The BEST Toei Channel shows of all time

Every Toei Channel show, ranked

We've compiled the average episode rating for every Toei Channel show to compile this list of best shows!

373 votes

#1 - Digimon Adventure tri.

Digimon Adventure tri. is a Japanese action-adventure anime film series produced by Toei Animation. Celebrating the 15th anniversary of Akiyoshi Hongo's Digimon franchise, the six-part series serves as a direct sequel to the first two television series, Digimon Adventure and Digimon Adventure 02.

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81 votes

#2 - Robot Girls Z

The story revolves around a new team of "Toei robot girls" named "Team Z" that is made up of three girls perform in activities around Nerima ward in Tokyo to raise the awareness of the promising future energy source "Photon Power". However, there are times when "Mechanical Beast" team of girls emerge from the "Subterranean Empire" and attempt to steal the energy. Thus "Team Z" has to battle them to prevent this, though sometimes they just go and beat up the "bad girls" to relieve stress.

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