The BEST Dlife shows of all time

Every Dlife show, ranked

We've compiled the average episode rating for every Dlife show to compile this list of best shows!

55 votes

#1 - Fireball

Fireball is a series of CGI anime shorts created by Toei Animation in conjunction with Disney. The show takes place in the distant future of the 49th millennium, and revolves around the happenings inside a giant manor (named 'Tempest Tower') inhabited by two robots; the gynoid duchess Drossel von Flügel (full name and title: the 19th Lord of Uranos' Kingdom's Tempest Domain, Drossel Juno Vierzehntens Heizregister Fürstin von Flügel) and her massive cyclopian servant, Gedächtnis. The episodes are usually nonsensical in nature, normally showing the two characters making idle conversation in the midst of a war with humanity.

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40 votes

#2 - Marvel Future Avengers

The anime follows Makoto, a young boy who gains superpowers due to an evil gene manipulation experiment. Makoto and other youths join the Avengers as apprentices named "Future Avengers." The anime will show Makoto and others as they train, fight villains and grow, under Avengers members Iron Man, Captain America, Hulk, Thor, and Wasp.

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