The BEST episodes directed by Peter Brinckerhoff

#7650 - 30th Anniversary Special
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#1 - #7650 - 30th Anniversary Special

General Hospital - Season 30 - Episode 2

On his 30th anniversary at the hospital, Steve feels he hasn't contributed to the hospital lately because he's now an administrator, not a doctor. Secretly, the staff plans a surprise party to show him their appreciation. Steve runs into Angie Costello, his very first patient at G.H. They reminisce (via flashbacks) to when he treated her as a teenager following a car accident that left her face horribly disfigured. Angie thanks Steve for his support years ago. Scott interviews potential surrogate mothers, but none meet his expectations. Lucy gets upset when Scott flippitantly asks Amy if she would consider the job. Bobbie breaks into Ryan's office to copy his address book. Steve catches Bobbie in the act but covers for her when Ryan comes by. G.H. staff and P.C. residents surprise Steve with the party, where he feels appreciated. Fugitives Mac and Felicia watch news coverage of the party, wishing they were home.

Ep. #677 Mon
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#2 - Ep. #677 Mon

Passions - Season 3 - Episode 164

Sheridan's new waitressing job at Liz's café gets off to a clumsy start. Brian defends Sheridan to Liz. Sheridan and Brian continue to grow closer. Back in Harmony, Luis assures a concerned Hank that he is trying to get over Sheridan. Luis tells his friend that Theresa's suicide attempt has made him realize he can't hold on to false hope. Chad pays Whitney a visit. Embarrassed by her behavior the night before, Whitney pushes him away. Chad claims he finally saw the ""real"" Whitney. She quickly denies that she has feelings for him and insists she doesn't have a passion for singing. Whitney is stunned when Chad reveals he's moving out. Theresa misunderstands Ethan's actions when he stops by to check on her. Ethan panics when a devastated Theresa locks herself in her room. Julian urges Theresa to stick with their plan. Timmy consults the magic scroll about the future.

Ep. #936 Mon
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#3 - Ep. #936 Mon

Passions - Season 4 - Episode 172

Theresa sees another side of Fox; Sheridan has a nightmare about Antonio; TC and Eve find Simone destroying Whitney's bedroom.

Ep. #1144
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#4 - Ep. #1144

Passions - Season 5 - Episode 128

In the aftermath of Julian and Rebecca's wedding, Theresa breaks into the Crane mansion to get Little Ethan. She is caught trying to escape the grounds. Judge Reilly is shocked to see her actions, and is convinced that Theresa is emotionally unstable and shouldn't be allowed near Little Ethan. Theresa goes into hysterics as Reilly tells her that after her behavior tonight he's not even going to allow visitation, and Little Ethan is visibly traumatized as Theresa fights and screams as she is dragged from the mansion.

Ep. #1395
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#5 - Ep. #1395

Passions - Season 6 - Episode 123

""Mrs. Wheeler"" is pushed to the edge and she finally admits to Sheridan that she is in fact her mother. Pilar and Luis want to know why Martin and Katherine ran off together, leaving Harmony without saying anything.

Ep. #1399
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#6 - Ep. #1399

Passions - Season 6 - Episode 127

The psychiatrist tells Ethan that the longer she stays confined, the greater the chances that she'll be forever lost. Rebecca believes that God is punishing her by taking it out on her daughter.

Ep. #1407
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#7 - Ep. #1407

Passions - Season 6 - Episode 135

Sheridan chokes Katherine while sleepwalking without even knowing it. Sheridan wakes and is horrified to discover that she tried to kill her mother. Alistair tells Katherine that the secret Martin possesses will destroy Sheridan.

Ep. #1412
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#8 - Ep. #1412

Passions - Season 6 - Episode 140

Julian and Eve talk about the poisonings, and theorize that it's possible that three different people may have tried to kill Julian, Alistair and Liz. Gwen corners Theresa in a side room, listing the crimes that Theresa has committed against her and how she has hurt her in the past. The the hospital staff works to help an unconscious Paloma, Sam tries desperately to contact the Lopez-Fitzgerald family. Martin is still torn between telling his family the truth and protecting the woman his son loves when Sam calls. Alistair sends a fur-clad Tina off to the mansion to prepare for a little fun.

Ep. #1417
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#9 - Ep. #1417

Passions - Season 6 - Episode 145

In Harmony, Beth and Mrs. Wallace are surprised to hear the Amber Alert on the radio searching for the baby. While searching the Crane mansion hoping to find information on Gwen and the baby, Ethan, Sam and Luis finding a secret door.

Ep. #1427
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#10 - Ep. #1427

Passions - Season 6 - Episode 155

After learning her mother told Julian the truth about the baby's paternity, Whitney drops a bomb shell of her own and admits that she's still in love with Chad and still wants him. As a devastated Martin reads Katherine's goodbye letter, Luis realises that Katherine is on the Crane jet with Gwen and the baby. Valerie is both hurt and disgusted when Chad admits to her that he still loves Whitney and wants to be with her. Fox proposes to Whitney.

Ep. #1428
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#11 - Ep. #1428

Passions - Season 6 - Episode 156

Everyone is terrified that Alistair has tripped some sort of remote control explosive device, only to realise that he's simply holding a light. Alistair delights in telling everyone that only Katherine knows where they are going. Chad interrupts Fox's proposal to Whitney, prompting Fox to attack Chad. Julian separates them, taking Fox's side. Alone with Whitney, Chad tells her he still wants to be with her. Katherine tries to convince Gwen to take the baby and get off the plane, but is unsuccessful as the plane takes off.

Ep. #1459
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#12 - Ep. #1459

Passions - Season 6 - Episode 187