The BEST episodes of HBO Documentary Film Series season 2009

Every episode of HBO Documentary Film Series season 2009, ranked from best to worst by thousands of votes from fans of the show. The best episodes of HBO Documentary Film Series season 2009!

HBO presents a full spectrum of non-fiction programming by leading documentary filmmakers. Taking viewers from the hidden corners of America to the shocking reality of global issues, these powerful, uncompromising and award-winning films never fail to leave an impact. Now, with HBO Podcast, listen to interviews with many of our award-winning filmmakers - and even some of their documentary subjects!

Last Updated: 5/22/2024Network: HBO Documentary FilmsStatus: Continuing
Ted Williams
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#1 - Ted Williams

Season 2009 - Episode 6 - Aired 7/15/2009

The life and times of Theodore Samuel Williams (1918–2002), who accomplished his life's goal of being known as the greatest hitter who ever lived, though not without ruffling a few feathers along the way. Narrated by Liev Schreiber.

Writer: Aaron Cohen
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#2 - Shouting Fire, Stories from the Edge of Free Speech

Season 2009 - Episode 8 - Aired 7/28/2009

The balancing act between protecting civil liberties and national security in a post 9/11 world. A documentary look at the changing interpretations of the first amendment of the U.S. Constitution - laws and court cases that have alternatively broadened and narrowed the amendment's protection of free speech and assembly. The film's thesis is that post-9/11 the government has seized unprecedented license to surveil, intimidate, arrest, and detain citizens and foreigners alike. The film also looks back to the Pentagon Papers' case and compares it to cases since 9/11 dealing with high school students' speech and protesters marching in New York City during the 2004 Republican convention. Comment comes from a range of scholars, pundits, and advocates.

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#3 - Grey Gardens

Season 2009 - Episode 4 - Aired 4/19/2009

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#4 - Taking Chance

Season 2009 - Episode 3 - Aired 2/26/2009

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#5 - The Memory Loss Tapes

Season 2009 - Episode 5 - Aired 5/10/2009

While there is hope for the future as science gains momentum, millions of Americans are currently affected by the painful and deadly consequences of Alzheimer's. This verité documentary profiles seven people living with the disease, each in an advancing state of dementia, from its earliest detectable changes through death. "We wanted to capture a sense of what it was to be inside the disease," explains Shari Cookson. "Our plan was to show the progression of the illness through several stories along the way." But as Nick Doob points out: "There's nothing clear cut about it. The course of the disease is different from person to person." Adds Cookson: "They say if you've seen one person with Alzheimer''ve seen one person with Alzheimer's." Among the emotionally gripping stories: a mother who holds on fiercely to her simple lifestyle, yet recognizes that her memory failures are making it more difficult to do so; another mother who complains to her daughter "I have lost my independence" after failing a driving test; a woman in a nursing home who thinks her mirrored reflection is her "best friend," and who is haunted by imaginary snakes crawling over her wheelchair; a onetime computer whiz who keeps a blog to chronicle his activities while he still can; a father who no longer can remember his family, but can still steal the spotlight when performing in public with a local vocal group; a daughter who must build a fence around her farm to prevent her mother from wandering off; and the onetime host of a kids' TV show, whose wife brings him to a hospice after his body finally starts shutting down. Says Cookson: "It was moving and life changing that people let us into their lives while this intense experience was happening. You see how much the disease takes from a person, how everything you've learned and been in your life is stripped away—yet you still get these glimmers of the person." As Doob notes, "You get a feeling that there's a foundation of personality t

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#6 - Outrage

Season 2009 - Episode 9 - Aired 8/5/2009

Outrage argues that several American political figures have led closeted gay lives while supporting and endorsing legislation that is harmful to the gay community. The film examines mass media's reluctance to discuss issues involving gay politicians despite many comparable news stories about heterosexual politicians and scandals. Outrage describes this behavior as a form of institutionalized homophobia that has resulted in a tacit policy of self-censorship when reporting on these issues. The film is based on the work of blogger Michael Rogers and his site

Directors: Kirby Dick
Writer: Kirby Dick
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#7 - Celebrity Habla

Season 2009 - Episode 10 - Aired 9/25/2009

See what celebrated Latino actors, newsmakers and a musical legends have to say about being Latino in the U.S. in this sixth installment in the award-winning series.

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#8 - The Trials of Ted Haggard

Season 2009 - Episode 11 - Aired 11/30/2009

Ted Haggard had it all: prosperity, a doting wife, five kids and a ministry that reached more than 30 million followers who hung on his every word. But in 2006, it all fell apart in a sea of scandal. Journalist/filmmaker Alexandra Pelosi returns to talk with 'Pastor Ted'--whom she met while filming 'Friends of God' for HBO--who was exiled from the church he built and the state where he lived after admitting to 'sexual immorality' and to buying methamphetamines. Following Haggard and his family as they move from house to house and motel to motel, Pelosi interviews the sullied ex-minister as he works as a traveling insurance salesman...and maps out a strategy for redeeming himself and supporting his family.

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#9 - Right America: Feeling Wronged

Season 2009 - Episode 2 - Aired 2/15/2009

For her fifth HBO project, Alexandra Pelosi visited 28 states and spoke about the fight for the soul of the country with mostly conservative Americans, who feel underrepresented by the mainstream media. From the Pulpit Freedom Day in Bethlehem, Ga. to the NASCAR circuit, Right America: Feeling Wronged - Some Voices From the Campaign Trail shows a country at war with itself over the religious and cultural identities that define America. Many interviewees were particularly incensed by what they saw as a lack of any meaningful media attention given to their message during the election campaign - including their views on such hotly contested issues as gun control, abortion rights, religion and gay rights - and by a perceived media bias against McCain and running mate Sarah Palin.

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#10 - Studs Terkel: Listening to America

Season 2009 - Episode 7 - Aired 7/25/2009

Documentary about the life and career of the author and pioneer of radio & television, Studs Terkel.

Directors: Eric Simonson
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#11 - Sergio

Season 2009 - Episode 1 - Aired 1/17/2009

A look at the life and work of United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, Sergio Vieira de Mello, and the rescue operation when he was trapped and injured by a bomb explosion at UN headquarters in Baghdad.

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#12 - Boy Interrupted

Season 2009 - Episode 12 - Aired 10/3/2009

Boy Interrupted looks at the life of Evan Perry a 15-year-old boy from New York who committed suicide in 2005. The film made by his parents Dana and Hart examines how Evan's bipolar disorder and depression affected his life and the life of his family.