The BEST B92 shows of all time

Every B92 show, ranked

We've compiled the average episode rating for every B92 show to compile this list of best shows!

155 votes

#1 - The Storks Will Return

It follows the two lead characters, Shvaba and Ekser, as they try to make a living on the streets of Belgrade through the life of petty crime. Making matters worse is the fact that Shvaba owes a lot of money to a local big-shot criminal. And just when things seem lost for the two men, Shvaba's mother inherits a house in Baranda - a village near Belgrade no one's ever heard of. As Shvaba and Ekser happily rush to Baranda, hoping to sell the house and solve all their problems, the villagers are equally happy to see them, thinking that two businessmen from Belgrade are finally taking an interest in their village...

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