The BEST episodes of General Hospital season 36

Every episode of General Hospital season 36, ranked from best to worst by thousands of votes from fans of the show. The best episodes of General Hospital season 36!

The wealthy Quartermaine family continues to be a looming presence in the town of Port Charles, with interests in much of the city's business. Characters come and go, but viewers can always count on at least one Quartermaine or Spencer to create havoc.

Last Updated: 10/8/2023Network: ABC (US)Status: Continuing
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#1 - 08.27.99 - Friday

Season 36 - Episode 170 - Aired 8/27/1999


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#2 - 09.08.99 - Wednesday

Season 36 - Episode 178 - Aired 9/8/1999

Luke hurries back to Port Charles after hearing of his sister's accident. When Bobbie asks about Jerry, Luke reluctantly informs her that her boyfriend is in serious condition. Meanwhile, in the ICU, Monica explains to Jax and Alexis why there may be cause for some major concern if Jerry doesn't regain consciousness soon. Bobbie tearfully confides to Luke why she blames herself for the crash. At Windemere, Helena hides from Stefan the fact that she has regained some movement. Felicia warns a stunned Luke that the man he knows as 'Heir Kregg' is actually the infamous Cesar Faison. Stefan takes another stab at getting Nikolas to open up about whatever has been troubling him.

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#3 - 09.07.99 - Tuesday

Season 36 - Episode 177 - Aired 9/7/1999

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#4 - 09.06.99 - Monday

Season 36 - Episode 176 - Aired 9/6/1999

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#5 - 09.03.99 - Friday

Season 36 - Episode 175 - Aired 9/3/1999

Carly warns Jason that Hannah is playing his best friend for a fool by cheating on Sonny with her old flame. Meanwhile, Hannah and Sonny make love after she tells him about her latest run-in with her former boyfriend. Bobbie and Jerry's good intentions disrupt Ned and Alexis' plan to escape for a romantic getaway. As Katherine pays another visit on Helena, Stefan orders his former fiancee to stop harassing Nikolas. Later, Faison slips back into Windemere via the secret tunnels and offers Helena the chance to repay her son for his treachery. Jason advises Carly never to get between Sonny and any woman he loves.

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#6 - 09.02.99 - Thursday

Season 36 - Episode 174 - Aired 9/2/1999

Benny tells Jason it's obvious that Sonny's new main squeeze is interfering with his focus. Meanwhile, Hannah is rattled by a reminder from her past. Jax agrees to cover for his wife while she slips away for a romantic interlude with Ned. Across town, Chloe teases her husband about his exotic plans for the upcoming weekend with Alexis. Miffed by Sonny's callous attitude, Carly reminds him how she came to his rescue when he was in the grip of one of his severe bouts of depression. Later, Sonny bristles to hear Carly badmouthing Hannah yet again. Though Jason denies it, Benny remains certain that he is running the operation because Sonny can no longer handle the pressure.

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#7 - 09.01.99 - Wednesday

Season 36 - Episode 173 - Aired 9/1/1999

Reginald is rocked when A.J. and Carly return from their Hawaiin honeymoon without Letitia. Jason delivers a message to Juan as a favor for Emily. When the boy wonders aloud why he stays so loyal to a man like Sonny, Jason only glares at him in response before stalking out of Kelly's Appalled to learn that Letitia was called to Florida to care for her ailing mother, Reginald perks up considerably when he reads the letter she left for him with Carly. Faison pays another furtive call on Helena and pulls from his pocket the antidote he stole from the clinic in Switzerland. Elizabeth plays dumb when Stefan asks her if she knows what~s been troubling his son in recent weeks.

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#8 - 08.31.99 - Tuesday

Season 36 - Episode 172 - Aired 8/31/1999

Awakening to the morning light, Emily is horrified to realize that she fell asleep and inadvertently spent the entire night in Juan's room. Reginald's snappishness continues to irritate Edward but Lila refuses to allow her husband to fire their love-sick butler. Tormented by what she saw on the videotape, Alexis fears she's lost the man she loves. An unwitting Jane accidentally exacerbates the problem by noting to her gloomy daughter-in-law how Ned's eyes shine every time Chloe hoves into view. Meanwhile, John nearly catches Jax and Chloe in a compromising moment. Monica finds Emily sneaking out of her boyfriends room and furiously informs her daughter that she will never see Juan again.

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#9 - 08.30.99 - Monday

Season 36 - Episode 171 - Aired 8/30/1999

Juan brings Emily up to his room above Kelly's for the first time. At Jake's, a grieving Elizabeth explains to Jason how she can't seem to accept the fact that Lucky is really gone forever. Though Hannah assures Sonny she wasn't looking for any particular response when she declared her love, he repeats his invitation for her to move into the penthouse. Devastated by her viewing of the video from the gate house, Alexis bitterly suggests to Jax that Ned and Chloe's marriage is perhaps not as bogus as they imagined. Emily fills Juan in on how the Quartermaines adopted her after her mother succumbed to breast cancer. Jason gives Elizabeth a ride on his motorcycle to help her clear her mind.

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#10 - 09.09.99 - Thursday

Season 36 - Episode 179 - Aired 9/9/1999

Mike visits the jail to check on his son, who declares that the feds have nothing they can hold over him. Luke confronts Faison down on the waterfront and icily informs 'Heir Kregg' he now knows his true identity. At Kelly's, Jason tries to put Hannah's mind at ease about Sonny's ability to handle incarceration. Jax breathes a sigh of relief to see his brother regain consciousness. When Mike wonders how he's holding up, Sonny assures his father that he hasn't suffered any attacks of claustrophobia so far. Jerry teases a flustered Jax about seeing him kiss Ned's wife through the window of the ICU. Elizabeth cautions Nikolas that his good intentions towards his unborn child could easily be twisted by Katherine's natural vindictiveness.

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#11 - 08.26.99 - Thursday

Season 36 - Episode 169 - Aired 8/26/1999

Sonny and Hannah return to Port Charles following their relaxing sojourn on the island. watching Emily slow dancing with Juan, Elizabeth feels overwhelmed by loneliness and grief as she thinks about Lucky. Bobbie urges Felicia to fill Mac in on how Luke might unwittingly be working for the very man who murdered his best friend. Sonny apologizes to Juan for losing his temper the other day, then offers to tell the boy all about his mother and answer any questions he might have. A.J. accuses Jason of staging the work slowdown which has wreaked havoc with ELQ's docks project. Desperate to see Letitia again, an overwrought Reginald reads his exasperated employers the riot act.

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#12 - 08.25.99 - Wednesday

Season 36 - Episode 168 - Aired 8/25/1999

Monica and Alan tell their delighted daughter that since she's proven she can be trusted they have decided to permit her to see Juan. Meanwhile, Tony assures Juan that the doctors Quartermaine won't seem nearly as fearsome once he gets to know them better. Hannah advises Sonny to divulge to Lily's troubled son the story of how his mother really died. Felicia explains to Jason why she's so concerned about Luke's safety now that Faison has returned from the dead. Juan promises Emily he'll come up with a way to permanently remain in Port Charles. Appalled by her husband's behavior during a confrontation with Jason, Felicia again urges Mac not to let Faison's head games get the best of him.

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#13 - 08.24.99 - Tuesday

Season 36 - Episode 167 - Aired 8/24/1999

Felicia tells Bobbie she's going to keep Mac in the dark about the apparent connection between Luke and Faison. Determined to set a good example for his future son or daughter, Nikolas begins looking for a job. Though a concerned Elizabeth again suggests to her friend that Katherine may either be faking the pregnancy or is actually carrying another man's child, Nikolas finds it hard to believe that his former lover would lie to him about something as important as this. Meanwhile, Katherine secretly consults with a specialist about the best time to implant the eggs he's already fertilized with the father's 'sample'. As Edward and Gertrude plot together, Alexis explains to Ned why she doesn't want her in-laws to know that Jax is 'cheating' on her.

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#14 - 08.23.99 - Monday

Season 36 - Episode 166 - Aired 8/23/1999

Chloe is shaken up by a slight altercation with her horse, who runs off with Jax's mount and leaves them both stranded in the woods. Back at the Grill, Ned waits anxiously for his wife to appear in order to cement an important deal for L&B. Sensing that the arrangement is about to fall through, Ned hurriedly enlists Alexis to pose as his bride during the business dinner. Laura explains to Lesley why she and Lulu will be accompanying her to North Carolina. Meanwhile, Bobbie is unnerved to hear Felicia vow to beat Faison at his own game. Ned looks on with amused admiration as Alexis describes for Fred 'her' designs for his band's new costumes.

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#15 - 08.20.99 - Friday

Season 36 - Episode 165 - Aired 8/20/1999

Jax brings Chloe to his special spot in the woods for a romantic picnic. Mike is pleasantly surprised to learn that Sonny invited Hannah to join him on a jaunt to the island. Meanwhile, Jason tries to convince Sonny that a vacation trip is far too dangerous at this point in time. When Sonny insists on giving Hannah something special, Jason suggests that they at least travel to another destination to prevent any leaks about their hideaway. Stefan triumphantly informs Helena that he is now her legal guardian. Felicia tells Bobbie how concerned she is that her husband has developed an unhealthy obsession with eliminating Faison. As Faison eavesdrops, Felicia warns her friend that Cesar may also be targeting Luke by connecting with Laura.

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#16 - 08.19.99 - Thursday

Season 36 - Episode 164 - Aired 8/19/1999

Following the fiasco at the mansion, Emily wheedles an exasperated Jason to help her convince her mother that she should be allowed to date Juan. Sonny puts on the full court press in an effort to make up for lost time with Hannah. Tony is amazed but grateful when Bobbie offers to let him have a whole afternoon alone with Lucas. Jason finally agrees to speak to Monica on his sister's behalf. Hannah hesitantly lets Sonny know about her visit from Taggert. Monica drops by the penthouse unannounced and is disconcerted to realize that Jason is back in business with Sonny. when Monica asks that he encourage Emily to stay away from Juan, Jason advises his estranged mother not to risk losing another child by alienating her daughter.

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#17 - 08.18.99 - Wednesday

Season 36 - Episode 163 - Aired 8/18/1999

As Edward, Alan and Monica grumble about being forced to entertain Juan for an evening, Lila orders her family to treat her dinner guest with the proper courtesy and respect. Meanwhile, at Kelly's, Bobbie gives a nervous Juan a pep talk as he steels himself to face a battalion of disapproving Quartermaines. Faison slips into Helena's bedroom at Windemeire and tells her he knows she's been poisoned. Stefan encourages his obviously troubled son to open up to him. Still unable to talk about Katherine y pregnancy, Nikolas instead allows Stefan to believe that he's still suffering pangs of grief over losing Lucky. Juan scores some early points with Edward by assuring the patriarch of Emily's clan that he would like to learn more about the magnificent world of big business.

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#18 - 08.17.99 - Tuesday

Season 36 - Episode 162 - Aired 8/17/1999

Mac tells Laura that the man who killed Robert and Anna is unfortunately still alive and well and back in Port Charles. Sonny relays Carly's message to Jason, who admits how much it hurts to lose what he once had with Michael and his mother. Juan listens from his hiding place as Alan sternly forbids Emily to have any contact at all with the troubled teen. Gazing at the photo of Faison, Laura recognizes the 'philanthropist' who came to her office and promises Mac she'll be on guard from now on. A bristling Hannah whines to Tammy about how Sonny cut their evening short the minute Carly walked in. Hoping Alan and Monica will change their minds about Juan once they get to know him better, Emily decides to enlist some assistance from her tender-hearted grandmother.

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#19 - 09.10.99 - Friday

Season 36 - Episode 180 - Aired 9/10/1999

Though Bobbie warns her brother that Faison is lethal, Luke reminds her he can be just as deadly when provoked. Carly tells Jason that Hannah is packing heat. Meanwhile, Hannah visits the jail again and chafes at the sight of Sonny in irons. Trying to cheer up her incarcerated lover, Hannah tells Sonny how she'll book them into a luxury spa for a whole week just as soon as he's released. Alexis arrives and informs her client that the feds' case is strong enough to keep him locked up for several more days at the very least. Carly explains to Jason how she found a gun in Hannah's underwear drawer. Chiding her for snooping, Jason urges Carly to drop her crusade against Hannah before she causes irreparable harm. Hannah is revealed to be an FBI agent working undercover to bring Sonny down.

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#20 - 09.13.99 - Monday

Season 36 - Episode 181 - Aired 9/13/1999

Just seconds after accepting Jerry's marriage proposal, Bobbie is horrified to see her beloved suddenly suffer a massive seizure. Noting Alexis' dismay at the instant rapport Chloe has established with Brook Lynn, Jax reminds his 'wife' that Ned's little girl will soon learn to love her, too. Faison warns Luke that he'll live to regret it if he doesn't cough up the diamonds he stole. At the jail, Jason assures Sonny the feds won't find any RICO violations when they review the company's books. Meanwhile, Hannah's superiors at the FBI question whether she may have lost her objectivity where Sonny is concerned. Jason hesitantly relays Carly's warning to Sonny, who scoffs at the idea of his girlfriend carrying a gun.

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#21 - 09.14.99 - Tuesday

Season 36 - Episode 182 - Aired 9/14/1999

Under the guise of conducting ELQ business, Chloe returns to GH to lend Jax her moral support. With his adoptive father slated to return and escort him back to Puerto Rico the next day, Juan asks Ned to show him the music video Miguel made for L&B several years ago. Bobbie sits vigil beside Jerry's hospital bed, squeezing his hand and urging the man she loves to come back to her. Sonny thanks Hannah for coming to his initial court appearance and reminds his seemingly distraught lover that although he was denied bail this time around he can't be kept confined for too much longer. Ned assures Juan that his birth father loved Lily very much, then offers to help the boy contact Miguel whenever he's comfortable with the prospect of meeting his dad.

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#22 - 09.15.99 - Wednesday

Season 36 - Episode 183 - Aired 9/15/1999

Emily returns from camp and is excited to learn that Brook Lynn will be in residence at the gatehouse for several weeks. Her happiness fades, however, when Ned reveals that Juan has already left for Puerto Rico. Elizabeth tries to coax Nikolas out to see a movie but he explains that Katherine is on her way over for a visit. Meanwhile, Katherine begins searching for a surrogate mother to carry a child for her and Nikolas. A grateful Jax thanks Bobbie for giving his brother a reason to return to the land of the living. Nikolas promises Katherine he will always be a large part of his child's life. Ned tells Chloe how much he appreciates everything she's done for his young daughter.

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#23 - 09.16.99 - Thursday

Season 36 - Episode 184 - Aired 9/16/1999

A.J. brags to Carly about his latest coup at ELQ. Enraged to learn that the IRS is auditing his club, Luke orders Jason to come clean about Sonny's latest problems with the feds. At Kelly's, a beaming Bobbie breaks her happy news to Felicia. Alexis asks Stefan if he's using her brother-in-law to take revenge on her. Luke urges Jason to cut Sonny loose before he gets dragged down with his boss and winds up spending the next twenty years behind bars. Though Jason refuses to turn his back on his best friend, Luke reminds the young man that Sonny would never want him to make such a sacrifice. Later, Luke's day hits rock bottom when Faison pays another call.

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#24 - 09.17.99 - Friday

Season 36 - Episode 185 - Aired 9/17/1999

Bestowing a kiss, Jax thanks Chloe for all the help she gave him during his brother's medical crisis. Nikolas informs his dismayed father that he's decided to ask Katherine to marry him. At the jail, Mac cautions Sonny that he may never again see the light of day if he doesn't cooperate. Carly and Hannah face off once more on the subject of Sonny. As Helena listens in, Stefan pleads with Nikolas not to let Katherine's emotional blackmail pressure him into what will surely be a grave mistake. Carly quietly tells Jason she's prepared to lie under oath to protect him from prosecution. Meanwhile, Alexis warns her client that the feds seem poised to spring a surprise witness at his bail hearing.

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#25 - 09.20.99 - Monday

Season 36 - Episode 186 - Aired 9/20/1999

Reminding Katherine that marriage would still be the best way to give their child the love and stability it will need. Sonny and Hannah return to the penthouse to find that the feds have turned the place upside down. Meanwhile, Carly unearths Hannah's hidden strongbox and begins prying open the lock. A.J. confides to Alan how happy Carly has made him since their idyllic Hawiian honeymoon. When Alan ruminates about the mistakes he and Monica made early on in their long and tumultuous relationship, A.J. vows to keep his marriage his first priority no matter what. An unwitting Sonny gripes to Hannah about the FBI using illegal and underhanded tactics to strong-arm him.