The BEST episodes written by Bridget Hurst

Charlie is Broken!
6 votes

#1 - Charlie is Broken!

Charlie and Lola - Season 2 - Episode 11

Charlie and Lola are creating a circus for their grandparents, with Charlie juggling and Lola desperately trying to do forward rolls. But when he is playing soccer in the park with Marv, Charlie breaks his arm. This leaves the siblings afraid that they may have to cancel the show.

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I Will Be Especially, Very Careful
6 votes

#2 - I Will Be Especially, Very Careful

Charlie and Lola - Season 2 - Episode 12

Lola likes Lotta's brand new white fluffy coat. She swaps the coat for a handbag that her mom handed her, promising to keep it clean and intact and return it at school the next day. Lola discovers that this is easier said than done.

It is Absolutely Completely Not Messy
40 votes

#3 - It is Absolutely Completely Not Messy

Charlie and Lola - Season 2 - Episode 1

Charlie and Lola's parents tell them to clean their room. Charlie is willing but has a very hard time getting Lola to cooperate and when she refuses, Charlie moves from the room.

I Spy with My Little Eyes
12 votes

#4 - I Spy with My Little Eyes

Charlie and Lola - Season 2 - Episode 2

Lola likes spying and observing things and then drawing them. But in doing so, she and Soren Lorenson become convinced that a pack of wolves has moved in next door.

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