The BEST episodes written by Madelyn Martin

Lucy and Viv Put in a Shower
11 votes

#1 - Lucy and Viv Put in a Shower

The Lucy Show - Season 1 - Episode 18

Tired of her daughter Chris hogging the bathroom all the time, Lucy asks her neighbor Harry to install an extra shower for her. Not wanting to do the job, he hires a plumber to do it instead. Lucy nags the plumber so much that he quits, leaving Lucy and Vivian to finish the jobs themselves!

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Lucy's Barbershop Quartet
12 votes

#2 - Lucy's Barbershop Quartet

The Lucy Show - Season 1 - Episode 19

When one of the members of Vivian's Barbershop Quartet drops out, Lucy naturally wants to take her place. Vivian agrees, and now it's up to Lucy to learn how to sing before a big singing contest in Albany!

Lucy Waits Up for Chris
62 votes

#3 - Lucy Waits Up for Chris

The Lucy Show - Season 1 - Episode 1

When Lucy waits up for her daughter Chris to return from a date, the fourteen-year old girl is mightly embarrassed. Lucy promises never to do it again, but can't help herself. To not be discovered, Lucy accidentally locks herself out of the house and has to enter by the only means available; a trampoline.