The BEST episodes of Melrose Place season 7

Every episode of Melrose Place season 7, ranked from best to worst by thousands of votes from fans of the show. The best episodes of Melrose Place season 7!

The lives and loves of a group of young adults living in "Melrose Place" in California. Each with their own dreams and drives, the inevitable conflicts, conquests, and consummations ensue.

Last Updated: 5/23/2024Network: FOXStatus: Ended
Asses to Ashes
9 votes

#1 - Asses to Ashes

Season 7 - Episode 35 - Aired 5/24/1999

Sarah and Terry escape serious injury because of the airbags, and Kyle and Ryan pull them to safety. Terry apologizes and grants Ryan and Megan permission to raise Sarah. Amanda tells Peter that she killed Kent, but claims that it was self defense. Lexi wants to go to the police with Eve's revelations about Amanda. Eve hits her over the head and leaves her bound and gagged in the bathtub (in her underwear). She reveals that she plans to murder Amanda and Peter. Eve tries to deflect suspicion by pretending that she is over Peter and insisting that her repressed memories were just fantasies. Dr. Shulman has Peter investigated for fraud and embezzlement, as his efforts to cover for Michael left him holding the evidence. He and Amanda plan to flee the country to escape prosecution. Kyle is thrilled to learn of Jane's pregnancy, but she discovers that Michael is the father. She tells Megan that she is leaving town. Amanda overhears this from a bathroom stall and warns Kyle as she stops by t

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Saving Ryan's Privates
5 votes

#2 - Saving Ryan's Privates

Season 7 - Episode 24 - Aired 2/15/1999

Kyle flies into a drug-induced rage and burns down his and Amanda's dream house. He tells Amanda that he is sterile and disappears. Ryan finds him drinking at the basketball courts and brings him home. Kyle injures himself while Amanda is out, and Peter recommends that he check into a rehab center. Amanda fires Rikki G and the band, prompting a furious Eve to quit. Rikki G tries to rape Amanda, but Peter comes to the rescue. Audrey's sexual harassment allegations are part of a scam engineered by Michael. She is to recant her story in exchange for a share of his winnings in a countersuit against the hospital. Audrey refuses to follow through until Michael agrees to a sexual relationship. She secretly videotapes their encounters. Lexi pursues Jane and Ryan to a Mexican resort, where they are trying to land an account. Jane sprains her ankle and returns home to reunite with the ""innocent"" Michael. Lexi impulsively kisses Ryan, but apologizes for acting rashly.

Directors: Rob Estes
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Lexi Gets Stiffed
7 votes

#3 - Lexi Gets Stiffed

Season 7 - Episode 33 - Aired 5/10/1999

Amanda loses Tony's account because the commercial footage was destroyed. She decides to shut down her agency. Peter ends his marriage so that he can be with Amanda. Jane and Kyle nearly split up because of his insistence on consoling Amanda. He catches Amanda and Peter sharing a hotel room, and Eve overhears this information. Eve beds Travis, the ex-prison guard who harassed her, but he refuses to do her dirty work. She goes totally psycho and plots revenge against everyone. A jealous Michael tries to stop Lexi from sleeping with Tony. He helps her escape a potential confrontation with Mrs. Marlin. Tony comes to Lexi's apartment to close the deal, but dies in her bed. Terry lusts after Ryan, who is initially oblivious to her advances. He finally tells her that he is not interested and proposes to Megan.

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Suddenly Sperm
6 votes

#4 - Suddenly Sperm

Season 7 - Episode 18 - Aired 12/14/1998

Michael must sell the beach house to pay off his debts. The voyeuristic real estate agent closes a deal within two days, then sleeps with Michael. Jane and Michael reminisce about their first date, but she tries to move on by going out with a dork from the office. Amanda plans to turn over day-to-day control of her agency to Ryan. A lazy lab technician's error convinces Kyle that he is sterile. Ryan and Megan's first date is a disaster, but they later admit their attraction and kiss. Lexi, Amanda and Eve organize a charity Christmas function. They visit a Christmas tree lot, where a former prison guard recognizes Eve. Lexi witnesses an argument between the two and suspects that Eve is hiding something about her past.

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Dead Men Don't Shut Up
7 votes

#5 - Dead Men Don't Shut Up

Season 7 - Episode 34 - Aired 5/17/1999

Lexi fears that the police will accuse her of killing Tony and forging his signature on the contracts. Michael helps her dodge suspicion by returning the body to Tony's mansion. Michael asks Lexi to marry him. Lexi befriends Eve in the hopes of gathering dirt on Amanda. Eve experiences flashbacks about high school, and recalls that Amanda and Kent were lovers. Dr. Visconti puts her under hypnosis to trigger her memories. Lexi takes Eve to the murder site, where she realizes that Kent did not die from his fall; Amanda beat him to death and tricked her into accepting blame. Megan catches a naked Terry kissing Ryan. She wants to call off the engagement, but Terry apologizes and admits that she caught Ryan by surprise. Terry pretends to leave town, and Ryan and Megan get married. Terry kidnaps Sarah and crashes her car into a utility pole. Jane discovers that she is pregnant, but doesn't tell Kyle.

Writer: James Kahn
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I Married a Jock Murderer
6 votes

#6 - I Married a Jock Murderer

Season 7 - Episode 21 - Aired 1/18/1999

Eve and Ryan try to reunite Kyle and Amanda. Kyle tells Amanda that her unreasonable expectations have destroyed him. Ryan becomes suspicious of Megan's irregular hours. He sees her interviewing one of Lexi's potential dates and assumes that she has returned to prostitution. Michael embezzles $100,000 from the children's charity fund to invest with Perry. Perry vanishes with the money, and Michael learns that he is a con artist who feigns heart trouble to win the trust of wealthy doctors. Michael covers his tracks by volunteering to serve as the charity's treasurer. Kyle forces Eve to sing with Rikki G's band. The group's disgusting behavior prompts her to quit. A drunken Kyle tells Peter about Eve's murder conviction and long prison sentence.

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Buona Sera, Mr. Campbell (1)
35 votes

#7 - Buona Sera, Mr. Campbell (1)

Season 7 - Episode 6 - Aired 8/31/1998

Beck's men hold Amanda hostage in a desolate cabin. She escapes, but is quickly re-captured. Kyle is forced to turn to Peter for help when the kidnappers demand a million-dollar ransom. Peter volunteers to leave the money at the drop site after the kidnappers refuse to let Kyle do it himself. Peter arrives at the cabin to find that Amanda is gone. She has escaped again, with one of Beck's men in hot pursuit. Jen is distraught when Billy insists that he will visit Alison in Atlanta. A disgusted Jeff breaks up with Sam. He accepts a job as a sports radio talk show host in Tampa. Sam tells Jennifer that she sent the fax, but Jen keeps the news from Billy in order to test their relationship. Michael tells Billy the truth, and he breaks up with Jennifer. Lexi orders Brett to stop seeing Megan. She also angers him by purchasing an expensive sailboat. Brett begs Megan to leave the country with him, but she learns that he slept with Lexi. Brett suddenly pretends that he is in love with Lexi, t

Directors: Charlie Correll
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Lethal Wedding 4
33 votes

#8 - Lethal Wedding 4

Season 7 - Episode 16 - Aired 11/23/1998

Following the roof incident, Ryan insults Megan and gets into a fist fight with Michael. Jane burns her wedding dress on the barbecue. Amanda sues Michael for the roof damages, tries to fire Ryan and Jane, and blames Lexi for everything. Jane sues Michael for divorce, and he responds with a countersuit. Amanda hopes to force the Mancinis to talk things out by locking them in the laundry room overnight. They wind up dredging up the past (and Jane actually says Sydney's name!). Megan tells Michael to go easy on Jane after learning that she may have breast cancer. Megan quits her job, but returns (as vice president) after Lexi begs for forgiveness. Ryan again repels Megan by gyrating onstage with the musical guest. Peter learns that his father--a spiteful man who struggled as a pro golfer--has died friendless. He hopes to avoid his father's fate by proposing to Eve. Eve arranges a wedding in her hometown, then sneaks out with Amanda to visit her grandmother. Kyle follows them, and badgers

Directors: Richard Denault
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The Usual Santas
34 votes

#9 - The Usual Santas

Season 7 - Episode 19 - Aired 12/21/1998

Lexi, Amanda and Eve are caught in a bank hold-up involving men in Santa Claus suits. The guys (including Dr. Visconti) plan to play Santa at area elementary schools, but are mistaken for the bank robbers and arrested. They are detained until Lexi, Amanda and Eve clear up the misunderstanding. Amanda begins to worry about Kyle's drinking. Travis tries to blackmail Eve into sleeping with him, but Kyle pummels him and orders him to leave town. Lexi has an enlightening conversation with Travis, which leads to a fist fight with Eve. Lexi warns Peter that his current and former wives are keeping a secret from him. An eccentric judge orders Michael and Jane to spend the holidays performing community service together. Jane forgives Michael, who then has himself delivered to her apartment in a box. Lexi surprises Megan with a catered Christmas dinner, only to find that she has spent the greater part of three days in bed with Ryan. The teen pop group Hanson performs a charity concert at the clu

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The Daughterboy
34 votes

#10 - The Daughterboy

Season 7 - Episode 30 - Aired 4/19/1999

Michael and Ryan get into a scuffle, and Megan cracks Ryan over the head with a lamp. Lexi tends to Ryan's wounds and convinces him to sleep with her. Megan finally learns that Ryan has a daughter. Sarah overhears Terry threatening to keep her away from Ryan forever. Ryan decides to have Sarah come live with him. He and Lexi try to visit her, but discover that she has run away. Sarah turns up on Megan's doorstep. Amanda devotes all her time to landing the account of millionaire Tony Marlin. When Eve joins Amanda and Tony for an evening out, drunken college guys trash the club. Tony hints that he will only sign with AWA if Amanda helps him land Eve. Kyle and Jane nearly kiss and later dine together. Dr. Shulman stops interfering with hospital business after she and Dr. Visconti fall for each other.

Directors: Anson Williams
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The World According to Matt
34 votes

#11 - The World According to Matt

Season 7 - Episode 8 - Aired 9/14/1998

Matt dies in a car accident while on his way to dinner at Kyle's club. His mother gives Amanda a diary in which he recorded secrets about his friends and neighbors. Jane is amused to learn that Michael worked as a stripper during college; but their new engagement is threatened after she reveals that she slept with an old friend, Alex Bastian, the night before their wedding. Amanda learns from the diary that Kyle has a brother named Ryan. They quarreled after Kyle accused Ryan of making a pass at Taylor. Amanda convinces Kyle to bury the hatchet. Amanda removes an incriminating page from the diary. Beck returns the ransom money to Peter. Amanda tells Peter that the diary revealed that he performed heart surgery on Beck while he was unlicensed. Peter believes that the missing page relates to Amanda's feelings for him, and snoops in her apartment. Amanda mistakes him for a burglar and shoots him. Lexi decides to branch out into advertising. A distraught Megan throws herself at Michael, th

Directors: Charlie Correll
Writer: Frank South
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A Long Way to Tip-a-Rory
5 votes

#12 - A Long Way to Tip-a-Rory

Season 7 - Episode 2 - Aired 8/3/1998

Rory poisons Amanda after she refuses to give him a share of the agency. Kyle discovers the couple's secret honeymoon location. Rory tries to stab Kyle, but falls on the knife during the scuffle and dies. Amanda recovers from her illness. Lexi learns that her father set her up to take the fall in an embezzlement scheme. She will go to prison unless she can come up with five million dollars. Peter admits his love for Amanda and breaks up with Lexi. He tells Lexi about her father's secret codicil, and suggests that she marry Brett and split the ten million dollars. Brett refuses to consider her offer, and Lexi is arrested. Taylor is saved from the carbon monoxide poisoning, but not before a dream causes her to suspect that Michael is her baby's father. Peter discovers the truth and forces Michael to face his responsibility. Taylor decides that Michael and the baby are her reason for living, and Michael reluctantly allows her to move in with him. Sam and Billy file for divorce. Sam become

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Buona Sera, Mr. Campbell (2)
33 votes

#13 - Buona Sera, Mr. Campbell (2)

Season 7 - Episode 7 - Aired 9/7/1998

The kidnapper pursues Amanda through the woods in the midst of the storm. She slips over the edge of a cliff, and is about to be shot when Peter arrives. Peter furtively convinces the kidnapper to let Amanda go, and carries her to the safety of a motel. Kyle is alarmed to find them naked and sharing the same bed, although Peter explains that their clothes were soaked and Amanda was suffering from hypothermia. Kyle later overhears Amanda chatting on the phone with Peter in the middle of the night. Megan stows away on the boat and foils Brett's attempt to kill Lexi. Brett blames Megan for ruining his life by forcing him to marry Lexi. He dumps her and moves to Philadelphia to take the job for Larner. Taylor delivers a healthy baby boy and decides to move back to Boston. Jane and Michael prepare for parenthood, only to find that Taylor has left with Michael Jr. Jane forces Michael to arrange a reconciliation between Billy and a heartbroken Jennifer. The couple moves to Rome together. Sam

Directors: Charlie Correll
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They Shoot Blanks, Don't They?
33 votes

#14 - They Shoot Blanks, Don't They?

Season 7 - Episode 25 - Aired 2/22/1999

Eve is jealous of the amount of time Peter is spending with Amanda. She skips a meeting with her parole officer, and is arrested for performing at an illegal after-hours club. Ryan catches Peter and Amanda in an embrace, and learns of their supposed hotel rendezvous from Lexi. Amanda tells Peter that she is pregnant. Eve overhears this, and races to the rehab clinic to tell Kyle. Kyle breaks out of rehab and goes ballistic, destroying everything in sight and trying to kill Peter. When Amanda tries to stop him, he accidentally throws her through a second-story window. Michael receives a two-million-dollar settlement from the hospital. He insults Audrey on television, so she decides to send her illicit videos to Peter. Ryan and Lexi collaborate on an ad campaign, and hold a drinking contest to determine who will use it. They end up having sex in a closet, and miss their deadline. Dr. Visconti advises Lexi to be less aggressive in her pursuit of men.

Directors: Charlie Correll
Writer: James Kahn
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A Fist Full of Secrets
34 votes

#15 - A Fist Full of Secrets

Season 7 - Episode 22 - Aired 1/25/1999

Peter travels to Oakhurst to investigate Eve's past. He has a run-in with Kent's parents and the town sheriff, but an old friend of Eve's tells him the truth about the murder case. Eve comes looking for Peter, and he defends her from the townspeople's attacks. Ryan intercepts a drug delivery for Kyle and pushes his brother into flushing the pills. Kyle, Eve and Peter separately accuse Amanda of being a tyrant. Overcome with guilt, she takes Kyle back for some reason. Megan conceals the fact that a computer program pinpointed Ryan as Lexi's perfect mate. Ryan discovers that Megan has her own 800 number. He confronts her with allegations of prostitution, so she comes clean about Lexi's search for Mr. Right. Temporary chief-of-staff Michael promotes Amy to head nurse. A wacko nurse whom Michael had just met claims that he promised her the job in exchange for sex. Peter suspends Michael.

Writer: Kris Dobkin
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35 votes

#16 - Unpleasantville

Season 7 - Episode 27 - Aired 3/8/1999

Kyle and Amanda are anxious to speed up the construction on their house, but learn that it will cost them. Amanda cannot afford to bring the apartment building up to code, so she decides to sell it. Kyle joins the construction crew for the house and offers to help Jane fix up the beach house. He helps her chase away a persistent but dorky neighbor. Dr. Shulman and the hospital's new corporate ownership try to stop Michael and Peter from treating uninsured patients. Jackie is assaulted by her boss. Dr. Shulman overhears Eve discussing her prison background with Jackie. She vows to use Eve's past to destroy Peter's reputation. Jackie holds Dr. Shulman at gunpoint, but Peter stops her from killing her. Jackie steals Dr. Shulman's car, then turns herself in, as she cannot handle life on the outside. Michael begins pursuing Megan. Lexi tries to goad Megan into popping the question to Ryan, but he beats her to the punch. He suddenly leaves town. Ryan goes to a boarding house in Poughkeepsie

Directors: Jefferson Kibbee
Writer: Jule Selbo
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McBride's Head Revisited
35 votes

#17 - McBride's Head Revisited

Season 7 - Episode 29 - Aired 4/12/1999

Lexi buys the apartment building, using a front so that Amanda will unwittingly accept her offer. She takes over as landlord, prompting Amanda and Kyle to move in with Jane temporarily. Michael and Lexi drug Ryan, then snoop in his apartment and find information about his trip to New York. They pose as a priest and nun to gain entry to the boarding school and meet Sarah. Lexi, claiming to be Megan, convinces Sarah to give Ryan permission to remarry. Megan goes to work at AWA and steals Lexi's clients. Michael stops Lexi from attacking Megan, so she agrees to join him for drinks. Ryan comes to Megan's apartment to tell him about Sarah, only to find a naked Michael hiding in the closet. Peter and Eve agree not to spend their money, but she accepts an offer to buy half of Kyle's club. Eve bitch-slaps Dr. Shulman when she continues to make trouble at the hospital. Peter buys the hospital and implements more patient-friendly policies. He allows Dr. Shulman to purchase a seat on the board of

Directors: Chip Chalmers
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Where the Hookers Grow
32 votes

#18 - Where the Hookers Grow

Season 7 - Episode 9 - Aired 9/21/1998

Kyle is jealous of the amount of time Amanda spends with the recuperating Peter. He and Ryan quarrel after Ryan mentions Kyle's concerns to Amanda. Amanda referees the dispute and gives Ryan a job at her agency. Peter, fearing that he is about to die, confesses his involvement in the kidnapping to Dr. Visconti. Lexi seduces Dr. Visconti to pry the truth from him. Michael follows Megan to her parents' home, and is stunned to find that the family is wealthy. Megan discovers that her father suffered a crippling stroke years ago, which Mrs. Lewis claims is the result of the strain of learning that Megan was a prostitute. Michael discovers that Megan's mother is lying to force Megan to stay home out of guilt. Jane takes a job at AWA. She is asked to persuade Alex--now a famous designer--to bring his business to the agency.

Directors: Jefferson Kibbee
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32 votes

#19 - Suspicion

Season 7 - Episode 14 - Aired 11/9/1998

Kyle becomes suspicious of Eve after she angrily rejects a record deal. Eve visits the courthouse. Peter catches her in a lie about her whereabouts, but she covers her tracks by giving him a present. He asks her to move in with him. Amanda abruptly sends Jane on a business trip to Chicago, where she works closely with Alex. Alex promises to remain professional, but he and Jane end up kissing passionately. Peter tries to distract Michael by throwing a bachelor party. The evening is spoiled by the distraught stripper, who whines about her ex-boyfriend. Peter drugs Michael to stop him from going to Chicago. Megan and Ryan behave coldly to each other. Ryan ignores his brother's warning and sleeps with Lexi.

Directors: Chip Chalmers
Writer: James Kahn
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The Night the Lights Went Out at Melrose
32 votes

#20 - The Night the Lights Went Out at Melrose

Season 7 - Episode 13 - Aired 11/2/1998

Lexi decides not to fire Megan for her betrayal because she cannot stand to lose her only friend. Peter sleeps with Eve, but then refuses to return her calls. Amanda goes to Peter's office to confront him, and the two are trapped in an elevator during a citywide power outage. Peter realizes that he has been cold to Eve because he is afraid of destroying another relationship. Michael is forced to take an apartment due to structural damage at the beach house. Alex threatens to pull his account unless Amanda helps him win over Jane. Michael is mistaken for a looter and arrested. Alex sneaks into Jane's apartment and makes a pass at her. Megan and Ryan bond over a lost dog and share a rooftop kiss, but she quickly rejects him. Lexi shows up at the building during the blackout, and Ryan ogles her as she swims in the nude.

Directors: Charlie Correll
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Divorce Dominican Style
33 votes

#21 - Divorce Dominican Style

Season 7 - Episode 1 - Aired 7/27/1998

Kyle tries to manipulate Taylor into revealing the truth about her scheme involving Christine. Although Michael warns her to keep quiet, Taylor comes clean after Kyle threatens to break up with her. Kyle insults Taylor and her unborn child, then departs for the Dominican Republic. Amanda and Kyle's divorce is finalized. She marries Rory, as Kyle arrives at the ceremony seconds too late. Taylor tries to commit suicide through carbon monoxide poisoning. Jennifer tells Billy that she has known about Sam's affair with Jeff for months. Jennifer reveals her affair with Billy to Jeff and convinces him to tell Samantha. A furious Sam attacks Jennifer, but Billy comes to Jen's defense. Sam moves out of the apartment. Megan takes a job waitressing at the jazz club after the medical practice lets her go. She learns that Michael cost Brett the Philadelphia job by telling Larner about her past profession. She holds this information over Michael's head to stop him from making trouble at the practice

Directors: Chip Chalmers
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The Younger Son Also Rises
33 votes

#22 - The Younger Son Also Rises

Season 7 - Episode 23 - Aired 2/8/1999

Kyle and Ryan's overbearing father, Mack, surprises his sons with a visit. Mack enrages Ryan with his demeaning and hateful comments, then turns on Kyle after learning that he cannot have children. Unable to cope with the pressure, Ryan and Kyle flee Kyle's birthday party and get into a fight that ends in the pool. Kyle attacks his father after he belittles him and reveals his condition to Ryan. Amanda mends her relationships with Eve and Peter. Lexi jumps to conclusions when she sees Amanda and Peter at a hotel while Eve is out of town for a gig. Audrey sues Michael for sexual harassment, and the hospital refuses to support him. Jane shuns Michael following a surprising meeting with Audrey. Michael and Audrey have a secret rendezvous. Lexi sabotages a Valentine's Day date with one of her love candidates. Megan resigns from the project. Lexi gains access to Megan's records and discovers that Ryan is her perfect mate.

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Floral Knowledge
33 votes

#23 - Floral Knowledge

Season 7 - Episode 32 - Aired 5/3/1999

Tony orders Amanda to distract Peter throughout the cruise so that he can put the moves on Eve. Amanda accompanies Peter on a day trip to an island and ensures that they miss the boat. Tony tells Eve that Amanda promised her to him as part of their deal. Eve causes him great pain, and later ends her friendship with Amanda. Peter and Amanda sleep together and confess that they have never gotten over each other. Lexi decides to seduce Tony to steal his account, much to Michael's dismay. Ignoring a threat from Tony's unstable wife, she destroys the film from Amanda's commercial, before coming on to Tony and asking him to keep her in mind as a second choice. Terry has a social worker take Sarah away from Ryan. Ryan defends Terry against allegations of child abuse. Terry allows Ryan to have custody of Sarah, but will stay with them for the summer. Megan notices that Terry seems a bit too affectionate toward Ryan. Kyle and Jane move very quickly in their relationship.

Directors: Charlie Correll
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As Bad as It Gets
34 votes

#24 - As Bad as It Gets

Season 7 - Episode 5 - Aired 8/24/1998

Michael has Taylor shipped away in an ambulance, but she and Jane later discover each other. Jane is furious to learn of the pregnancy, and rents an apartment at the complex. Amanda recruits her for a job at AWA. Jane reconciles with Michael, and agrees to help care for Taylor. Taylor decides that she isn't fit to be a mother and asks Jane and Michael to adopt her baby. Peter is uneasy about the plot he arranged with Mr. Beck. He is unable to call it off, and Amanda is kidnapped. Samantha convinces Jeff to send Billy a fax in which ""Alison"" expresses her love for him. Billy claims that he only wishes to help Alison, but Jennifer fears that he still holds feelings for her. Lexi continues to taunt Megan about her marriage, and goads Brett into sleeping with her.

Directors: Frank South
Writer: Frank South
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A Match Made in Hell
32 votes

#25 - A Match Made in Hell

Season 7 - Episode 3 - Aired 8/10/1998

Overcome with guilt about Lexi's plight, Megan convinces Brett to marry Lexi. She is hurt to learn that they must live together with no one else in the house, especially after Lexi suddenly begins to show a romantic interest in Brett. Michael rebuffs Taylor's attempts to turn him into a responsible father, but softens after delivering a couple's baby on the side of the highway. Peter begins his pursuit of Amanda, who has remarried Kyle. The ""newlyweds"" cannot find any time together. Billy moves in with Jennifer. A furious Samantha tries to use Jeff to make Billy jealous. She demands that Amanda fire either her or Billy, but learns that the outcome would not be in her favor.

Directors: Charlie Correll
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