The BEST episodes of The Biggest Loser Australia season 5

Every episode of The Biggest Loser Australia season 5, ranked from best to worst by thousands of votes from fans of the show. The best episodes of The Biggest Loser Australia season 5!

The series involves contestants who are overweight to varying degrees participating in a contest to lose the most percentage of weight, with teams and contestants voting out each other. Unlike the American version, weight loss is measured in tenths of kilograms instead of pounds. Personal trainers Michelle Bridges, Shannan Ponton, Steve Willis and Tiffiny Hall are responsible for training the contestants and helping them to lose weight.

Last Updated: 5/23/2024Network: Network 10Status: Ended
Episode 37
28 votes

#1 - Episode 37

Season 5 - Episode 37 - Aired 3/14/2010

Shannan’s boxing trainer joined the boys for last chance training, while Michelle inspired the girls to aim to be The Biggest Loser of 2010. Caitlin took a tumble off the treadmill but hopped back on. Phil was shocked to have gained weight at the Castaway weigh-in, while Lisa and Caitlin fell below the yellow line back at Camp Biggest Loser.

Episode 25
28 votes

#2 - Episode 25

Season 5 - Episode 25 - Aired 2/28/2010

In last chance training, Shannan helped Phoebe get back on track after she broke down, upset and unmotivated. At weigh-in, Phil broke records with an incredible 14.7kg loss. As Biggest Loser of the week, he’s the first male of the competition to weigh in less than 100kg. Caitlin and Daina fell under the yellow line, setting the scene for a sister vs sister elimination.

Episode 26
28 votes

#3 - Episode 26

Season 5 - Episode 26 - Aired 3/1/2010

At elimination, Caitlin and Daina thanked Phil, Joe, Rick and Dave for respecting their wishes and voting out Daina. Caitlin was angry at the others for voting for her, but then apologised, saying she doesn’t want to be an angry and bitter person anymore. The contestants had a training session at Bondi Beach with the Bondi Rescue boys and the lifesavers put them through their paces on the sand and in the water.

Episode 27
28 votes

#4 - Episode 27

Season 5 - Episode 27 - Aired 3/2/2010

At temptation, there were prizes, as well as immunity to be won. The contestants had to eat chocolate in order to take a spin on three prize wheels. David won weights, a holiday, immunity and also the power to decide which contestants will compete against each other in pairs this week at weigh-in, where four contestants will fall below the yellow line.

Episode 28
28 votes

#5 - Episode 28

Season 5 - Episode 28 - Aired 3/3/2010

Shannan and Michelle each encouraged Jarna and Lisa to fight for their place in the competition this week, even though they don’t want to compete against each other. Phil gave his Biggest Loser family visit to Lisa, who was shocked and elated to see her two daughters and husband arrive.

Episode 29
28 votes

#6 - Episode 29

Season 5 - Episode 29 - Aired 3/4/2010

The contestants competed against each other in pairs in 10 minute challenges involving rowing machines, weights, treadmills and spin bikes. Phil, Lisa, Shannon and Rick won their contests and as a result, Joe, Jarna, Phoebe and Caitlin have no access to the gym or to their trainers for the rest of the week.

Episode 31
28 votes

#7 - Episode 31

Season 5 - Episode 31 - Aired 3/7/2010

While Shannan did last chance training with the others, Joe, Caitlin, Phoebe and Jarna trained themselves. Rick opened up to Shannan about wanting to go home and Shannan helped him realise he should stay in The Biggest Loser as long as can. Lisa was the Biggest Loser of the week at weigh-in., while Phil, Phoebe, Caitlin and Jarna lost their head-to-head battles. The four fell below the yellow line and are now up for elimination

Episode 32
28 votes

#8 - Episode 32

Season 5 - Episode 32 - Aired 3/8/2010

Jarna was eliminated and said a sad goodbye to her partner Lisa, who cried again when she told their trainer Shannan about Jarna’s departure. Shannan was extremely proud of Lisa’s Biggest Loser achievement, though. Michelle and Shannan took the contestants to Eastern Creek raceway, where they enjoyed a supercar pit stop challenge with V8 Supercar champion, Craig Lowndes.

Episode 33
28 votes

#9 - Episode 33

Season 5 - Episode 33 - Aired 3/9/2010

After training, Michelle gave Rick ultrasound pictures of his baby. Immunity was up for grabs in a watery challenge which saw the contestants attempt to keep their balance on a platform made of poles suspended over a pool. As the poles were taken away one by one and the contestants lost their footing, Phoebe kept her cool to be the last one standing.

Episode 34
28 votes

#10 - Episode 34

Season 5 - Episode 34 - Aired 3/10/2010

Before the 21km half marathon, Hayley explained the winner would get a unique opportunity which could see them well in the competition. Dave couldn’t compete and Shannon and Lisa weren’t allowed to tackle the whole race. Phil crossed the finish line first, followed by Joe, Rick, Phoebe and Caitlin. Hayley then told Phil he had to choose another contestant to tackle the “challenge” ahead of him, without telling him what it was.

Episode 35
28 votes

#11 - Episode 35

Season 5 - Episode 35 - Aired 3/11/2010

Phil chose Joe to join him in his unknown challenge and they were both shocked when the Commando then rolled in driving an army truck. Phil and Joe left with the Commando to train with him for five weeks in an isolated NT location. They will weigh in against each other when they return for a place in the final four.

Episode 2
28 votes

#12 - Episode 2

Season 5 - Episode 2 - Aired 2/1/2010

Allan and Romi left Camp Biggest Loser in the first elimination and the contestants dug deep in a beachside challenge. The contestants shared their personal stories in front of a full theatre audience in a confronting public speaking task and at weigh-in, Rick was the Biggest Loser, losing 8.2kg.

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Episode 38
28 votes

#13 - Episode 38

Season 5 - Episode 38 - Aired 3/15/2010

It was a hung vote at elimination and Caitlin was sent home because her weight loss percentage had been lower than Lisa’s at weigh-in. Caitlin gave the double bracelet to Rick before she left. The Commando put Phil and Joe to work at Simpsons Gap carrying logs and pulling ropes, as well as the weight of the Commando himself. Shannan and Michelle took the other contestants surfing with world champion surfer Layne Beachley.

Episode 39
28 votes

#14 - Episode 39

Season 5 - Episode 39 - Aired 3/16/2010

Shannan trained Lisa and Phoebe and Lisa lifted 80kg, while Phoebe ran at 19km p/h on the treadmill. It was makeover time the next day, when the contestants were transformed at Joh Bailey’s salon. Both Lisa and Shannon cried when they saw their new appearance, and all the contestants loved their new looks. Afterwards, they donned new clothes to hit the runway for Shannan and Michelle.

Episode 40
28 votes

#15 - Episode 40

Season 5 - Episode 40 - Aired 3/17/2010

One by one the contestants showed off the results of their makeovers to Shannan and Michelle. They also saw how they looked on a giant screen and then were reunited with their loved ones. Shannon was over the moon to see his fiancée, as was Rick to see his girlfriend. Phoebe apologised to her Mum for her past behaviour, Lisa saw her husband and Dave’s wife was amazed at his transformation.

Episode 41
28 votes

#16 - Episode 41

Season 5 - Episode 41 - Aired 3/18/2010

For temptation, each contestant was left alone in a room bursting with different kinds of food, including hamburgers, hot chips, pies, lollies and a chocolate fountain. Phoebe ate three small shot glasses of chocolates and lollies in a bid to win immunity, but didn’t even come close to the 2791 Calories which Rick consumed. In NT, the Commando made Joe and Phil swim to pull a dinghy full of equipment.

Episode 43
28 votes

#17 - Episode 43

Season 5 - Episode 43 - Aired 3/21/2010

Michelle and Shannan both pushed the contestants extremely hard in last chance training, while the Commando put Phil and Joe to work with sledgehammers. At the NT weigh-in, Phil was overjoyed to have shed 7.8kg. Rick was shocked to find he had gained 500g and he was stripped of immunity because he had put on weight. Both Rick and Phoebe were below the yellow line and face elimination.

Episode 44
28 votes

#18 - Episode 44

Season 5 - Episode 44 - Aired 3/22/2010

At elimination, Rick said goodbye to the other contestants when Shannon’s vote sent him home and passed on the double bracelet to David before he left. The Commando had Phil and Joe train with indigenous Australian athlete Kyle Vander Kuyp and the kids from Red Dust Role Models. The four contestants left at Camp Biggest Loser found out they were off to New Zealand, where they met Shannan and Michelle on a North Island beach.

Episode 45
28 votes

#19 - Episode 45

Season 5 - Episode 45 - Aired 3/23/2010

In New Zealand, the contestants met Shannan and Michelle at the top of Kitekite Falls. Below them the three tiers of the waterfall made up a vertical drop of 70 metres. One by one, the contestants abseiled down the falls with Shannan or Michelle. Although nervous at first, the Biggest Losers ended up enjoying themselves, with Shannon even stopping on the way down to admire the scenery.

Episode 66 - Final Elimination
28 votes

#20 - Episode 66 - Final Elimination

Season 5 - Episode 66 - Aired 4/18/2010

It was time for Phil and Joe to weigh in against each other for a spot in the final four. Joe came out on top to join Lisa, Wayne and Shannon in the final four. It was then time for all The Biggest Loser contestants of 2010 to hit the stage for the finale and show Australia what they’ve achieved. Lisa was the winner of The Biggest Loser for 2010 – the first female Biggest Loser ever in Australia! Joe took second place and Shannon was third.

Episode 67 - Finale
28 votes

#21 - Episode 67 - Finale

Season 5 - Episode 67 - Aired 4/18/2010

Tonight, the contestants of this years Biggest Loser take to the stage dramatically lighter and almost unrecognizable. It's the finale to a game where everyone comes out a winner. But who will be declared this years Biggest Loser?

Episode 22
28 votes

#22 - Episode 22

Season 5 - Episode 22 - Aired 2/24/2010

Shannan had a boxing session with contestant Shannon and was impressed with his determined mindset. Phil gave away his Biggest Loser prize of a family visit to Joe, who was delighted to spend time with his girlfriend, Lucy. Hayley had another surprise up her sleeve, however, and Phil’s jaw dropped when his all-time favourite Canterbury Bulldogs player, Hazem El Masri, arrived to hang out with him.

Episode 23
28 votes

#23 - Episode 23

Season 5 - Episode 23 - Aired 2/25/2010

In a shocking twist, Hayley offered the contestants cash to leave the competition – forever. In the order of where they were on the leaderboard, Hayley offered the contestants amounts that increased by $5000 every time, until a visibly upset Chris accepted $15000 to leave. This means he’s gone for good and can’t return to compete in the 42km marathon.

28 votes

#24 - Episode 1

Season 5 - Episode 1 - Aired 1/31/2010

On Sunday at 6.30pm The Biggest Loser 2010 debuted as we met the contestants for the first time. They stepped on the scales for an extremely moving first weigh-in and then attempted a 4km marathon. Plus, there were some incredible results at the first competitive weigh-in.

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Episode 3
28 votes

#25 - Episode 3

Season 5 - Episode 3 - Aired 2/2/2010

Geoff returned to Camp Biggest Loser after being released from hospital and the couples faced their first temptation. Daina ate six dishes, culminating with a giant crème brulee. By consuming an incredible 4112 Calories to win immunity, this devoted sister ensured Caitlin had another week in the competition.

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