The WORST episodes of The Partridge Family

Every episode of The Partridge Family ever, ranked from worst to best by thousands of votes from fans of the show. The worst episodes of The Partridge Family!

In 1970, the Partridge Family was among the top-selling recording acts, not to mention one of the top-rated TV shows of its time. Either way, it made David Cassidy a successful teen idol until the show's cancellation in 1974. The Partridge Family consisted of Shirley Partridge (keyboards, vocals) and her five kids: Keith (lead vocalist and guitar), Laurie (keyboards, vocals), Danny (bass guitar, vocals), Chris (drums), and Tracy (tambourine). Rounding out the cast was their manager, Reuben Kincaid.

Last Updated: 5/29/2024Network: ABC (US)Status: Ended
Double Trouble
5 votes

#1 - Double Trouble

Season 4 - Episode 6 - Aired 10/20/1973

Keith tries to land a date for the beach party with Johanna, one of the prettiest girls in school, but she turns him down for a member of the basketball team. Laurie offers to get him a date with her friends Sally, who is not exactly Keith's ideal, but he reluctantly agrees. Later, Keith finds out Johanna's date fell through and he eagerly agrees to take her out. Now he's stuck with two dates. Keith confides his problem to Reuben who advises him to take out the sexy one, not the nice one. Later, Shirley and Laurie learn Keith has made two dates for the same evening and tell him he should break his date with Johanna. He tries, but he can't do it. Keith devises a plan. He pretends he has a cold and arranges for his friend Wally to take Sally out to a play. He thinks he's free and clear to go out to the beach with Johanna when Sally sows up with hot soup to nurse his cold. After she and Laurie give Keith a hard time at the beach with Johanna. She knew about the double date all along. Laur

Directors: Herb Wallerstein
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A Penny for His Thoughts
5 votes

#2 - A Penny for His Thoughts

Season 3 - Episode 5 - Aired 10/13/1972

In the middle of the night a Hells' Angel-type named Snake zooms up on his motorcycle and rings the Partridges' doorbell. Irritated at being awakened, Shirley and the rest of the family feel obligated to listen to his friend of Laurie's tale of woe. He wants to commit suicide because after breaking all convention by proposing to his girlfriend Penny, she has the audacity to hang up on him. When Shirley realizes that Snake's proposal took place over the phone, she patiently explains to him that a marriage proposal, being the most important event in a girl's life, should not take place over a telephone. She suggests that he dress in a tie and jacket and go to propose in person. But Penny again refuses, for she feels that Snake is making fun of her by having donned such fancy clothes. Laurie goes to visit Penny and tells her that Snake will kill himself if she does not accept his proposal. Finally convinced that Snake truly loves her, Penny rushes to the Partridge house, where he has temp

Directors: Bob Claver
Writer: Dale McRaven
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Art for Mom's Sake
4 votes

#3 - Art for Mom's Sake

Season 4 - Episode 13 - Aired 1/12/1974

Shirley Partridge joins an art class and is encouraged by her teacher, Lorenzo Bernard, who says she shows a natural artistic ability. When she shows off one of her paintings to the family, the kids thing it's awful but pretend to like it not to hurt her feelings. When Lorenzo begins coming to the house to give Shirley private lessons, the kids are suspicious about his intentions. They enlist the help of Reuben in getting an expert's opinion on their mother's painting talent. The art expert agrees the painting is bad. But, by now, Lorenzo has talked Shirley into showing her paintings at the annual San Pueblo Art Festival and Shirley is beginning to think she might really have talent. At the art show, the kids devise an elaborate plan to protect Shirley's feelings and not let her see how much people dislike her paintings. Shirley catches them in the act and makes them confess their true opinions of her art work. Shirley decides she's been taking her hobby far too seriously and from now

Directors: Ross Bowman
Go Directly to Jail
12 votes

#4 - Go Directly to Jail

Season 1 - Episode 10 - Aired 11/27/1970

After performing at a penitentiary, the family must stay overnight in a jail cell.

Directors: Claudio Guzman
Writer: Dale McRaven
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Diary of a Mad Millionaire
3 votes

#5 - Diary of a Mad Millionaire

Season 3 - Episode 24 - Aired 3/23/1973

Reuben books the Partridges in what they all believe to be a mountain resort called Rose Mansion. At the family's first performance, they realize that there is only one person seated in the audience, named Sidney Rose. A multi-millionaire who has become a recluse for the sake of privacy, Sidney must bring all entertainment to his own estate. On the rare occasions that he does go out, he does so in disguise. The lonely man develops an affection for the Partridge family and tries to persuade them to stay at Rose Mansion for a few weeks, but they are unable to do this and so invite him to come to their house. Sidney says he is afraid of crowds that would attack him if he did this, thus politely refusing the invitation. A few days later, a policeman comes to the door, who turns out to be Sidney, planning to spend a few days with the family. Unfortunately, a news reporter comes in for an interview, and although Sidney is now disguised as a TV repairman, the reporter recognizes the millionai

Directors: Lou Antonio
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Nag, Nag, Nag
3 votes

#6 - Nag, Nag, Nag

Season 3 - Episode 12 - Aired 12/8/1972

Danny wins a raffle. First prize is an expensive Italian race car, but Danny isn't that lucky, he wins second prize – F. Scott Fitzgerald, a race horse! Will Fowler has trained the horse since birth and tells the Partridges that he would like to continue working with F. Scott. Shirley is finally convinced to give racing a try. F. Scott will be entered in the race at the San Pueblo County Fair where the Partridge Family will be performing anyway. The horse is working out well and a young Latin jockey is hired to ride him in the race. A few days before the race, Will calls with the bad news that F. Scott has insomnia – he hasn't slept in four days. If this continues, he will never make the race. Danny tries hypnotism, Keith tries singing the horse to sleep – nothing works. It is learned that F. Scott's groom, Homer Peck, usually sleeps in the barn and plays Glenn Miller songs on his tape recorder. About the same time that F. Scott had stopped sleeping, Homer's tape recorder had broken an

Directors: E.W. Swackhamer
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Danny Converts
4 votes

#7 - Danny Converts

Season 4 - Episode 17 - Aired 2/9/1974

Danny Partridge is so smitten with Renee, the daughter of Rabbi Stern, that he pretends to be of her faith. Somehow, however, he can never find the right moment to set the record straight. His alarm grows when Rabbi Stern and Mrs. Stern invite the entire Partridge family to dinner. The Partridge family performs """"I Heard You Singing Your Song.""""

Directors: Richard Kinon
Danny Drops Out
4 votes

#8 - Danny Drops Out

Season 4 - Episode 15 - Aired 1/26/1974

Danny announces his decision to drop out of school. He tells Shirley that he's bored at school and, since he knows how to read and write, he can now pursue his chosen profession – song writing. Shirley consults the school psychologist and learns that such feelings are common in children Danny's age. The psychologist advises Shirley to let Danny believe he's dropped out; after a while he'll realize how much he misses and needs school. Shirley reluctantly agrees; Danny can stay home and write his songs. The very first day Danny spends at home alone he is bored. He finds the song writing is not so easy and he misses his friends. He's beginning to get discouraged when he meets millionaire hotel owner Claude Tubble and discovers that Tubble never got beyond sixth grade. Now Danny's all enthused again and wants to become a millionaire. Shirley feels Danny's gone far enough and gives him an ultimatum – he must either return to school or get a job. Danny soon learns that there are no budding e

Directors: Roger Duchowny
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Two for the Show
4 votes

#9 - Two for the Show

Season 4 - Episode 14 - Aired 1/19/1974

Reuben has discovered a new singing act, 14-year-old twin brothers Andy and David, and he brings them to live with the Partridges until they cut their first record. The boys have a crush on Laurie and she doesn't want to hurt their feelings and agrees to go out with them. The family thinks Laurie's double-crush is cute and kids her about it. Andy and David become serious and tell Laurie she has to choose which one of them she wants to date. They decide to help her in the decision by not dressing alike anymore and breaking up their singing act to become more individual. Now everyone realizes how serious this has become and Keith and Danny try to help Laurie but the plans backfire. The twins are more in love than ever. Finally Shirley enters the picture and explains to the boys that they will get over their crush but they shouldn't sacrifice their friendship over this. But this time even Shirley seems to fail. Laurie gets up enough courage to confront the boys but they have changed their

Directors: Charles Rondeau
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My Son, the Feminist
9 votes

#10 - My Son, the Feminist

Season 1 - Episode 12 - Aired 12/11/1970

Shirley Partridge receives a call from the school principal, George Clauson, asking her if she and her family are identified with women's liberation. There is a poster in school saying that they will sing at a rally for POW, Power of Women. Shirley tries to find out which member of her family committed them to this appearance. She learns that it is Keith; his new girlfriend Tina Newcomb is very involved in the movement and has taken Keith's maybe for a definite yes. Shirley has to confront angry, hostile parents who are called "Morality Watchdogs." She tries to keep calm in the face of their threats, but she finally blows up and says that her family will definitely appear at the rally. Keith invites Tina to dinner so that his family can finally meet her and they are shocked with what she has to say on the subject of women's lib. Keith is annoyed and when he takes her home, he refuses to walk her to the door or even kiss her. He tells her that if she wants equality, she can have it.

Directors: Peter Baldwin
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. . . --- . . . (S.O.S.)
5 votes

#11 - . . . --- . . . (S.O.S.)

Season 4 - Episode 22 - Aired 3/23/1974

Shirley's memories of a high school romance are stirred when Navy Captain Charles Corwin arrives in town. She sees the Captain's picture in the paper and recognizes him as "Cuddles," an old flame. Laurie invites the Captain to dinner. He and Shirley are happy to see each other again, and the kids are favorably impressed - except for Danny. He is upset by the Captain's romantic reminiscences. When Shirley and Captain Corwin go out the next evening, Danny and Keith are in hot pursuit in the family bus.

Directors: Bob Claver
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Road Song
11 votes

#12 - Road Song

Season 1 - Episode 22 - Aired 2/26/1971

The Partridge family and Reuben are eating in a seedy restaurant in New Mexico when a young girl, Maggie Newton, comes up to them and asks for a ride to Albuquerque. She tells them she is going to see her father who is an archaeologist. After they leave, a patrolman enters the restaurant and asks the waitress if she has seen a young girl. The picture he shows her is of Maggie. When the bus arrives at a hotel, Maggie says goodbye and goes on. The patrolman comes to the motel and tells Shirley he is looking for Maggie and when Shirley and Reuben find Maggie the next day, they ask her why the police are after her. She doesn't tell them the truth but they learn from a sheriff in Kumquist, New Mexico, that Maggie is a runaway she lives with her grandparents in Nebraska but runs away every other week to her father in Albuquerque. Shirley tells the sheriff that she will be responsible for getting Maggie together with her grandparents.

Directors: Alan Rafkin
Writer: Dale McRaven
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Don't Bring Your Guns to Town, Santa
7 votes

#13 - Don't Bring Your Guns to Town, Santa

Season 2 - Episode 13 - Aired 12/17/1971

As the Partridge family is driving home from Las Vegas on Christmas Eve, the bus breaks down. To their dismay, they discover they are in a ghost town in the middle of the desert. Charlie, an old prospector, comes up to them leading his burro. He tells them that there is a garage 12 miles away, but it is closed. Keith and Reuben stay to try to fix the bus and the rest of the family go to Charlie's cabin. When Chris and Tracy complain that they will miss Christmas, Charlie tells them a story about the ghost town 100 years ago. In the fantasy, the two is now clean and new and there are many people. Charlie explains that the town had a beautiful, shiny silver bell which people came for miles to see and which brought Santa Claus to the town each year. Keith becomes the singing Sheriff Swell, Laurie is the school marm and Shirley is saloon mistress Belle. Everything is fine and happy one year until the day before Christmas when Mean Sidney (Reuben) comes to town and steals the bell so that S

Directors: Richard Kinon
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The Undergraduate
11 votes

#14 - The Undergraduate

Season 2 - Episode 4 - Aired 10/8/1971

Shirley is accepted to a class in Psychology 1A in college and she learns that Paul Bruner, a freshman in her class, has a crush on her. On the first day of school, Paul comes by the Partridge Family house to ask Shirley for a ride to a lecture given the following night in connection with their class. Paul anticipates an amorous episode to take place enroute and, quite unexpectedly, the car does run out of gas on the way home. The Family teases Shirley mercilessly for using such an old trick and Paul's parents pay a serious visit to look into the supposed romance between their son and Shirley. Their visit alerts Shirley to the fact of Paul's attachment to her. With the help of Mr. and Mrs. Bruner, Shirley decides to end the romance with a special dinner for Paul. That night, Paul rings the doorbell to find Keith Partridge greeting him.. much to his astonishment. He is then introduced to all the other members of the family and finally realizes that he is in the midst of the famous Partr

Directors: Ralph Senensky
Writer: Susan Silver
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Tale of Two Hamsters
5 votes

#15 - Tale of Two Hamsters

Season 2 - Episode 9 - Aired 11/12/1971

Danny, Chris & Tracy start a hamster raising business. It turns out that hamsters really multiply. When they were going on the road, they can't find no one to take care of all the hamsters. So they take them with them. The hotel doesn't allow those pets, so they have to drive around the block to keep them warm. Shirley tells Danny that he has to dispose the hamsters, so he has an idea. Danny makes a deal with a department store manager to give out free hamsters with a purchase of The Partridge Family's newest album.

Directors: Roger Duchowny
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Mom Drops Out
7 votes

#16 - Mom Drops Out

Season 1 - Episode 15 - Aired 1/8/1971

Logan Mayes, a middle-aged concert promoter who tries to dress and act just a little too "cool," arranges a European tour for the Partridge Family but the contract doesn't include Shirley. Logan thinks she won't appeal to a young European audience and doesn't want her in the group. Shirley knows the kids will never accept Logan's contract but she doesn't want them to miss out on a trip to Europe. So, she announces her retirement, telling the kids that she's tired of show business and wants to go back to being the kids that she's tired of show business and wants to go back to being just a mother. The next day, Keith and Laurie go to Logan's hotel room and learn the real reason behind Shirley's sudden resignation. Furious, they try to get their mother back in the group by deliberately messing up a nightclub performance in front of Logan. When that fails, they all decide to quit until Shirley tells them she'll join the group after the tour.

Directors: Harry Falk
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Not With My Sister, You Don't
8 votes

#17 - Not With My Sister, You Don't

Season 1 - Episode 23 - Aired 3/5/1971

Tall, handsome Lester Braduck transfers to Keith and Laurie's high school and within two weeks he has taken out half the girls. Keith and the other boys are having fits. Meanwhile, Laurie comes home very excited one day and announces that Lester has asked her out. Keith tells Shirley about Lester's Don Juan reputation at school, but Shirley replies that the rumors could be false. Besides, she has enough trust in her daughter... but Shirley talks to Laurie anyway. Laurie assures her that Lester is very shy and the girls are annoying him. Keith goes up to Lester at school and introduces himself. He asks if Lester would like to double with him and a girl when he takes Laurie out. Lester says yes, but when he hears who the girls are that Keith would invite, he refuses since he has already taken them out. Laurie goes on the date and Keith and Danny follow in the bus.

Directors: Mel Swope
Writer: Dale McRaven
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A Partridge by Any Other Name
9 votes

#18 - A Partridge by Any Other Name

Season 1 - Episode 24 - Aired 3/12/1971

Preparing for a Canadian tour the Family must have their birth certificates. The attic produces certificates for all except Danny; his is not to be found. When introduced to the Family, booking agent Marty Burns jokingly refuses to believe Danny is a Partridge, "not with that hair and those ears," and Danny is convinced he is an adopted child. Shirley tries hard to talk him out of his belief, but Reuben and the others, in trying to kid Danny about his origin, only confirm his opinion he is not a Partridge. At the hospital where all the others were born Danny finds there is no record of his birth. Heartbroken, he refuses to believe Shirley's story that he was born unexpectedly while the family was on a picnic and thus missed the "regular" hospital. On a return visit to the hospital Danny learns the name of the one male child born there on his birthday is a son to Mr. & Mrs. Young.

Directors: Harry Falk
Writer: Ron Friedman
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Fellini, Bergman, and Partridge
5 votes

#19 - Fellini, Bergman, and Partridge

Season 2 - Episode 16 - Aired 1/14/1972

A heated discussion follows when Keith and Laurie see an underground movie. The result is Laurie's challenge to Keith that he couldn't do any better. Keith rises to the occasion and with Danny's financial backing and help he proceeds to film """"The History of the World,"""" starring the Partridge family and featuring Reuben Kincaid as Dolly Madison. The family gets a few good laughs out of the movie and even Reuben likes it. Danny, however, sees this limited success as a chance to recoup his investment and makes a large profit. Unfortunately, no one wants to see the film and it looks as though Keith will have to take a loss on the venture because Danny wants to be paid back in any case. Finally, a local theater owner shows some interest in the film. The Partridge will not allow the uncut version to be seen in public and Keith must edit the film. There's not much left after the cutting and the Partridge family winds up adding a live musical background to a film of the Partridge family wavi

Directors: Jerome Courtland
Writer: Martin Cohan
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All's War In Love and Fairs
4 votes

#20 - All's War In Love and Fairs

Season 2 - Episode 23 - Aired 3/10/1972

As the Partridges start their vacation, the bus breaks down in a small town. The locals want them to do a benefit show to help Native Americans build a school. The mechanic finds ways to delay fixing the bus until the day of the show.

Directors: Mel Swope
Writer: John Wilder
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Forgive Us Our Debts
2 votes

#21 - Forgive Us Our Debts

Season 3 - Episode 21 - Aired 3/2/1973

All havoc breaks loose when Shirley buys a cockoo clock for $29 at Bartlet's Department store. It seems Bartlet's has recently installed a computer to handle all their accounts. When Shirley receives her computerized bill for the clock, it reads $290 instead of $29. She goes down to the store to straighten things out with Mr. Atwater. Atwater apologizes and instructs the computer operator, Tom, to program the 1984-Z to move the decimal point and correct the bill to read $29. (Tom is quite impressed with Laurie). The decimal point is moved – the wrong way! Shirley's bill is now $2,900. The computer has sent bad-risk notices to other companies, ruining the Partridge's credit rating. It has also had a collection agency pick up the check from the family's last engagement. Shirley again goes go Barlet's; things are quite out of hand. While she's seeing the manager, Laurie leads a picket line outside the store. When they arrive home, the collection agency has repossessed all their furniture.

Directors: Bruce Bilson
Writer: Skip Webster
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The Selling of the Partridge
2 votes

#22 - The Selling of the Partridge

Season 3 - Episode 23 - Aired 3/16/1973

Laurie is chosen to be campaign manager for Phyllis Goldberg, who is a candidate for the school presidency. Unfortunately, Phyllis, an intelligent but very timid girl, will have to compete for this chose position with Keith, who is without a doubt the more popular of the two.

Directors: Lee Phillips
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Me and My Shadow
3 votes

#23 - Me and My Shadow

Season 3 - Episode 25 - Aired 3/30/1973

The Partridge Family attend a lecture by Mike Rezo, a famous mystery writer. After the lecture they meet him and the discussion leads to the fact that everyone but Rezo feels that his stories are more fantasy than true to life. Rezo believes that using human nature and logic anything is possible. In order to prove his point, Rezo offers the Partridges a deal they can't refuse. He will give them a two-hour head start and then begin looking for them; if he can't locate them within 24 hours, he will donate $25,000 to their favorite charity. The next morning the chase begins. No matter where they go, Rezo and his agent, Lazaar Hannibal, seem to turn up. The family pretends to leave their house and drive around for an hour before returning to the house – thinking that's the last place he'd look. When they get out of the car Rezo is waiting. They try getting lost in a crowd, hiding in an apartment of a friend of Reuben's, even the local """"lovers' lane,"""" always to find Rezo waiting. Shirley

Directors: Jerry London
Writer: Dale McRaven
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Maid in San Pueblo
4 votes

#24 - Maid in San Pueblo

Season 4 - Episode 12 - Aired 12/8/1973

Shirley, advertising for a maid, has an unexpected applicant, her mother, Amanda Renfrow. It seems Shirley's parents are fighting again and Amanda has decided to move out and become the family's maid. By the end of the week, the family is exhausted because they are trying to get all the work done before Grandma sees it. They decide they have to get the battling grandparents back together again so they can get some rest. Shirley invites her father to dinner but he insults her mother and the war is on again. This time the whole family gets involved as the girls re fighting with the boys on who is the most independent. The women are getting along very well but the men are starving as Grandpa is doing the cooking. Keith and Danny cook up a scheme to have the house invaded by a burglar. The boys will then rescue the women and all will be forgiven, again. They appoint Reuben as the fake burglar. Shirley learns of their scheme and has the police arrest the """"burglar."""" Shirley, now angry over

Directors: Charles Rondeau
Queen for a Minute
3 votes

#25 - Queen for a Minute

Season 4 - Episode 16 - Aired 2/2/1974

Laurie's girlfriend, Frankie, tries out for the varsity basketball team and shows a great deal of ability. When the coach turns her down because of her sex, not judging her skill, both girls are indignant. Keith and Danny kid Laurie about it and she argues that men think of women as objects capable only of being cheerleaders of homecoming queens. Laurie becomes even more upset when Reuben suggests she run for homecoming queen. Shirley later convinces Laurie to enter the contest because if she does win, people will listen to what she has to say. Keith and Danny overhear the plan and do a little scheming of their own: they convince handsome Jerry Bishop to run against Laurie. After all, if a girl can try out for basketball, a guy can run for homecoming queen. The night of the contest Laurie wins the title and Jerry is chosen first runner-up. Laurie thanks everyone who voted for her, but declines the honor. She tells the shocked audience that the contest is just another way of turning wom

Directors: Ernest Losso
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