The BEST episodes written by Stephen Black

Sea of Love
2 votes

#1 - Sea of Love

Knots Landing - Season 13 - Episode 20

Claudia handles Greg's business while he's gone. Alex brings Vanessa to Claudia's, and she catches them sleeping together. Val meets with the mystery woman Mary Robeson. She says that her son Joe worked for Greg and Laura had an affair with him, and Joe is Meg's father, but Greg paid him off. Val doesn't believe her. Paige wakes up aboard a yacht. Pierce is there, and she realizes he thinks she is Margaret, his girlfriend who died. Paige manages to leave her hospital bracelet on the dock before Pierce takes off with her. Greg hires detectives, and they find the orderly who helped Pierce. He says Pierce used his van, and police find it at the Marina, along with Paige's hospital bracelet. Mac and Greg take off in a boat. They catch up to the yacht, and Mac and Greg jump on. A fight ensues. Pierce and Greg fall into the water, and Greg goes under water.

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Dance Fever
1 votes

#2 - Dance Fever

Silk Stalkings - Season 8 - Episode 16

The investigation into the murder of a Latin dance champion points to his girlfriend and ex-partner.

Missing Links
3 votes

#3 - Missing Links

Falcon Crest - Season 8 - Episode 16

Michael, despondent at his mother's continued absence, runs away. Richard moves to block Angela's latest power play, while Frank Agretti returns to the Tuscany Valley. While Angela is prepared to help Maggie wrest custody of the children from Richard, Richard prepares to clip Angela's wings decisively in the matter of Glenbraddoch. Meanwhile, Michael's disappearance causes concern. Learning of Ben's accident, Frank Agretti returns to the valley, while Pilar and Lance agree to try to make their home at Falcon Crest.

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Enquiring Minds
3 votes

#4 - Enquiring Minds

Falcon Crest - Season 8 - Episode 18

As Pilar and Sinclair plot against Richard, Samantha and Richard continue to scheme against Angela, while Nick Agretti investigates the background of a forged document. When Lance discovers one deed too many in Angela's safe and burns the document, he is unaware that he has been observed by Pilar, who has joined forces with Sinclair to undermine Richard in his upcoming investigation by the S.E.C. Richard misunderstands Tommy's presence in Maggie's hotel suite. Samantha helps Angela to escape from one of Richard's ploys.

The Last Laugh
5 votes

#5 - The Last Laugh

Falcon Crest - Season 3 - Episode 7

Julia enters prison where she meets up with a tough matron who has a personal vendetta against the Channings, while Angela works to get her sentence commuted. After making love, Melissa offers the Agretti harvest to Richard, which he eagerly accepts in order to keep it from Angela. In Jacqueline's will, she has left fifty million dollars to be split between Chase and his brother, but, only if after one year, Chase believes Richard to be trustworthy. This reveals the motive for Richard's brotherly actions. Jacqueline also leaves Angela a hotel suite key with instructions that Philip must accompany her there. Jacqueline has the last laugh when Angela finds an unmade bed with a note from Jacqueline stating that she and Philip made love at that very spot.

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La Mirage
38 votes

#6 - La Mirage

Dynasty - Season 3 - Episode 8

Fallon gets a letter from Steven and it turns out he's on an oil rig in Java Sea, Indonesia. Adam mixes the toxic compound in the paint for Jeff's new office. Fallon hires Kirby as a nanny for little Blake, and throws a big opening party for her hotel, which she now calls ""La Mirage"". In the party Alexis sleeps with McVane and tries to stop him from helping Blake, but Blake gets the upper hand. Mark tells Krystle about their unfinished marriage. Fallon and Mark dances and falls in the pool where they start kissing. Adam comes on to Kirby and she tries to get away from him. Jeff rescues her and they end up kissing.

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The Gigolo
53 votes

#7 - The Gigolo

Matlock - Season 2 - Episode 14

Matlock agrees to defend dance instructor Scott Lazar after he is charged with the murder of his married lover. It would be a lot easier to prove Scott's innocence if there wasn't another woman in the wings also claiming to be his lover.

Bitter Harvest
30 votes

#8 - Bitter Harvest

Falcon Crest - Season 3 - Episode 16

Melissa loses control over her wicked power game when Philip intervenes and forces her to sell the Agretti harvest to him. Richard is nearly run down by a hit man as the cartel becomes even more determined to take over his racetrack. When Maggie interviews Sister Jeanette, an old acquaintance of Chase's mother, she overhears the startling news that Jacqueline had an affair with the head of the Nazi Gestapo in Paris, Johann Riebmann. When Cole returns home to find Melissa waiting for him seductively posed in his bed, he throws her out, but not before Linda enters, who witnesses the ugly scene.

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…Divided We Fall
34 votes

#9 - …Divided We Fall

Falcon Crest - Season 2 - Episode 12

Richard rejects Jacqueline's explanation of why she gave him up for adoption. Despite being cleared of charges for Carlo Agretti's murder, Cole is continually harassed by the police and the community. By making an insincere appeal to their brotherly bond, Richard asks Chase to vote against Angela's take-over bid of The New Globe's board. In turn, Chase makes Richard give up construction of his winery, in exchange for his votes. Lance and his date Brenda attend Angela's annual Founder's Day Party at which Angela later becomes furious when she catches them in bed together. Richard and Melissa not only confess their attraction to each other, but Richard also announces to the entire party that he finally has found his mother, Jacqueline. Angela then publicly denounces Jacqueline for ruining her marriage with Douglas.

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No Trespassing
31 votes

#10 - No Trespassing

Falcon Crest - Season 3 - Episode 13

Chase fights a vicious public battle against Richard Channing, who is trying to build a racetrack that could destroy the wine industry, however, the final decision rests with the valley residents who are about to vote after the men's muckraking campaigns. Angela vows that she will not allow Chase to run Falcon Crest without her and thwarts his efforts to obtain the accounting records. Vince Caproni becomes seriously ill after Lance threatens him over Joseph's paternity suit. Angela makes a fiery attack on her nephew to strip him of his Falcon Crest powers. Meanwhile, Terry moves in with Michael, despite the Giobertis' warning that she is treacherous.

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Solitary Confinement
31 votes

#11 - Solitary Confinement

Falcon Crest - Season 3 - Episode 8

Julia breaks down to beg Angela for protection against the ruthless inmates and prison matron who are out to kill her. Angela pays the matron off to make things easier on Julia. Maggie uncovers evidence that Dr. Lantry's paychecks are supplemented by a mysterious and handsome additional income. Dr. Lantry is feeling the heat from Chase and Michael's investigation into his competency and ethics as a doctor. Afraid of being implicated by Lantry, Angela threatens Dr. Hooks into dropping any inquiries. Maggie's sister, Terry Hartford, discovers that Maggie has become wealthy and heads for Falcon Crest.

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Troubled Waters
34 votes

#12 - Troubled Waters

Falcon Crest - Season 2 - Episode 3

When pressured by Richard to sell his winery holdings, Carlo spits in Richard's face, then confronts Angela about Lance's abusiveness toward Melissa and vows that Angela will never get Carlo's land through his daughter's marriage to Lance. Chase wants to distribute Falcon Crest's wine in Canada through a distributor other than Kleeger, which gets a big discount on their wine. Angela secretly owns Kleeger, and she charges Lance with keeping Chase from finding out. To counter Chase's efforts on the County Board of Supervisors to break her monopoly on the valley's water and distribute it to other growers, Angela claims her water is tainted. In turn, Chase orders another test of Falcon Crest's water supply that shows it not to be tainted. Cole gets into a fight with Carlo, who later telephones to apologize to Cole and invite him over to see Melissa. Not knowing that Carlo has leveled a pistol to his own head, Cole arrives to discover Carlo's body and becomes the prime suspect in Carlo's mu

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Separate Hearts
34 votes

#13 - Separate Hearts

Falcon Crest - Season 2 - Episode 18

Early in the morning at the Gioberti house, Chase is cleaning the garage. Vickie appears with a cup of coffee for him, and suggests that he should go see Maggie, but Chase stubbornly refuses because Maggie was the one who abandoned him. Cole arrives later and tells his father if he wants to quit the investigation, he will understand. However, Chase has no intention of quitting. Later that day, Julia meets Maggie for tea at the Tuscany Inn and tries to convince Maggie to return to Chase and not make the mistake that she did. At the jogging track, Vickie argues with Nick about his dealings with Richard Channing. Back at Falcon Crest, Chase confronts Angie about hiring Bitterman. As Chase storms out, Julia stops him to offer her help in his investigation of Carlo's murder. Because there is an injunction against Chase, he accepts Julia's offer as Angie eavesdrops from inside.

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And Baby Makes Three
3 votes

#14 - And Baby Makes Three

Falcon Crest - Season 8 - Episode 12

As Angela continues to press for information on the consortium, Pilar divulges surprising news to Lance. After Angela follows the paper trail leading from the consortium to Richard's company, she confronts Richard. Making peace, Nick and Anna reach an accord about Ben. In conclusion, Pilar drops a bombshell piece of news on Lance: he is Lisa's father.

There Goes the Bride
2 votes

#15 - There Goes the Bride

Falcon Crest - Season 8 - Episode 10

Angela's hands-on approach to Emma's forthcoming wedding may prove futile when the bride and groom call the festivities off. After Emma breaks the news to Angela that the wedding is off, her prospective bridegroom, R.D. Young, apologizes for his behavior and announces that the wedding is on schedule again. During the wedding rehearsals, Young's nervousness escalates and he convinces Emma to elope. After Pilar accepts Lance's apology about Cookie Nash, their romance resumes. Nick fails to persuade Ben to curtail his relations with the Cellini family, despite his warning that the family is dangerous. An unannounced visitor adds turmoil to Tuscany Valley.

Decline and Fall
2 votes

#16 - Decline and Fall

Falcon Crest - Season 8 - Episode 22

Having successfully frustrated Richard's plans by marrying Frank Agretti, Angela returns to Falcon Crest, where her family rallies to her side and plans are devised for Richard's total downfall. When Samantha returns to Chicago from Paris, Richard tells her to forget their association or she will have to pay consequences. Nonetheless, when Samantha arrives at Falcon Crest, she provides evidence that Richard was involved in Angela's kidnapping. Consequently, Pilar and Angela work with the S.E.C. to facilitate Richard's financial ruin.