The BEST episodes written by Jay Grossman

Brotherhood of the Sea/Letter to Babycakes/Daddy's Pride
12 votes

#1 - Brotherhood of the Sea/Letter to Babycakes/Daddy's Pride

The Love Boat - Season 3 - Episode 12

The crew plans a surprise birthday party for Julie. Isaac, Gopher and Doc try to keep her from getting suspicious by claiming that all of their secretive conversations are part of the "Brotherhood of the Sea," a clandestine organization that only accepts men. This infuriates Julie, who becomes determined to break down the gender barrier at any cost. She winds up ignoring a potential suitor while the guys try to distract her by putting her through an "initiation" process. A philandering man relies on his awkward but sweet assistant to keep his various girlfriends from learning about his activities. A young gymnast grows tired of the pressure placed on her by her overbearing father, who is determined to mold her into an Olympic champion. A lonely rich boy, travelling on the cruise alone, tries to encourage her to have some fun.

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Do the Carmine
2 votes

#2 - Do the Carmine

Laverne & Shirley - Season 8 - Episode 20

Carmine and Squiggy are sitting at Cowboy Bills, as Carmine complains that nobody likes his new record 'Do the Hotfoot', Squigy notices that sitting at the next table is Bobby Bitts, king of the hits. Squiggy tries to talk Bobby into playing Carmine's record on his show "American Dance Band" but Bobby's having none of it. Squiggy decides the only way to get Bobby to hear the record is for Carmine to sing it live there at Cowboy Bills. Carmine gets a few verses in and Bobby stops him, says it's "Superrific" and books him to sing on his next show. The title is changed to "Do the Carmine", and Carmine now fills his head with dreams of becoming a rich rock star, and he asks Laverne if she'll be in the audience of the show to hear him sing. Carmine sings his record and for 1 week he's a success, but some pious do-gooder hears his song and thinks it's rebellious and communist. So he confronts Bobby and demands that he not play Carmine's record.

The Captain and the Lady/One If by Land/Centerfold
175 votes

#3 - The Captain and the Lady/One If by Land/Centerfold

The Love Boat - Season 1 - Episode 1

Captain Stubing is trapped on the cruise with his ex-wife. The future wife of a politician worries over some scandalous photos. A woman is pursued by her boyfriend at all the ship's ports of call.

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