The BEST episodes directed by Ted Hanlan

Man In The Middle
55 votes

#1 - Man In The Middle

La Femme Nikita - Season 4 - Episode 5

Section's newest target is the son of a wealthy industrialist, by the name of Helmut Volker, who is supplying drugs at his parties when not funneling arms to Red Cell. The twist is Operations and Madeline have figured out that Michael has "restored" Nikita, so Operations uses this operation to once again drive a wedge between Michael and Nikita. Helmut Volker must marry if he is ever to inherit hit father's business, so Operations orders Nikita to marry Helmut when he proposes! Meanwhile, Michael does everything he can to prevent that from happening.

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Love and Country
60 votes

#2 - Love and Country

La Femme Nikita - Season 3 - Episode 6

Section goes after Nikolai Markali, a politician whom Operations correctly believes is connected to the terrorist organization, Badenhein, although the suspicions at first appear to be unfounded. Other than these suspicions, he appears to be a man whose only crime appears to be being married to Operations' "widow," Corinne - the woman Operations was married to when he "died" upon his recruitment into Section. Madeline, posing as a therapist taking over Corinne's case, and Michael, posing as a therapist slowly drive Corinne insane using a highly addictive "medication" which makes her extremely unstable and an altered videotape making it appear Nikolai was having an affair with Nikita. According to the mission profile, Corinne takes her husband's life.

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