asking if someone could visit them. Tanya decides she wants to live nearer her daughters and demands an immediate viewing of Roxy’s house. Greg’s unsure; he thought the Square had nothing but bad memories for Tanya. Tanya insists it will be different; she’ll be with him this time. Abi and Lauren are thrilled, but Vanessa’s less keen on having Tanya as a neighbour. Max thinks Tanya just can’t keep away. Everyone’s upset by the news of Tommy’s death. Syed looks after the cafe so Bianca can spend time with her kids. After accidentally pulling a phone number out of his pocket, a guilty Christian admits to Syed he kissed the piper. Syed’s hurt and angry; he left everything for Christian and today should have been his wedding anniversary.

Episode 6
4 votes

#2 - Episode 6

Waterloo Road - Season 13 - Episode 6

Kelly Jo makes a momentous decision, and whilst most of the teachers are away on an inset day, Libby leads the pack as the teens run riot in school.

Episode 5
4 votes

#3 - Episode 5

Waterloo Road - Season 13 - Episode 5

Amy comes head-to-head with Schuey, but her actions cause uproar. Meanwhile, Kelly Jo has some earth-shattering news for Dean.

1 votes

#4 - 06/03/2012

EastEnders - Season 28 - Episode 40

Zainab accidentally offends Kim and Denise, but faces a bigger problem when Fat Boy discovers a note suggesting Tamwar is about to leave Afia - and Walford - for good. She races to the Tube station to plead with him to stay, and discovers just how badly hurt he was by his ordeal at Christmas. Mandy catches Lorraine stealing money from Ian, a Branning family argument leads Lauren to declare she wants to move out, and Christian suggests he and Syed should buy Amira out of the business

1 votes

#5 - 09/03/2012

EastEnders - Season 28 - Episode 42

Mandy confronts Lorraine after discovering she has started drinking again, but her mother viciously belittles her. Ian then arrives and, sensing the tension, suggests a family meal at the Argee Bhajee. However, Lorraine's cruel words finally prompt Mandy to lash out. Shirley tries to force herself into Heather and Andrew's wedding plans, Masood arranges for Afia and Tamwar to have some time to themselves, and Lauren realises she needs to find a new source of income

0 votes

#6 - 05/03/2012

EastEnders - Season 28 - Episode 39

An increasingly bitter and resentful Lauren drinks herself into a stupor on a night out, and ends the evening lying in a gutter. Her friends retrieve her and take her to safety - but the incident brings back horrifying memories for Whitney. Max and Tanya try to rekindle their relationship by having a meal together at the Argee Bhajee, while Michael contemplates his future with Janine. Tamwar angrily refuses to take Yusef's money, and Mandy becomes more unsettled by Lorraine's presence in the Square

0 votes

#7 - 08/03/2012

EastEnders - Season 28 - Episode 41

Zainab tries to reveal what happened on the night of the fire - but Afia is in an unforgiving mood and forces her to look at Tamwar's scars. Distraught, Zainab fears she has ruined her family's lives, but comfort comes from an unlikely source. At the Moons' house, Amira confesses to Anthony that she is just pretending to be happy, while Kim and Denise get a surprise in the post